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The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

"#2 Always shave in the direction of the hair growth"

- This always kills me - what the heck do they think we are shaving?  Our bloody legs?  The hair on our faces grows in the direction of "Out"  As in: 'the hair starts below the skin - inside the body - and grows "Out." '  Will someone please enlighten us poor baboons how we can shave from "In" to "Out" without commiting seppuku in the process?

TCBF said:
"#2 Always shave in the direction of the hair growth"

- This always kills me - what the heck do they think we are shaving?  Our bloody legs?  The hair on our faces grows in the direction of "Out"   As in: 'the hair starts below the skin - inside the body - and grows "Out." '  Will someone please enlighten us poor baboons how we can shave from "In" to "Out" without commiting seppuku in the process?


You shave in the direction of the grain, to find the grain, don't shave for a 2-3 days, run your hand up and down your face and neck, the hair should feel rougher when you are moving against the grain
I have always gone against the grain (much as I've lived my life  ;D). It gives a much closer shave, and in 38 years of doing it, I've never had a problem.
Just curious, in my BMQ joining package, it says I am not allowed to bring a disposable razor, is this a new thing? 

Is there actually time to be leg-shaving at basic?
Just out of curiosity - do you have a "male" or "female" checklist, or is it generic?  I am sure you can bring Neet or some other product to fill the bill.
Mud Recce Man said:
Depends on how good you are in your time appreciations??    ;D

How come no disposables??  I had them in Basic (ok, that WAS in '89 though...I just dated myself)

Dunno...  Just says on the sheet, 1 razor, no disposables.  I bought one of the mach 3's with some spare blades.  Not a big deal if there's no time for leg shaving, heh, I'm not too concerned about having yeti legs.  Besides, might be warmer if I was on a winter BMQ, hehe.

George Wallace--  It's a generic list, now that I looked at it more carefully, d'oh!  I think I'm quicker with a razor than I am with Neet though, and Neet doesn't do the armpits so well, hehe.  Now that's a little too much information, I'm sure.
For men, I would recommend the straight edge.
Has anyone ever heard of a man getting laser hair removal for his face?  I'm curious if the hair would be too thick, or if it could be done once and have done with 'er.  I know for myself I have no interest in ever sporting a full beard.  If I could leave the goatee and moustache, and zap the rest, I wouldn't have to bother with it but every three weeks when I trim it.
zipperhead_cop said:
Has anyone ever heard of a man getting laser hair removal for his face?  I'm curious if the hair would be too thick, or if it could be done once and have done with 'er.  I know for myself I have no interest in ever sporting a full beard.  If I could leave the goatee and moustache, and zap the rest, I wouldn't have to bother with it but every three weeks when I trim it.

You'll usually end up paying an average of 900-1400$ for just the face, and it's not guaranteed permanent.  It can take up to 5 or 6 applications.  If the hair on your face is pale, sometimes it won't work, because the laser is only really good at differentiating between light and dark.  If your hair and skin colour are similar, you can end up with discoloured patches on the face.

(I looked into this for my legs, but since my leg hair is very blond, it was not a viable option)

There's also electrolysis, which can also be permanent and doesn't have as many complications.
Warvstar said:
For men, I would recommend the straight edge.

I'm just curious, why?  I've always considering trying it but I really can't see a reason to justify an attempt.  According to the article it's basically just for the "manly" image and apparently a closer shave.

I currently use a gillette fusion and I shave with the grain to remove the bulk, then against the grain for a closer shave.
You've just answered you're question...a straight razor gives you a closer shave...it can last up to a day or two longer if you know how to shave properly with a straight edge. I'm gonna find one myself and give it a try. The trick is not to sink the blade into your face...ouch.
I used one for a couple of years and you can get just as close a shave with today's multi blade razors. If your going to try a straight razor (a straight edge is a ruler), make sure you have a styptic(look it up) pencil handy cause your gonna cut yourself.
recceguy said:
I used one for a couple of years and you can get just as close a shave with today's multi blade razors. If your going to try a straight razor (a straight edge is a ruler), make sure you have a styptic(look it up) pencil handy cause your gonna cut yourself.
And styptic pencils burn like nobody's business...but they work great ;D

Hey, one suggestion for anyone is don't buy shaving gel, think inspections people, gel bleeds through and you get hit on inspections, to help stop razor burn just don't push when you shave and go with the grain. Anyhow by the end of your last field exercise, all the dry shaving will have your your face toughened up lol. But I'm serious, don't go with shaving gel use cream, and if razor burn is bad MIR can give you medicated aftershaves which help get rid of it. or see a dermatologist before you go.

Jaime Birks
Inch said:
They're not animals, they're not going to jack you up for razor burn. If they find out you put on makeup, man it's all over.
In the words of my first troop commander, "Suck it up Buttercup"

agreed, very much agreed, use fresh razor everyday, and damn hot water, no damn makeup, that is chargeable i believe if u r a guy, or go get a chit that lets u use electric razor everyother day if it gets bad enuf, i know a couple of guys from my BMQ had that cuz they kept cutting and cutting the razor burn until it got infected. just dont become a sick bay ranger or MIR sStar
Now what about the people that have the facial hair growth of a 10 year old, like me?
tlg said:
Now what about the people that have the facial hair growth of a 10 year old, like me?

The question you will be asked is "Did you shave today?", not "Did you need to shave today?".
tlg said:
Now what about the people that have the facial hair growth of a 10 year old, like me?

If you have a baby face then you're lucky. Shaving in the morning will be one less thing you have to do while at basic. Yes the instructors will tell everyone to shave regardless but those in my platoon who didn't have to shave never or rarely did. If you have a bit of growth you can shave at night to save time in the morning.

As for me my beard chit got approved yesterday. My beard (or pearch fuzz) will be inspected in 2 weeks by the cox'n to see wheather I can continue to grow it. I thought they give you a month before they inspect it....
SoF said:
As for me my beard chit got approved yesterday. My beard (or pearch fuzz) will be inspected in 2 weeks by the cox'n to see wheather I can continue to grow it. I thought they give you a month before they inspect it....

Any ship I've been on, the coxn has inspected the guys with cease shaving chits after 2 weeks.  Their reasoning was that they would know by then whether it was a hopeless cause or not, and tell the member to call it quits and resume shaving.
tlg said:
Now what about the people that have the facial hair growth of a 10 year old, like me?

Then you should shave it anyway, because guys with pubic hair on their face look ridiculous.  If that is the only evidence you have that you have reached puberty, you have bigger issued to deal with.  :P
Just shave.  How bad can it be? 
And if you really want to look all burly and stuff, shaving will make your beard come in thicker.  Personally, I wish I could go back to not having to shave.  If I want to be clean shaven at night that's me having to shave twice that day.  I should have been waxing my yap from the beginning.