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The US Presidency 2019

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kkwd said:
There has been a lot of buzz lately that not many people have read the Mueller report, including members of Congress. Watching the Mueller testimony today I observed one thing, Mueller never read the Mueller report.

Why would you say that?
I would be surprised if Mueller wrote (alone) the Mueller report, so I would not be surprised if it turns out he did not read every word.  And if I were facing a pack of frustrated politicians with legal powers to punish the missteps of those with whom they are frustrated, I would not rely on mere recollection - I would read every quotation and citation thrown out for myself before answering whatever question ended each speech.
Retired AF Guy said:
Why would you say that?

He looked a unfamiliar with some key points at times.  While I understand that he would not have written all 400+ pages and have intimate knowledge of every entry, he should be the SME on this report.

I don't know, he looked somewhat uneasy at times and other times he was really good.

Funny.  ;D

But I don't buy their excuse at all...too convenient given this week's testimony. 

Remius said:
He looked a unfamiliar with some key points at times.  While I understand that he would not have written all 400+ pages and have intimate knowledge of every entry, he should be the SME on this report.

I don't know, he looked somewhat uneasy at times and other times he was really good.

Didn't want to be there; 74 years old; last time he testified before a committee was six years ago; not a good combination.
I think he was going to be an infantroopen but bone spurs got in the way.
Remius said:
Nothing he has attempted has worked so far as far as I can see.  His attempts to bring peace to the middle east and the Korean Peninsula haven't worked so I guess there is every reason to think this won't work either.

No western politician is likely to solve the ME issue.

As for NK, he actually gotten more traction than the experts, it remains to be seen if the momentum will continue, Kim was an expert at playing the career diplomatic types, Trump is to unpredictable for that game.

"Infantroopen" is just what some people are hearing.

It's "infantrymen" spoken with a "short"-sounding "y" (close to a "short i").  The "men" vice "pen" at the end is particularly easy to hear.

However, go on enjoying the new word some other people made up.
Brad Sallows said:
"Infantroopen" is just what some people are hearing.

It's "infantrymen" spoken with a "short"-sounding "y" (close to a "short i").  The "men" vice "pen" at the end is particularly easy to hear.

However, go on enjoying the new word some other people made up.

Get your ears checked. I know you’re a fan of the man (and I know that I’m not), but what he said and how he enunciated it is plain as day, and readily apparent to many, many people who have heard it.

Is it a big deal? No, it’s just another amusing verbal gaffe from someone who is a reliable source of them. But yeah, we’re gonna get a chuckle at his expense out of this one.
Reasoning that his pronunciations might be consistent, I went looking for a similar word which might easily be found in a speech transcript accompanied by video: "countrymen".  Trump has a peculiar pronunciation of the "y" and "m" which gives it the "oop" sound some think they are hearing.  My hearing is fine.

It's not about being pro- or anti-Trump.  This is fake news, propagated by people who want to believe things are a certain way and too lazy to check for themselves.
Brad Sallows said:
Reasoning that his pronunciations might be consistent, I went looking for a similar word which might easily be found in a speech transcript accompanied by video: "countrymen".  Trump has a peculiar pronunciation of the "y" and "m" which gives it the "oop" sound some think they are hearing.  My hearing is fine.

It's not about being pro- or anti-Trump.  This is fake news, propagated by people who want to believe things are a certain way and too lazy to check for themselves.

In this case ‘checking for ourself’ means watching a brief clip with the speakers on. Reasonably confident most people bothering to comment have done so.
Maybe.  But there's a difference between listening to one instance of a word fragment and concluding it's part of a nonsense word, and listening to two or more instances (repeatedly), comparing, and concluding it's just accent.

And you can always ask yourself if you really want to be the kind of person who mocks someone for accent, and therefore which way you should allow the benefit of doubt to dominate your thinking.
Brihard said:
Is it a big deal? No, it’s just another amusing verbal gaffe from someone who is a reliable source of them.

Unless it's a sign of something more serious,

The DOJ is investigating the origin of the Russia collusion hoax and the Fusion GPS dossier. The dossier is known to have been paid by the Democrats and may have been a product of Russian state security ? How did operatives of British, Australian and Italian intelligence get involved spying on a US Presidential campaign ? This may make for a good spy novel once it all comes out. Frankly I doubt allied intelligence would have gotten involved without the blessing of the Obama CIA.
Brad Sallows said:
Maybe.  But there's a difference between listening to one instance of a word fragment and concluding it's part of a nonsense word, and listening to two or more instances (repeatedly), comparing, and concluding it's just accent.

And you can always ask yourself if you really want to be the kind of person who mocks someone for accent, and therefore which way you should allow the benefit of doubt to dominate your thinking.

It wasn’t a word fragment, it was a complete sentence. I’m not mocking his accent, I’m shaking my head in bemusement at his mistake, and the slight tip of his hand regarding his ignorance of the military.

As I said, it’s not in any way a big deal, but it’s amusing to see people leaping to defend it as if he’s infallible and could not possibly have erred so.

When politicians say dumb things, they will get laughed at. That’s just how she goes.
One of the ways in which people mock others is by making fun of their accents and mannerisms and is intended to be-little the victims and establish the superiority of the one who does the mocking. 
Rich Little used the same techniques in his imitations and generated a lot of laughs as a result.  His Jack Benny and Richard Nixon copies made him a very rich man but that was comedy and was never really intended to be vicious. 
This word game being played by the press and others is of the first variety.  It is bullying at its worst and demonstrates the shallowness of these so-called pundits and reporters and their resignation to any claim of being objective.  If Trump were to hiccup during a reception the headlines would read 'President drunk'.  Enough I say.
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