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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

Quag, you talking about those "waffle" things that preceeded polypro? If so, you can have mine for free, never used.  ;)
Yeah I am fairly certain they are 100% Cotton (or pretty close) so instead of melting I can get a nice charring.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
If I go over again I think I might invest in the old school thermal's some how.

Ask at clothing ... they may still have some kicking about as CiC can still be issued them.  :P
Will do.  Unfortunately my "pull" only extends within BN.  3-09 is a ways off (unless of course I get called up again).
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Yeah I am fairly certain they are 100% Cotton (or pretty close) so instead of melting I can get a nice charring.

ASU Toronto still issues them when there is no polypro to be had...so they are actually good for something? Wow.

Edit: Looks like Vern beat me to it.
Just as an FYI, cotton, while being non-melting, does still burn.  If you're that concerned about FR underwear, you might want to consider some of the stuff which is commercially available in mil-friendly colours... *cough*driFIRE @ CP Gear*cough*...
popnfresh said:
ASU Toronto still issues them when there is no polypro to be had...so they are actually good for something? Wow.

Edit: Looks like Vern beat me too it.

No worries. I have an "in" ...  ;)
Matt_Fisher said:
Just as an FYI, cotton, while being non-melting, does still burn.  If you're that concerned about FR underwear, you might want to consider some of the stuff which is commercially available in mil-friendly colours... *cough*driFIRE @ CP Gear*cough*...

Cough "pricey" cough

Yeah Matt I am aware of those items, but if I can start with the issued stuff (waffle thermals) I will do that.  I do know it will still burn but as far as I know will not melt.
DryFire rocks...

CarbonX as well.

Face it -- due to the bureaucracy the Military will not adapt to change as quickly as outside entities or SOF.  Thus IF you deem your life require kit X -- and its not issued -- you buy it - and suck it up.

Massif makes a whole line of FR stuff as well, including thermal underware, fleece and waterproof/breathable.

More and more FR kit is hitting the street, inlcuding UnderArmor and 5.11... I am picking up some FR kit for tour, starting with Hatch Nomex HK Operator gloves that should show up in the mail anyday now...
Recce By Death said:
Just a point on washing laundry, wash tubs and wash boards are in the FOBs so it's up to you to do it. KAF gets laundry services.

Not too sure if there is a laundry turn in for the FOBs. If there is it's a low priority I'm sure.

Back to the issue of boots. The old US Desert boot is now out and only the desert WW pattern (looks exactly the same as the CWW boot) is available.

Seeing as I still have 2 pairs of the old desert boot and after 2 tours, they are both still serviceable I'll be wearing those.

Mind you someone got all pissy because of the amount of differing patterns of boots the troops have been issued over the years and wants everyone to look the same, so I'll be ready to turn mine in for a set that hurt my feet (CWW pattern).


I wish they had wash tubs when I was at a FOB for months on end.    I washed my clothes in a crappy river going down a hill  ;D

TheHead said:
I wish they had wash tubs when I was at a FOB for months on end.    I washed my clothes in a crappy river going down a hill  ;D

Best 'field expedient' washing machine/wash tub I've ever used was a 25mm ammo can.  It also works great for sponge/bird baths whereby you've got 2 cans, one filled with soapy water, the other with clean rinse water.  Stand in the soapy one first, and sponge yourself off, then step over into the clean water filled one and rinse off.  You can then use them for doing laundry after you've had your bath to conserve water.
To add to Matt, there are Field Expediant methods of Dry Cleaning your clothes and Kit (including Sleeping Bag).  These methods are not safe to post, but are well known by many of whom you may call 'dinosaurs'.  Warning.  When using this method, keep all items away from flame, or sparks.  A 'No Smoking Rule' is strongly advised.  PM me if you don't know, as I am not going to recommend this method on this means.
Matt_Fisher said:
Best 'field expedient' washing machine/wash tub I've ever used was a 25mm ammo can. 

Thats a good one. I Kosovo we used a cement mixer to do Laundry for a while.
George Wallace said:
A 'No Smoking Rule' is strongly advised. 

Very, very strong advise... do not smoke for a bit while doing this process. ;D
And be sure to rinse the cleaned articles in fresh water and then air dry. This goes double for items that are worn next to your private parts.