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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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I believe gambling was forbidden at Meaford last summer, but I could just be making that up.

Drinking was definitely out, as you had to "earn" the freedom of the base, which conveniently you don‘t really get fully until nearly the end of the summer, and even then, you can visit the mess, but you have to be back in the tent lines by lights out.

Lights out was at 2200, instead of 2300. In some ways this was good, you got 7 hours sleep. In some ways this was bad, if you were still packing/cleaning/sorting kit in the tent, you had to learn to do it in the dark, or go to the laundry room, which was packed with people doing laundry till the wee hours.

Alas, smoking is a national sport in the army, and at every opportunity, the darts are being lit up and everyone puffs away to an early grave with glee.

There are times you will not be allowed to smoke, such as indoors, during a lecture, or in the field when actually doing stuff. But even in the field, there will be times when the higher ups have to sort out the next activity, and you will have some puffing time.

Since I don‘t smoke, these periods were awfully boring for me!

My BMQ was on weekends, and so it wasn‘t exactly slack. Breaks were frequent, but time was limited anyway. During the summer, there was a lot of time when the gearbox was in "neutral" but they never quite let you get bored.

Nothing like being told to wait in the mod tent for an hour while awaiting a practical test, but there is NO lying down on your cot, NO sleeping, NO slacking. Sit and read, or polish your boots, etc. That‘s it.

During the training year, from Sep-May, typically we parade each Friday, and then go away on an EX one weekend each month.

Some months there are no ex‘s, such as December, because we are stood down for Christmas.

You need to parade as often as possible, but no less than once every 30 days to remain on effective strength.

A typical training night starts at 1930 and goes until about 2230, after which you are strongly encouraged to visit and support the mess.

About once a month the training night is a "formal dismissal" in DEUs. There will usually be a lecture or two and then some marching.

Most times, however, you are in combats, and there could be lectures, weapons TOETs, prepping kit for an upcoming ex, drill, or any number of things going on.

Two weeks ago was the Davidson Challenge, our annual sports competition against the Royal Regiment of Canada, so it was a night of challenging but fun physical activity, and it didn‘t seem so much like "work" or army stuff.

Throughout the year there are also ceremonial events, such as Remembrance Day, Christmas dinner, and our Church service.

During March break and easter we are also stood down, and the brigade usually runs courses during the break. After the training year is over, you can either take the summer off, or do more courses.

That, in a nut shell, is our training year.

For me, the only reason I miss any parade nights is because I work shifts, and can‘t get the time off all the time. Students usually don‘t have much of an excuse for not showing, except during exam times.

Some people don‘t like our Friday pde nights, but to be honest, it‘s the night I usually go out anywhere anyway, and for the students it works because there is no class the next day.

There is no class in the unit either, depending on who you ask! ;)
i have classes on saturday at St. Andrews, im boarding there however we do have parade and stuff here every thursday. looking forward to join next year =D
hi i was intending on joining the reserves this summer but due to school i cannot. Therefore i have decided to submit my application Jan/ 2005. I searched for application processes with no luck. I hand in my aplication, id wait roughly 3-5 months for it to be accepted. Id then get sworn in, id do my BMQ. Is that the correct process?  Anyways, to the point, for my bmq when time comes, where would it most likely be taken place in? the reserve regiment I would be in would be the hastings and prince edward regiment, would they post me for bmq for as they see fit? or would any of you guys know the chances of where my bmq would be done? Just curious. Thanks
Reserve units generally do BMQ three times a year. Full time during the summer,  and part time (usually every other weekend) starting in September and January.

For the weekend/part time BMQ, you'll usually be at the armouries (or wherever) they're based out of, and will occasionally go to the local CFB for field exercises and using the weapons ranges.

Also, hand in your application ASAP. Because you might run into problems with the process that may delay your acceptance. Though you won't be doing BMQ right away, some units have "work up" training, where you go each week on the normal training night, and they give you pre-BMQ training, to better prepare you for the course.
Hi guys, A bit of history I'm 38, with a family, finally working at home and I'm now thinking of joining the reserves, couldn't commit the time before. The military has been my hobby forever.
I understand the physical stuff and I think I can pass through that but it sounds like you could spend every 2nd weekend for almost 2 years, if you don't go in the summer, trying to get BMQ, SQ and MOC before your unit looks twice at you. Is it worth it, I don't see too much in the forums (although i havn't searched every topic) about great experiences. I guess I just want to know that I will be joining a group of professionals and not a "club" mentality. No insult intended. I'm just the newest newbie who looks before he leaps.


P.S Does anyone know about the Ontario regiment, not much in the forums about them. 

I understand the physical stuff and I think I can pass through that but it sounds like you could spend every 2nd weekend for almost 2 years, if you don't go in the summer, trying to get BMQ, SQ and MOC

Maybe a slight exaggeration, but 2 years is pretty close. However, I'm not sure what you meant by "until my unit looks at me twice". Don't forget that those two years will hopefully be challenging and may create some of the most fond memories of your military life.

I guess I just want to know that I will be joining a group of professionals and not a "club" mentality

Both, sort of. The military is a very professional organization. This characteristic is, in my view, an absolute requirement (even in the res). However, there is, to some extent, a club/fraternal mentality, which is not a bad thing. To expand on this, I'll compare the US Army and our own. In Canada, you join not just the Army, but a Regiment. Once you are a member of that Regiment, you more or less stay there. You might move from Battalion to Battalion (in the Regs), but you still remain a Patricia, Strat, Seaforth, Toronto Scottish, whatever. In the US, you join the Army as say, an Infantryman, and you could start in the 10th Mountain Div, then go to the 22nd Mech Infantry, then the 125th Rocky Mountain Sheep Shaggers, etc......the point being (erroneous unit names aside) you belong to the Army and that's it. In Canada, you belong to the Regiment.

There is a real 'Brotherhood' (I know, not PC, but 'Sisterhood' sounds fruity) here, particularly in the Res. The mess (one for the Jr. Ranks, one for the Sgts and Warrants, and one for the Officers) is the core of this brotherhood, and you hopefully will find that the mess is where you get to know your fellow Toronto Scottish, QORs, whatever.

In short, you will hopefully be joining a professional organization with a strong Regimental family, while learning an exciting and challenging trade. Enjoy your time as a newbie/Private, it goes by very quickly.
In the Reserve, some courses can be run on the weekend, like BMQ and SQ, but you can also do them in the summer full time. With the weekend BMQ, your goto a local Reserve unit armoury and do your training there, than go home and wait untill your next training weekend. You would still be parading with your unit aswell on whichever night they parade.
Hi I'm 15 right now and was thinking of joining the reserves at 16. (I turn 16 in may). But I was wondering is would being in the reserves be really stressful and conflict with school? I know all I want to do is join the army I have been researching it since I was 13 years old and just waiting to turn 16. I know my parents will approve because my dad was in the army for 24 years and encourages me to join. I was also wondering what I am to expect would the other guys welcome me or just say " hey look another FNG let's go give him a hard time".

Thanks :cdn: 
It wouldn't be a problem for you. A lot of my friends joined the army when they were 16, and they had no problem at all. I'm not saying that it wont be stressful and hard.. It is the army.. But you're not gonna be alone. As long as you stay active, u'll be fine. Reserves do not conflict with school.
Hi, I joined the reserves right when I turned 16 and I didn't encounter any problems or conflicts in relation to school. I was able to get all my school work done easily since you generally meet only one night a week and if you are doing basic training on weekends you still have a little spare time sunday evening. I was the youngest on my BMQ course and wasn't given a hard time. There was some good natured teasing but that was all. It was great. Joining was probably the best decision I ever made. I hope that helps.
Joining when your young is the best thing to do.  You can go for training during you summmers and get your BMQ / SQ or SQ / DP1 or whatever.

Yes, I was in the same position. As with it interfering with school, naw not unless you make it. Its almost as if the reserves are designed for students as I've noticed. If you are not a big procrastinator like me you will have no problems, training nights are only 3 hours weekly so you can do any homework or whatever before/after work (on the bus/subway on the way to the unit is always a popular time for me). The only thing is that the weekend exercises always seem to come around say, exam week  :-\. Don't worry theres always a lot of young'ns on course so you won't be alone. Who knows, you may get to be the CO at your Christmas Dinner.
I don't mind a little teasing. I'd probably be to pumped that i'm finally there to notice it. Another question my plan was to be in the reserves while in school and when that's done switch to reg. From what I've heard on this site the reg guys don't take to kindly to reservist switch over. Just wondering how I would over come this. Do I have to prove myself in some way or do some sort of initiation? That is what worries me most. Anything would be helpful

Thanks  :salute:
That's great. As long as you keep your sense of humour and realize it's all for fun you'll do fine. I am also planning to switch to reg force. I am in the process of my component transfer right now. I was a bit worried about it as well but I was told since I've only been in the reserves a short time that I would go into the reg force just like a civilian and start from the bottom and I won't have to worry about getting picked on for not having had the same training. If you have experience and then do basic the second time you will have an advantage over most other people since you know what to expect But I still plan on not making my reserve experience well known. I already do get picked on a little by my brothers who are reg force but it isn't anything bad, only jokes. I'm hoping it will be the same when I transfer.
Yeah I plan on keeping my reserve days a bit quiet but if someone asks I'll tell em that I was in the reserves. If it wasn't for school I'd join reg straight away cause I know that's all I want to do. Tucker you have to do Basic again? That kind of sucks oh well. 
I was told by several recruiters that unless i reached the rank or cpl I would have to do basic training again. I am actually really looking forward to doing it again. Hopin got do it in the summer though, right after high school
Yeah I can't wait till my B-day so I can join up. I don't mind doing basic twice as long as I make it to reg I'm happy. What regiment do you want to go to? After high school I was hoping I'd get into PPCLI 3 battalion but I'll take anything. ;D
On my BMQ, we are all the same.  I'm sixteen and there's a guy that's 28 but we treat each other as equals.  I have recieved next to no teasing for being 16.
That's great to know at least I will be able to not have to worry about that anymore.

thanks for all the help :cdn: