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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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yikomaka said:

I have tried searching but can't really find a specific answer to the questions I have. I am almost done high school (in my last year) and was thinking of joining the Reserves after. I have a few questions relating to the reserves:

- Once completed and qualified can you choose where you are deployed too? Are they always needing people to serve inside of Canada?
- I am not in that great of shape, im not fat by any means im actually very skinny however I am just not in that great of shape fitness wise and wondered if the reserve training can get you into shape within the 20 days of training? (20 days is what I read)


Don't wait for training to start, fitness training should occur well beforehand.

Welcome to milnet.ca. The short answers to your questions are:

1.  Reservists don't get posted, they serve with their local unit unless they later accept full time (Class "B") employment in another location or volunteer to go on an overseas deployment.  Neither option is likely within your first few years of service.

2.  No, the training you do on your Reserve Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) will not get you in shape.

Please review these sections of the Recruiting FAQ:

Thinking about Joining

Hi i turn 16 in August and have been thinking for a long time about joining the Reserves. I'm in grade 10 right now but i'm failing English class will they still let me in? Also how many other 16 year olds are in the Reserves? Thanks
If your english class is mandatory for you to pass the grade then no, you need minimum to complete grade 10.
Stevedude19 said:
Also how many other 16 year olds are in the Reserves? Thanks

Four. :P

There are actually a fair number of 16y/o reservists. It would be difficult to give a more detailed response than that.
HighlandIslander said:
Four. :P

There are actually a fair number of 16y/o reservists. It would be difficult to give a more detailed response than that.
Ok thanks for the info, it would be weird being the only 16 year old there. lol

Another question, would i be going to the base nearest me? which would be Shilo
Stevedude19 said:
Ok thanks for the info, it would be weird being the only 16 year old there. lol

Another question, would i be going to the base nearest me? which would be Shilo

Here's some info for ya;

Here's the LFWA reserves web page... lots of info.

Here's information about How to join

Here's the part that might interest you; Basic Edibility
To be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions:

    * be a Canadian citizen;
          o Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced. However, only under exceptional circumstances will authority be granted to enrol a citizen of another country.

    * be 17 years of age (with parental/guardian consent) or older;
          o junior level Military College applicants must be 16 years of age;
          o you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age;

    * meet the minimum education requirements for your entry plan and/or occupation;
          o this can vary from Grade 10 (Sec III in Quebec) for combat arms occupations to a university degree for the Direct Entry Officer entry plan.

Generally, for education, the standard is minimum 15 high school credits or completion of grade 10...

I would also suggest, since you're still in High School, looking into Canadian Forces Primary Reserves Military Co-operative Education.  Ask your Guidance chancellor or Co-op coordinator if this is available at your school and then find the closest reserve unit.

As for number of 16 y/o's in the CF... I don't think anyone can accurately answer that here, but keep in mind, the minimum age is 16 for Reserves... and a lot of units offer a co-op program...  so I'm going to guess there are quite a few... until they turn 17.  ;)

Lots of options out there... But I think the best advice anyone here can give you is; use the search function

You cannot be in the reserves at the age of 16, but you can begin your application process. you have to be 17 (with parental consent), to actually serve. I should know, I'm 16 and have already handed in my papers, but can start my course in february at the earliest, as my 17th birthday is in January.
FutureQYR said:
You cannot be in the reserves at the age of 16, but you can begin your application process. you have to be 17 (with parental consent), to actually serve. I should know, I'm 16 and have already handed in my papers, but can start my course in february at the earliest, as my 17th birthday is in January.

Not tryng t prove anyone wrong, just trying to giveyou a little insight, I know how it fels to be confused about this stuff  ;)
FutureQYR said:
You cannot be in the reserves at the age of 16, but you can begin your application process. you have to be 17 (with parental consent), to actually serve. I should know, I'm 16 and have already handed in my papers, but can start my course in february at the earliest, as my 17th birthday is in January.

I gotta tell you... from a unit recruiter to an applicant... you can apply, enroll and parade at age 16.  Who ever told you that you can't is lying to you.

I will post this again to clarify;
To be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions:

    * be a Canadian citizen;
          o Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment when the CF has need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced. However, only under exceptional circumstances will authority be granted to enrol a citizen of another country.

    * be 17 years of age (with parental/guardian consent) or older;
          o junior level Military College applicants must be 16 years of age;
          o you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age;

    * meet the minimum education requirements for your entry plan and/or occupation;
          o this can vary from Grade 10 (Sec III in Quebec) for combat arms occupations to a university degree for the Direct Entry Officer entry plan.

Here's the source: http://www.forces.ca/v3/engraph/resources/howtojoin_en.aspx?bhcp=1

RHFC_piper said:
I gotta tell you... from a unit recruiter to an applicant... you can apply, enroll and parade at age 16.  Who ever told you that you can't is lying to you.

I will post this again to clarify;
Here's the source: http://www.forces.ca/v3/engraph/resources/howtojoin_en.aspx?bhcp=1


The package I recieved from the recruiter, along with several statements from recruiters, and a co-op representitive said that while anyone who fit the requirements at the age of 16 was elidgible to compplete the applicaton process, they were not allowed to partcipate in any actual military "activity". Ive heard this from so many people its unbelieveable. Perhaps  there is some sort of cadet program or something, but it was my understanding that that was as far as a 16 year old could go.
And this link says "you may be enrolled", not you may serve, exactly what i'm trying to explain.
FutureQYR said:
The package I recieved from the recruiter, along with several statements from recruiters, and a co-op representitive said that while anyone who fit the requirements at the age of 16 was elidgible to compplete the applicaton process, they were not allowed to partcipate in any actual military "activity". Ive heard this from so many people its unbelieveable. Perhaps  there is some sort of cadet program or something, but it was my understanding that that was as far as a 16 year old could go.

I've been the Recruiter for my Primary Reserve unit for over a year now, and I have not only processed, but enrolled well over twenty 16 y/o HS students for a co-op program which offers the BMQ and SQ course...  Many of these soldiers have since graduated their co-op and are now off to BIQ/DP1.
Sooo... I guess I've been breaking the law.

So, again; who ever told you this stuff is not going by the CF standards...

The standard states;

you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age

This is stated quite clearly in the 'How to join' section of www.forces.ca

jeez... I've argued with teachers and parents about 15 y/o applicants wanting to join the Co-op... but I've never heard this one. 

FutureQYR said:
And this link says "you may be enrolled", not you may serve, exactly what i'm trying to explain.

That, quite honestly, makes no sense....  We don't want you unless we can train you.  YOU CAN START TRAINING AS SOON AS YOU'RE ENROLLED.
RHFC_piper said:
I've been the Recruiter for my Primary Reserve unit for over a year now, and I have not only processed, but enrolled well over twenty 16 y/o HS students for a Coop program which offers the BMQ and SQ course...  Many of these soldiers have since graduated their Coop and are now off to BIQ/DP1.
Sooo... I guess I've been breaking the law.

So, again; who ever told you this stuff is not going by the CF standards...

The standard states;

you may be enrolled in the Reserves providing you are 16 years of age

This is stated quite clearly in the 'How to join' section of www.forces.ca

jeez... I've argued with teachers and parents about 15 y/o applicants wanting to join the Coop... but I've never heard this one. 

For god sake, get it through your head!, I am not saying he can't join the Canadian Forces, but rather not in the sense he is thinking. He Cannot, regardless of what you may believe, participate in a Coop program at the age of 16. Again I am currently in line to begin a Coop program in February, they only reason I am able to complete the course in the 11th grade is because I turn 17 right before the course begins. And after listening to the other 15+ odd people that I know that have completed this course, and also had to wait till they were 17 to PARTICIPATE, I think this young man would be in good order to completely disregard anything you have to say, as you seem to have a problem comprehending common conversation.
Back to the main topic, I wish whoever started the forum good luck in the application process!
RHFC_piper said:
Here's some info for ya;

Here's the LFWA reserves web page... lots of info.

Here's information about How to join

Here's the part that might interest you; Basic Edibility
Generally, for education, the standard is minimum 15 high school credits or completion of grade 10...

I would also suggest, since you're still in High School, looking into Canadian Forces Primary Reserves Military Co-operative Education.  Ask your Guidance chancellor or Co-op coordinator if this is available at your school and then find the closest reserve unit.

As for number of 16 y/o's in the CF... I don't think anyone can accurately answer that here, but keep in mind, the minimum age is 16 for Reserves... and a lot of units offer a co-op program...  so I'm going to guess there are quite a few... until they turn 17.  ;)

Lots of options out there... But I think the best advice anyone here can give you is; use the search function
ok, thanks i'll look into that
FutureQYR said:
For god sake, get it through your head!, I am not saying he can't join the Canadian Forces, but rather not in the sense he is thinking. He Cannot, regardless of what you may believe, participate in a Coop program at the age of 16. Again I am currently in line to begin a Coop program in February, they only reason I am able to complete the course in the 11th grade is because I turn 17 right before the course begins. And after listening to the other 15+ odd people that I know that have completed this course, and also had to wait till they were 17 to PARTICIPATE, I think this young man would be in good order to completely disregard anything you have to say, as you seem to have a problem comprehending common conversation.

Okay... I'm going to explain this one last time.

1) I am the unit recruiter for my regiment.  STOP TELLING ME MY JOB.


3) Looking into my recruiting files, we had eighteen students who started the program at age 16.  We have eight who have completed the Co-op program at age 16.

I'm pretty much done with this...  If there are any other CF Recruiters out there, feel free to argue with this moron... but I doubt he'll listen... he's too thick.

I'm out.
FutureQYR said:
Back to the main topic, I wish whoever started the forum good luck in the application process!
Thanks, however i'll have to wait till august when i'm 16 but i'll go down to the nearest recruiting office which is in Winnipeg and talk to them