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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

I know of people that have gotten in s***, by some Sr. NCO's from a cretin unit on base, for wearing non issued kit, wile on the base portion of Gagetown.

As for the Tac Vest, why not try this:
1. Issue everyone the existing one ;D
2. Issue everyone a mole vest with pouches designed for there job, or give everyone the same pouches and let them decide what to use.

Then for an RSM parade everyone can were #1 :crybaby:, and for the field they have the choice what vest to were :threat:.

Just my 2 cents
"What good would civilian organizations do as long as vonGarvin/Gordon O'Connor are the ones in charge?"

- I don't believe you are being fair to either one of them.  You could have made your point in another fashion, methinks.

Oh you know me. Thread like this are like machine gun ranges: The most important thing is to have fun.
Okay.  Just that normally, you are a bit more scientific and surgical in your targetting: 5 kilotons on the action, rather than 7 megatons on the individual.
Would you believe that I have honestly run out of original material on the subject of Tac vests?
dapaterson said:
I wasn't aware that vonGarvin had been named CDS.  However, it has been a while since I checked the CANFORGENs.
WooHoo! I'm CDS!  OK, here are my IMMEDIATE orders
1.  No more name calling behind my back.  Call me "Freddie Mercury" one more time and I'm gonna snap!
2.  The Leopard C2 Main Battle Tank will now be known as the "Interim MGS"
3.  Anything to do with MGS is forever banned.  Also, all Interim MGS will be relegated to museums and AFV ranges.
4.  We will buy three regiments' worth of Leopard 2A6s, reinstate A Sqn, 8 CH, give them a squadron for Gagetown, and also give the Armour School a squadron
5.  Like I said, no more name calling!  I'll lose it!!!!!
6.  Arty gets Arty.  Inf get mortars.
7.  DFS Regiment?  What's that?
8.  Airborne REGIMENT.  That's right, THREE battalions, all "CSOR-ish" in nature.
9.  DHTC will now offically be known as "The Hill"
10.  Parliament hill will no longer be known as "The Hill"
11.  To placate the masses, all RSMs with MTS will be summarily shot at dawn.  Well, not with real ammo, but with paintball guns.
12.  TVs will be issued to all troops (and I don't mean "Tactical vests", I mean "Televisions")
13.  That's it, who called me Freddie!!!!!!!!!!!
14.  That's it, I quit.  Gen Hillier can have his old job back :D

Garvin out

Now, back to your regularly scheduled rant
vonGarvin said:
11.  To placate the masses, all RSMs with MTS will be summarily shot at dawn.  Well, not with real ammo, but with paintball guns.

What's "MTS"?

Is it similar to "APS"?
NL_engineer said:
I know of people that have gotten in s***, by some Sr. NCO's from a cretin unit on base, for wearing non issued kit, wile on the base portion of Gagetown.
As for the Tac Vest, why not try this:
1. Issue everyone the existing one ;D
2. Issue everyone a mole vest with pouches designed for there job, or give everyone the same pouches and let them decide what to use.
Then for an RSM parade everyone can were #1 :crybaby:, and for the field they have the choice what vest to were :threat:.
Just my 2 cents
To be fair, parades should be done in DEU if you want uniformity.  
Pockets on sleeves make sense.  I mean, how can I reach my smokes with my tac vest/plate vest on? ;)
First Battalion soldiers grilled Gen. Rick Hillier, Canada's chief of defence staff, about the BAT controversy during his surprise visit with the troops in the field earlier this month.

"The boys were asking Hillier, 'Why do the support people get the good shacks and we get the BATs,' " Master Cpl. Prodonick says. "We don't want better, we want the same as everyone else."


Infantry soldiers complaining about the accomodations  ::)

Infantry soldiers complaining about the accomodations 

Spartan - any damfool can be uncomfortable.  It is one thing to be able to tolerate discomfort when there are no other options.  It takes a particular type of masochist that chooses to be uncomfortable when they don't have to be.

I think it was in Jim Davis's book, The Sharp End, that I remember an anecdote about a subaltern being laughed at when he deployed from Germany to Yugoslavia for the first Roto carrying a nice fluffy pillow.  It wasn't long before the snickerers were thinking that pillow looked pretty good.  On similar grounds I much prefer blow up mattresses, or self-inflating these days, over the foam pads.

Why would you choose to be uncomfortable when it isn't required?
Kirkhill said:
Spartan - any damfool can be uncomfortable.  It is one thing to be able to tolerate discomfort when there are no other options.  It takes a particular type
Why would you choose to be uncomfortable when it isn't required?


Troops that are well rested are far more effective than ones that are sleeping poorly or not enough. The effects of fatigue are well documented.

I would expect that the troops with the more dangerous and demanding jobs would get the better accomodations, but there may be a "bigger picture" here that we are unaware of.
"I would expect that the troops with the more dangerous and demanding jobs would get the better accomodations, but there may be a "bigger picture" here that we are unaware of."

- Precisely: The bigger picture is:  We don't.

i agree with the anti spartan comments . why is it only the pointy end has to be unconfortable . why does the pointy  end have to be left out of confort? obiously  he hasnt spent an extended stay on the ground then when you get to the rear  to rest  sleeping on the floor ...jees thanks for thinkig that your here to support us and give us what WE need not left overs after your req are filled ...
Say again all after "i agree".. I am not sure what that last statement says.  I see only two capital letters, in the same word.  Thanks.
Why is it that only the pointy end has to be uncomfortable. Why does the pointy  end have to be left out of comfort?  Obviously he hasn't spent an extended stay on the ground then when you get to the rear  to rest  sleeping on the floor.  Jeez thanks for thinking that your here to support us and give us what WE need not left overs after your req are filled.
So the infantry wants special treatment?

Take it as a compliment that you get the crappiest set up.

The officer cadets get better stuff too and they also get made fun of the most.