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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

Dear Tess DeMod,

How are you today and your entire family? I am very glad when I read your mail this morning, but I am here to let you know that you should not fear of anything this transaction I want to enter with you is 100 percent risk free. I inherited this money from my late father, yes I am original from Liberia as I wrote to you but right now I am in Cote D'Ivoire to make sure that I reclaim my inheritance from the bicici bank.

For what you said that I should hold a paper sign with your name in my hand I can do that but that is not prove, I am here to send you my identity and also my photo for you to see it and know of what I am telling you. Sorry for what you just said about nigiera take your money but I dont know the business you do with them.

Now, I want you to send me your identity as you can see mine with your full contact information so that I will sumitte it to the bank and tell them about you so that they will know that we are serious about this matter and also send you the contact of the bank for you to contact them for the transfer with the deposit slip which my father use to deposit the money in the bank.

I am waiting to read from you.

Best Regard.

Miss Nicolin Didier.



Dearest Nicolin,

I am glad you were able to reply.

You see, I am very much a person who bases trust on those that follow rules.  The reason I ask that you send me a photo with your handwritting my name proves to me that you are a real person.  I do beleive that you are genuine, but I must follow Wallace's advice, and my instinct.

Just this morning I was contacted by the former personal Physician of Idi Amin, Doctor Marcelus Bobbitto.  He has advised me that he knows the where the secret vault of Amin lies buried, and it is full of Gold!!  He tells me that there are riches beyond one can imagine!  Unfortunately, he is in race for time as the Swashbuckling Tomb Raider known as Geraldo Rivera is at this time also searching for this vault of Gold!  Idi Amin was  huge customer of mine at one time, and in the end he bilked me payment on his last order.  I hope to recover the Kilt that I sent him, and he was wearing in this photo.


Doctor Bobbitto requires some funds to get his adventure started, so he contacted  me.  He has already sent me his photo with my request.


I, however, am a bit worried about my situation.  Although the Doctor promised me richest beyond my imagination, and he followed my request.  On the other hand, you appear to be genuine, and also from my former home of Liberia.

I hope you understand my dilemma and as a gesture of good will I have made a video for you, and sent another picture.

Please convince me with the photo I request, and I will forget about the doctor and his gold.




Now I hope this puts pressure on the idiot. I found a site that generates the sign with my name, but hopefully they are too stupid to know about it..... :piper:




I forgot to give you guys the link to the video "I made" for her.....



Oops, double post!

Of course your correspondent is a gorgeous woman!!

And I bet that ID is real, too!
I haven't got much to say aside from the fact that I almost peed my pants reading this thread. My colleagues had to make sure everything was alright.

Keep the kilt stuff going... amazing!
The mobile high-tech threat: Smishing


What's the best way to disguise a phishing attempt so no one can tell where a request for personal information or a password really came from? Easy: Send it via text message.

"Smishing" is the name being given to the not-entirely-new but growing practice of sending phishing come-ons and scams via SMS message. And spammers are apparently finding it an increasingly easier proposition to text a phishing message to you rather than to email it traditionally.

Why's that? You've probably received hundreds or thousands of phishing emails and immediately saw through the ruse: Images were broken, the "from" address was wrong, words were misspelled, or links in the message were obviously directing you to phony websites. There are dozens of things that phishers have to get right for an email scam to fool anyone, and that's apparently quite difficult to do. Making things even tougher, many of those emails are now blocked by ISPs and spam filters and never make it to their intended targets.

Those problems don't really exist at the SMS level: Very few SMS messages are blocked, and since they are composed entirely of text, no images required, it's often impossible at a glance to determine if a message is real or fake.

More at link.
Looks like I have been scammed by internet thieves and I didn't even know it. Now the United Nations along with Barack Obama and Dr. Erastus Akingbola are going to make things betters with a nice cash gift. The email I received was even signed by the UN Secretary General, this must be real. I wonder what I will buy first with my windfall, maybe a case of sky hooks, some checkered paint, a thousand feet of shoreline and a brass magnet.  ;D

United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) In Affiliation With Barack Obama Campaign to Assist Scammed Individuals In The Settlement Of Disputes Through Intercontinental Bank plc .

How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family?You may not understand why this mail came to you but kindly read for your perusal and follow the giving procedures for your claim.

The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) was created in 1991 as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council.Its mandate is to process claims and pay compensation for losses and damage suffered as a direct result of Internet Fraud.

We have been having a confederation meeting for the passed 7 months which ended 2 weeks ago with the then secretary to the UNITED NATIONS. This meeting was first held on the 8th of April 2003. You can view this page for your perusal.

This email is directed to all the people that have been scammed in all parts of the world, the UNITED NATIONS in affiliation with Barack Obama Campaign have agreed to compensate them with categorical payment sum of US$ 150,000 each.
In its decision 17 of 24 March 2006, the Governing Council established basic principles for the distribution of compensation payments to successful claimants.

This decision was made two months before the resolution of the first instalment of claims before the Commission.

As stated in the Secretary-General's report of 2 May 2006,it was anticipated that the value of approved awards would far exceed the resources available in the Compensation Fund at any given time.

The Governing Council therefore devised a mechanism for the allocation of available funds to successful claimants that gave priority to the three urgent categories of claims and which, within each category, would give equal treatment to similarly situated claims. Only when each successful claimant in categories "A","B"and "C" had been paid an initial amount up to US$2,500 would payments commence for claims in other categories. Accordingly,the  first phase of payment involved an initial payment of US$2,500 to each successful individual claimant in categories "A" and "C".

However,for humanitarian reasons, all category"B"claims will be paid in full of a total US$150,000. A total of US$3,252,337,997.09 was made available to 1,498,119 successful individual claimants in categories "A", "B" and "C" under the first phase of payments.

This includes every foreign contractor that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc.

We found your name in our list and that is why you are receiving this email notification.

You are advised to contact Dr Erastus Akingbola of Intercontinental Bank plc , as he is our representative in Nigeria, contact him immediately for your approved bank draft of USD$150,000.

This funds are in a Bank Draft for security purpose, so he will send it to you and you can cash it in any bank of your choice.

Therefore, you should send him your full Name, telephone number and your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you.

Contact Dr Erastus Akingbola immediately for your Bank Draft

Person to Contact:
Dr Erastus Akingbola
Email: e.akingbola@gmail.com
Phone: +234 80246 55800

Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft.

Making the world a better place.
RegardsBan Ki-Moon.
(UN Secretary-General)
The lure being that people stupid enough to fall for a scam in the first place will be rewarded for their stupidity?

That's just too much...  :blotto:
Internet fraud was such a huge problem in 1991, after all.  I don't think the Web really took off until what?  1993ish?

There was an incident I heard about the other night where a deployed soldier's MSN (or some other chat/messenger service) was compromised, and someone posed as the individual demanding of his family and fiancee $300 be sent to him urgently.  When they asked questions "he" became belligerent and said not to ask questions or something like that.  Fiancee went down to the MFRC who got a hold of the guy and confirmed that it was not him.
Another new one, because who wouldn't trust a soldier:

Hello friend,

I hope my email meets you well. I am in need of your assistance. My name is capt James Roy. I am in the Engineering military unit here in Ba'qubah in Iraq,we have some amount of funds that we want to move out of the country.

My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust. It is oil money and legal.

Basically since we are working for the government we cannot keep these funds, but we want to transfer and move the funds to you, so that you can keep it for us in your safe account or an offshore account. But we are moving it through Diplomatic means, to send it to your house directly or a bank of your choice using Diplomatic Courier Service.

The most important thing is that can we trust you? Once the funds get to you, you take your 30% out and keep our own 70%. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place where the funds can be sent to. Our own part is sending it to you.If you are interested i will furnish you with more details.

But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times. Waiting for your urgent response .

This business is risk free.

Capt      james Roy
I wouldn't trust a soldier who doesn't capitalize the first letter of his rank or his first name and uses improper grammar and punctuation.  ::)
PMedMoe said:
I wouldn't trust a soldier who doesn't capitalize the first letter of his rank or his first name and uses improper grammar and punctuation.  ::)

You must have quite a list after reading posts on Army.ca the last few years.    ;D

Michael O'Leary said:
You must have quite a list after reading posts on Army.ca the last few years.    ;D

Yes, it sets my teeth on edge!  :threat:  ;)

I was actually referring to the horrible writing/formatting in most of those Nigerian scam letters.  Also evident on the Canada Revenue scam letter.  My favorite part of that one is on the second page:

How often do you come to Canada and when did you arrive last?

Yes                                        No


Hot off the presses!!

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxx,

This e-mail has been sent to you by Bell Canada to inform you that we were unable to process your most recent payment of bill. This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information. (eg: billing address, phone)
2. Submitting incorrect information during bill payment process.

Due to this, to ensure that your service is not interrupted, we request you to confirm and update your billing information today by clicking here.

If you have already confirmed your billing information then please disregard this message as we are processing the changes you have made.

After you confirm your billing information you can use your account as usual.
Bell canada
Billing Department

Thanks for your co-operation.

© Bell Canada, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Best part is we haven't been Bell customers for years.
Is the new tactic of the scammers to say they are not scammers but others are? The email I received warns me several times to beware. My favourite line is "You really have to stop your dealing with those contacting you okay because they will dry you up until you have nothing to eat." Another thing, I looked up the address provided and it is a trailer park. With that 8.2 mil she should be able to at least afford a double wide.  ;D


My name is Susan Walter, I live at 8763 Pelican Dr.La Grange IL 60525,United States.

I am one of those that executed a contract in Nigeria years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over $70,000USD trying to get my payment all to no avail.

Somebody directed me to travel down to Nigeria with all my contract documents
to meet Barrister Mat Oto who is the member of CONTRACT PAYMENT COMMITTEE and
LEGAL ADVISER to the COMMITTEE, and I contacted him and he explained everythi
ng to me on telephone and advised me to come down to Nigeria which I did.

He said that those contacting us through emails are fake. Then he took me to the paying bank, which is Central Bank of Nigeria, and I am the happiest woman
on this earth because I have received my contract funds of $8.2Million USD.

On the process of searching for my file,I saw your information on awaiting pay
ment list in the office of Barrister Mat Oto.Though I did not capture all your information lest your fax number.

Am sorry contacting you late as I planed doing it as soon as I arrive back USA.

I have been so busy because we are trying to set up a factory here with the mo
ney we received.

So if you care,do contact Barrister Mat Oto with the information below and just explain yourself to him as I know he is honest and humble person.

Alternatively mention my name to him he will attend to you.

Name: Barrister Mat Oto
Email: matotoesq@live.it
phone number +234-1-432490123
Address: 123,Palm Avenue Palm Grove,
Lagos Nigeria.

You really have to stop your dealing with those contacting you okay because th
ey will dry you up until you have nothing to eat.

The only money I paid was just $8,200 for Federal Inland Revenue Services (F.I.R.S).
So you have to take note of that. You can reach me on this telefax number:1-208-248-3647


Susan Walter
Just got this one.  They're not even trying to hide the whole Nigeria thing.  Forget the fact that all you have to do is check to see if the tracking number is real or not.  ::)

Good Day Beneficiary,

After several attempts to reach you, I deemed it necessary and urgent to contact you with your email address and to notify you finally about your outstanding end of year settlement/compensation which is being given out by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.

This compensation is being made to all of you who have lost your money through any online transactions this year or as a result of any internet fraudulent activities that you might have previousley being involved.

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote humanly, socially and environmentally with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.

As a result of the much fraudulent activities spreading over the internet, the Organizing Committee of the UN-HABITAT have decided to get details of most of the victims who were previously scammed by some internet fraudsters. The main purpose of this Programme is to compensate every one of you with a check sum of $500,000.00 each, to help settle all your debts and start a new business.

The Financial Commitee of the UN-HABITAT Programme have deposited your Settlement Check sum of $500,000.00 USD to that the United Parcel Service of Nigeria (UPS), for them to facilitate the delivery to you prior to your contact with them.

Your Settlement Check Parcel was deposited and registered with Reference Number UN013-0156/UPS-UN-HABITAT.

You are to contact the United Parcel Service of Nigeria (UPS), with your Reference Number, Full Name, Resident Address, and your Mobile Telephone Number, to enable them further the delivery/shipment of your settlement check to you.

Note that we have not paid the shipment fee for the delivery/shipment of your check to you. you are hereby advise to contact the United Parcel Service of Nigeria to book your settlement check shipment arrangements.

United Parcel Service Nigeria LTD
Plot 781 Emeka Anyaoku Street
Area Eleven Garki
Tel: +234-702-524-3160
Email: ups-dispatch@8u8.com 

Accept Our Greetings.

Jerkins, Robert 
UN-HABITA Information Officer

Visit us at www.UHhospitals.org.

The enclosed information is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the use of the addressee only. University Hospitals and its affiliates disclaim any responsibility for unauthorized disclosure of this information to anyone other than the addressee.

Federal and Ohio law protect patient medical information, including psychiatric_disorders, (H.I.V) test results, A.I.Ds-related conditions, alcohol, and/or drug_dependence or abuse disclosed in this email. Federal regulation (42 CFR Part 2) and Ohio Revised Code section 5122.31 and 3701.243 prohibit disclosure of this information without the specific written consent of the person to whom it pertains, or as otherwise permitted by law.
At least the e-mail scammers entrepreneurs read the papers - here's a version I just received,with the timely reference highlighted to crank up the urgency:
From:  "Lt. Col. William Russell" <lt.colwrussell14@gmail.com>

How are you doing today? Fine i guess. My name is Lt.Col. William Russell, I am an American soldier, I am serving in the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, as you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs.

We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein's family in 2003. The total amount is US$20Million in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills, this money
has been kept somewhere outside Baghdad for sometime but with the speculated troop withdrawal by President Obama, we are afraid that the money will be discovered hence we want to move this money to you for safe keeping pending the completion of our assignment here ....

You know the rest.
An obscure business proposal?  ???

From:  PATRICK KW CHAN (patrick@hsb.com.hk) 
Sent: May 22, 2009 1:06:09 PM
  FROM MR. PATRICK CHAN(patrick.chan005@yahoo.com.hk) Let me start by introducing myself. I am. Patrick K. W. Chan Executive Director & Chief financial Officer of Hang Seng Bank Ltd. I have an Obscure business proposal that will be of great benefit to you and me,i need your urgent response if interested. Kind Regards,Mr. Patrick K. W. Chan


PMedMoe said:
An obscure business proposal?  ???


Offered only to you, and 10 million other internet users.  But he only needs one sucker to make a profit.