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The risks of joining the reserves at 16.

infamous_p said:
where are you thinking of going on tour?

Destination not know yet, but apparently it will be in Africa (sudan?) and its going to be a first roto.   I have to spend about a year in the regs  with the Vandoos and then they decide if i go with them or not.
sorry for my spelling. I typed that entry up late at night just thinking of my future in e armed forces. I probably forgot to press spell check. people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. B.McTeer should not judge me by my mistakes. Probably you might be a wannabe soldier entering this site so you can be like one. and you understood what i have posted. when you finish high school and transfer to the regular forces, whaht are the pros and cons by making that transition.
Pte. Albano said:
sorry for my spelling. I typed that entry up late at night just thinking of my future in e armed forces. I probably forgot to press spell check. people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. B.McTeer should not judge me by my mistakes. Probably you might be a wannabe soldier entering this site so you can be like one. and you understood what i have posted. when you finish high school and transfer to the regular forces, whaht are the pros and cons by making that transition.

You missed the target again.
B.McTeer said:
hey don't bash the kid you all were 16 at one point to :P

Grammar  ;) Punctuation  ;)
Hey, Don't bash the kid. You were all 16 at one point too

Just having a bit of harmless fun, and going to add my 2 cents worth as well.

If your school marks are currently less than a "B" average, wait until you are finished high school before joining the Reserves.
It may seem like a long wait, however your education is far more important than the Reserve training at this point in your life.
Mediocre grades and  poor spelling will effect employment opportunities, not only in the civilian world, but in the CF as well.
If you are considering a career in the Regs, or applying to RMC, the better your grades, the better your chances, Reserve training or not.
Good Luck
Pte. Albano said:
sorry for my spelling. I typed that entry up late at night just thinking of my future in e armed forces. I probably forgot to press spell check. people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. B.McTeer should not judge me by my mistakes. Probably you might be a wannabe soldier entering this site so you can be like one. and you understood what i have posted. when you finish high school and transfer to the regular forces, whaht are the pros and cons by making that transition.

When on class A res pers get a 1/4 ration on the time spent.  So 4 years in the reserve = 1 year in the regs  (yes people who work 4 days a week in the res get totally screwed over). IMO you should just chose one or the other.
Pte. Albano said:
sorry for my spelling. I typed that entry up late at night just thinking of my future in e armed forces. I probably forgot to press spell check. people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. B.McTeer should not judge me by my mistakes. Probably you might be a wannabe soldier entering this site so you can be like one. and you understood what i have posted. when you finish high school and transfer to the regular forces, whaht are the pros and cons by making that transition.

dont make any assumptions about anyone on this site. you never know who they are, what they have done, and you never know.. you may be answering to him one day

just a thought  ;)
Agreed Infamous  ;), he might well be the next JTF black ops ninja sniper  :threat: or CSIS, or could well be a very senior officer gauging the reactions of the troops.
Hey...I was wondering if any of you guys have taken the physical yet? I have to go to it on thursday and just wondering how hard the step test is and the way they work there push-ups as in speed?
this is already covered in other threads, but basically the step test is done to a tempo laid out on a CD.

the push - ups are supposed to be "as many as you can on your own time", but they might stop you at 20
What is the hardest part that you had to do in the reserves? I am a person that types fast and then suddenly press the post icon. Then when i read the post I notice the mistake, not enabling me to correct myself. I just wanted to clear that up. A personal question for those reserves at school right now, is hard for you to maintain a good grade during your time in the reserves?
no. it is not.

because as i stated before, the reserves is designed not to conflict with your schooling or civilian job.

i said that for a reason.

you parade once a week with your unit, from 7 to 10 pm on one weeknight. if you are doing basic during the weekend, it is up to you to finish your homework. you will get home on sunday afternoon, plenty of time to finish your homework if you are still in high school.

if this is important enough to you, you will manage your time accordingly.

"i am a person that types fast and then suddenly presses the post icon." - what was that? how about you just... NOT press the post icon that fast? thats a pretty lame excuse if you ask me. take the time to read your posts before you post it, as 99% of the people on this site do. and if this is too difficult for you, this is where the "MODIFY" button comes into play.
my apologies for the second consecutive post.

but with regards to the first question from Pte. Albano, "what is the hardest part you had to do in the reserves"

reserve training, or any military training for that matter is only as hard as you make it.

if you are dedicated to this, it wont matter how hard certain training is. everything is different and has its ups and downs.

its all about your mentality. for example, "i can do this".

- Dave
Well said Infamous, I simply reinforce that its work and you will have to sacrifice some weekends and a weekday's evening, but its doable and worth it if you want it to work. You're choice...
Pte. Albano said:
sorry for my spelling. I typed that entry up late at night just thinking of my future in e armed forces. I probably forgot to press spell check. people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. B.McTeer should not judge me by my mistakes. Probably you might be a wannabe soldier entering this site so you can be like one. and you understood what i have posted. when you finish high school and transfer to the regular forces, whaht are the pros and cons by making that transition.

Albano I'm not a soldier ok I'm a desktop jockey at this point still waiting for my medical, I'm just a 17 year old just waiting for my chance to prove my self worthy  to wear the uniform. And i wasn't bashing you, i was just kidding ok.
badpup said:
Grammar  ;) Punctuation  ;)
Hey, Don't bash the kid. You were all 16 at one point too

Just having a bit of harmless fun, and going to add my 2 cents worth as well.


Hey, Don't bash the kid. You were all 16 at one point , too .   ;D ;D
In my day, one had to turn 17 by years's end. I turned 16 in October of 1975, and in the following January, I joined up with the RRR (with my Dad's eager signature and my Mum's hestitation). Look where I am now, and if it was not for those ealry days back in 1976, who knows where I'd be. I would not change a thing.

A friend of mine also joined up. He turned 16 on 31 Dec, and also joined in January.

Later it was changed you had to turn 17 by 01 Jul of that year. I don't know what it is now.

As for any problems, no way, for I was into what I deemed to be an elete organistaion, a brotherhood with new freinds, common interests, and a whole new social life in something called a Mess.

I had challenges and accepted them on weekends and Tues nights, and it sure beet cleaning a deep fryer at Mcdonalds or stocking shelves in Safeway. My confidence built up, and my overall self esteem also improved. I learened about being responsible, teamwork, all the cool stuff from drill, wpns handling, and to be treated a lot older for my age.

Many times we did more by 0900 on a  Saturday morning than most other part time employees did all weekend long.

where else can you get paid to go camping and shooting, plus doing other things some of your friends only seen on the news.

As for my schoolwork, it improved, and it did not hinder it at all.

Don't be shy to sign up, and if the lifestyle changes suits you, I am sure you'll be in for a few yrs anyways.

Good luck.

Pte. Albano said:
I have been wondering about the conserquences in joining the reserves at the beginning of grade 11. Would I miss a lot of school days? I just  wnat to know from those people thhat started out in th reserves at 16 how the transition was like from being a high school student and being in the reserves. Will being in the reserves help me get into RMC?

At the risk of derailing the whole train of thought here...at 16, you are still mommies little boy. A reservist, regardless of how much fun he's having, is training to go to far off foreign lands and kill or be killed.  If he is not elligible to be killed, the money should not be spent to  train him... just my .02...

Kat Stevens said:
...at 16, you are still mommies little boy.  

CHIMO,   Kat

Mate, at 40 I was still Mummy's little boy (in her eyes), for as long as ya got a Mum, she'll always have a boy, even though he's a man, Mums always think different. Let me tell ya, I wish she was still around now.

As for this bit about not being elegible to be killed, there have been many young men in past wars we have fought who lied about their ages, and who seeked and accepted responsibilty well beyond their years and rank, and were decorated for bravery, so I don't think that comment holds water.

There are plenty of over '21s' of both the Reserve and Regular Armies who wimp out when the SHTF. We've all seen them on the news. A tender young age has nothing to do with it, as ya gotta be over 18 to be deployed anyways nowadays. Its what a person has inside that counts irregardless of age and military component.

valid, Wes, but I think you missed my point, me old mucker....
