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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

Old Sweat said:
Tonight I had a visit a from our friendly Energy One representative who told me how I could save oodles of money by letting him look at my hydro and gas bills.

I hate those guys.  >:(

"No thanks, I'm not interested."

"What, why would you not be interested in saving money?"

"Oh, I'm interested in saving money, but see, with you guys, I get locked in for five years and you raise the prices.  That's why I'm not signing."

and I was having a good day.

You just had to mention those scammers.  Come around every year during posting season. My neighbour was suckered in by them.  The first year they came to my door I politely turned them away, telling them the rate I was paying was lower than they offered.  Of course this was when energy prices had peaked and they tried the "but prices are going to continue to increase and with us the price is locked in".  I told them I would take the chance and closed the door.

Next year was more fun.  The woman caught my wife on a real bad day, presented herself in a way that it seemed she was with ontario hydro and got her to sign an agreement.  I called right away and told them to forget it. Even though it states on the contract that you have some set period to cancel without penalty the woman I was talking to tried to say I was stuck with the deal. There was a heated discussion in which she tried to convince me I was stuck with it and I explained to her what she could do with the contract and the chance that she would get a penny out of me. In the end she hung up on me and I received a notice in the mail that as per my request the contract had been voided.

and another posting season has come........
CBC's show Marketplace did an episode on this topic called, "Power of Persuasion". One of the few benefits of living on base in PMQs is not being bothered with these sales tactics.
kratz said:
CBC's show Marketplace did an episode on this topic called, "Power of Persuasion". One of the few benefits of living on base in PMQs is not being bothered with these sales tactics.

really?  I live in q's. They are around every year, usually late Aug/early Sep as they know when posting season is and hope to take advantage of all the new people before they have time to find out the truth.
CountDC said:
really?  I live in q's. They are around every year, usually late Aug/early Sep as they know when posting season is and hope to take advantage of all the new people before they have time to find out the truth.

Are your PMQs on base or scattered throughout a town/city?  If they are on base, ask for their letter (authorizing them to canvass) from the B Comd.  If they don't have one, call the MPs.  At least, this was the SOP in Petawawa.  Other bases may have different rules.
PMedMoe said:
Are your PMQs on base or scattered throughout a town/city?  If they are on base, ask for their letter (authorizing them to canvass) from the B Comd.  If they don't have one, call the MPs.  At least, this was the SOP in Petawawa.  Other bases may have different rules.

hmmmm - have to check on that, q's are on base uplands but is wide open for any one to get onto.  Not sure what the local rules are.  MPs?? We have those? Must be at Timmies cause we don't see them on base.
Got this one today, pretty vague:

Good day,

I would like to discuss a $10.2Million US Dollars business proposal with you.

My personal email: (kristieuggeri@yahoo.com.hk). Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,
Mrs. Kristie Uggerri.

So I Googled her name and came up with this.

Sure, Kristie, I'll get back to you.  Right after I finish exercising my unicorn and feeding my dragon.  ::)
wow!! You have a Unicorn and Dragon?!? Living Together??  I was told you couldn't have both as they would fight.  Some people have all the luck. ;D

D9 mentioned yestderday that she believes the scammers are not coming around this year as they were reported last year.  They are supposed to get permission from the base commander, who happens to be the CFSU(O) CO who just happens to live in PMQs.
CountDC said:
wow!! You have a Unicorn and Dragon?!? Living Together??  I was told you couldn't have both as they would fight.  Some people have all the luck. ;D

Well, I do have a force field wall in between them, I mean, c'mon, I'm not that stupid.....    ;)
New-to-me scam received today:


Dear one,
I am Miss Rita Kone, the only daughter of my late parents Mr and Mrs Kone williams. My father was a highly reputable business magnate who operated internationaly during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in one of his business trips abroad on the 17th September 2004.

Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of mine who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when i was just 6yrs old, and since then my father took me so special.

Before the death of my father on 17th September 2004, he called me and informed me that he has the sum of Five million seven houndred thousand united states dollars.USD($5.700,000)left in a bank in Cote d'ivoire.  He further told me that he deposited the money in my name and also gave me all the necessary information and the legal documents regarding to this deposit with the bank in Cote d'ivoire.

I am just 21 years old and a university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. now I want a honest God fearing partner overseas who i can transfer this deposit with his assistance and after the transaction I will come and reside permanently in your country till such a time that it will be convenient for me to return back home if i so desire.

This is because i have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Cote d'ivoire.The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. I also want to invest the fund under your care because i am ignorant of business world.

I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestion and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:

1. Can i completely trust you?
2. What percentage of the total amount will be good for you after the deposit is transferred to your account ? Please consider these and get back to me as soon as possible.

I will be expecting your swift reply on my privet email


Thanks and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely
Rita Kone.

It seems Rita has a constantly changing story, in the link below she $10.5 million in a bank in the Ivory Coast, maybe she moved $4.8 million of it already?
- http://www.419baiter.com/_scam_emails/08-09d/scam-email-37126.html
Having made the cut for one Who's Who back in June:


It appears that I have made it for another, only this one is much more ethical:

Dear Jeff,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Heritage Who's Who Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.

The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world's most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year.

You may access our application form using the following link:


Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Heritage Who's Who Registry.

For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days.

There is no cost to be included in the registry.

If you've already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again.

This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.

On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.

Chris Jespersen

Managing Director
The Heritage Who's Who

We only support ethical email marketing. To remove yourself from future mailings, please visit here to use our automated removal system. You will be removed from our mailing database within seven (7) days. 9034
The Heritage Who's Who
2631 Merrick Road, Ste 203 - Bellmore, NY 11710 - 

Never realised that I am such an august personage although I'll struggle to avoid getting swell-headed over my fame.    It's true -  success breeds success just as greed & gullibility breeds...
You think they would have at least put a bit of effort into the scam.  ::)

Your Email-ID have lump the sum of (1,450,000 Gbp) with other prizes.Reply Back  with this info Names,country,Tel,Gender,Address,Occupation).
[quote [/i]

Well I was just getting a little low on Cash, but look what I just got today.

Boy ! talk about luck eh !.

Rec'd by Email:

TEL:+60164681075FAX:+60100009281  World Asia Freelotto Notification This is to inform you that your Email address have won a prizemoney of Five hundred and fifty two thousand United States Dollars, ($552,000.00)for this year Asia Freelotto 2009 Lottery. (CONTACT THE PAYMENT REMITTANCE DIRECTOR.)Name:Mr James YoungE-mail:deliverydeptsdn.phb@live.com.myTell:+60164681075You are also advised to provide us with the informations below: Full name:?Residential address:?Country:?Tel NO:?OCCUPATION:? Lottery CoordinatorMr James Young. Copyright © 1996-2009 Asia Feelotto Leasing Corporation.All Rights Reserved

These Guys never give up.

Yeah, but there are so many greedy fools out there......

Boy ! I just got a Final Notice, this definitely must be Legit, ::) boy I sure could use the money.

Follow up Email:

WORLD ASIA FREELOTTO CHARITY DONATIONS 2009FREELOTTO ASIA SDN. BHD.www.freelotto.comTEL:+60164681075FAX:+60100009281  World Asia Freelotto Notification This is to inform you that your Email address have won a prizemoney of Five hundred and fifty two thousand United States Dollars, ($552,000.00)for this year Asia Freelotto 2009 Lottery. (CONTACT THE PAYMENT REMITTANCE DIRECTOR.)Name:Mr James YoungE-mail:deliverydeptsdn.phb@live.com.myTell:+60164681075You are also advised to provide us with the informations below: Full name:?Residential address:? So we can deliver your winnings cheque safely.Country:?Tel NO:?OCCUPATION:? Lottery CoordinatorMr James Young. Copyright © 1996-2009 Asia Feelotto Leasing Corporation.All

So I'm going to reply as  Dr. I.M Strange and give our Verdun Asylum address, and see what demand they pose. >:D

PMedMoe said:
Pfft, they gave away $2M last year.  ::)

This is what I sent them.


Herewith information as requested:

Dr. I.M. Strange

6875 Lasalle Blvd.

Verdun Quebec



At the moment, please do not call directly, as I want this to be a surprise for my wife.
please continue to use my my Email address for further instructions.

I remain your truly,

Dr. Ian Moss Strange.


WORLD ASIA FREELOTTO CHARITY DONATIONS 2009FREELOTTO ASIA SDN. BHD.www.freelotto.comTEL:+60164681075FAX:+60100009281  World Asia Freelotto Notification This is to inform you that your Email address have won a prizemoney of Five hundred and fifty two thousand United States Dollars, ($552,000.00)for this year Asia Freelotto 2009 Lottery. (CONTACT THE PAYMENT REMITTANCE DIRECTOR.)Name:Mr James YoungE-mail:deliverydeptsdn.phb@live.com.myTell:+60164681075You are also advised to provide us with the informations below: Full name:?Residential address:? So we can deliver your winnings cheque safely.Country:?Tel NO:?OCCUPATION:? Lottery CoordinatorMr James Young. Copyright © 1996-2009 Asia Feelotto Leasing Corporation.All Rights Reserved