Well goody for you, send me a pic so I can hang it on my wall next to John Wayne and Dick Marcinko.
If you are only using the TAC Vest as a place to store magazines and other crap sure it works well, then again so does a laundry bag. The problem lies during those times you actually need to get at what's stored in it right frigging now ie in the middle of a firefight. I have seen enough troops flopping on the ground like a fish out of water to get at their C9 drums,magazines and frag grenades to know that the TV doesn't work. This is critical time lost during a firefight, time when they and their section mates are left vulnerable.
The average troop will figure out in a hurry that when the metal is meeting the meat having magazines stacked in a pouch (the side C9 drum pouches) that was not designed to hold them is a poor choice ,as are C9 drum and frag pouches that are too tight and in the wrong location.
( going back to kicking over rocks and slaying dinosaurs)