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The Red Fridays Foundation of Canada & Repatriation Memorial Rally (May 08): Objections & Praise

Seriously though I wasnt referring to you at all. (You know my coot.... I would have said it if I was! ;D )

Either way I'm done playing the other side.I hope everything get's cleared up and legal matters sorted.Even if he's an evil dutchman (the one thing I hate is intolerence...and the dutch) I'm sure the legal system will take care of it.Not poor little me in petawawa,besides I got kayaking to do and tour to think about.Not Defending Mr Muntz.He should do that on his own.
What I don't get is how it seemed such a big deal to raise $1000 for the CFPSA and another $6000 some odd at other events.

In 3 years fundraising for the Arthritis Society, I raised over $13,500 by myself.  In a weekend I could easily pull in $1,000.  I have a friend who raises funds for the MS Society.  In the same time frame she's raised over $20,000 for the MS walk.

If there is so much dedication to raising funds for various charities, they may want to rethink their methods.  Cool hats and t-shirts are not necessarily the best way to get donations.
Strike said:
If there is so much dedication to raising funds for various charities, they may want to rethink their methods.  Cool hats and t-shirts are not necessarily the best way to get donations.

No, but making a "sale" is a very different way to bring in funds than accepting a "donation."  The former includes the potential to make profit without obligations to do anything specific with them, the second has (at least) implied obligations.

Perhaps what we need is CFPSA to step up to examining the various charities and foundations who are using the "Support the Troops" theme and to develop guidelines for a "CF Approved" rating system.
Strike said:
What I don't get is how it seemed such a big deal to raise $1000 for the CFPSA and another $6000 some odd at other events.

In 3 years fundraising for the Arthritis Society, I raised over $13,500 by myself.  In a weekend I could easily pull in $1,000.  I have a friend who raises funds for the MS Society.  In the same time frame she's raised over $20,000 for the MS walk.

If there is so much dedication to raising funds for various charities, they may want to rethink their methods.  Cool hats and t-shirts are not necessarily the best way to get donations.

It's real easy to only raise $1000.  All you have to do is only declare the trackable money.  Just like tips, they are to be recorded for taxes, but who declares all of them.
So, back to the issue of the car.  Came to me last night.  Instead of putting the names of the people on the car, why not just the dates and number of KIA that day?  That way, instead of someone looking at that car, seeing the name, and thingking, "That poor family," they will see the date and maybe think of what they were doing that day.  A little more reflection.
Hello..I've spent the last week reading the comments and most of you people dragging these gentlemen through the dirt for having this rally on sat.31st.As someone who has been in afghanistan(civilian) I must ask..what have you complainers done yourselves to help.These guys decided to have a rally and ONE family complained about a name on the car,ONE.I understand that the parents were at the rally,and wanted the name left on.It must have been a very hard decision to leave it on for these guys,but they did.As far as not being a registered charity,they are telling the truth people,you can't give CASH,to another charity,(united way,if you care to check before mouthing off,is not a registered charity for the same reasons these guys aren't.Did anyone think to check before spreading more anger around for these guys?Ever been to a cenotaph?Theres names on it!!Why???So we don't ever forget the people who made the altimate sacrifice.Is it really that hard to see this car as the same thing,only something that can be brought to just about anywhere,any town too small for their own cenotaph ,so those people don't forget either.As far as raising funds for our veterans during this rally...So what,I consider it a waste to have hundreds of people gather and not do something like raising funds for any charity.Now come on you guys,these heroes on the side of the car,if asked today,knowing the kind of giving people they must have been,would I strongly believe,would have no problem with raising money for our vets,their friends that made it home after all are now vets.As for the ladies from petawawa,why is it that you figure if its not your rally,its not acceptable.I think its a shame you did'nt raise funds for a good cause when you had the chance.Just think about how nice it would have been to hand over a cheque to the childrens wish fund,or cancer society,in the memory of our fallen.What a gesture and heartfelt situation that would have been and the families would I imagine be happy that the memory of their loved ones lived on in a thank you letter from one of these choosen charites.You people writing back and forth putting down the efforts of Brian Muntz,Brian Wilkins,who by the way served in afghanistan as well as me,and Brandon Arnold,sickens me,and you need to look at what you are doing here.Possibly stopping some other citizen from doing another rally or something for the memory of our fallen because they don't want to be dragged through the dirt for their efforts.If you really believe you can do better,and know how to do it without having to learn along the way...then I suggest you get off your chairs and plan something...but be prepared,because if you don't do it 100% perfect, you are in for the worst name calling ,dirt in your face reaction you ever thought could happen.  You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
What have I done to help?  I also served in Afghanistan as a member of our military.
I've donated to many charities that support the troops.
afghan dad said:
As for the ladies from petawawa,why is it that you figure if its not your rally,its not acceptable.I think its a shame you did'nt raise funds for a good cause when you had the chance.Just think about how nice it would have been to hand over a cheque to the childrens wish fund,or cancer society,in the memory of our fallen.What a gesture and heartfelt situation that would have been and the families would I imagine be happy that the memory of their loved ones lived on in a thank you letter from one of these choosen charites.

Excuse me sir, but just in case you've not noticed throughout these last 11 pages of replies or not heard it in the news media over the last 2.5 years, the original Red Friday's campaign is not about raising funds for charity, it is simply a show of support.
I'm not quite sure why you believe that showing support must include raising money...
As for any other organization that choses to do so, that's their perogative, doesn't mean we have to agree with it.

As for the comment about if it's not our rally it's not acceptable. I'd really like to know where you've obtained your information..actually come to think of it sir, your writing style seems to mimic that of Mr. Wilkins. Hmmmmm
Anyhow as for rallies, I would ask you to educate yourself a little. We have participated in several rallies across Ontario in the last 2.5 years. Have even organized two of our own.

Either way, I am not here to defend the "Red Friday Ladies" so I will not pursue this matter any further.

Have a wonderful day.  ;)
And I thinks its great the rallies you did.But ,its seems you really hate the fact thesae guys raised money for the charity they chose.I just don't see why it bothers you that much.If anything ,it seems to have accomplished two good things on one day.
And if i write like Wilkins...maybe its because I feel sorry for what they had gone through trying to explain their motives.Like you,I 'm now waiting to see where the money goes,and what amount was raised.Maybe if that all goes well,people will still want to do something themselves in the future.Although I think all of this may have changed peoples minds.
afghan dad said:
...but they did.As far as ...

No spaces between sentences...

afghan dad said:
... childrens wish fund,or cancer society,in the memory of our fallen...

...no spaces between commas...

afghan dad said:
...I think its a shame you did'nt raise funds...

...and a very familiar writing error that I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice during correspondence with Mr Wilkins.

As for the United Way, I get tax receipts from them every year come tax time.

afghan dad (since that's what you're going by here), you are new to the site.  Please, take some time to familiarize yourself with how things run here.  I'm sure you have some useful things to contribute, and I'm sure we'd like to hear it.  But when you rant like that, without any type of history here, one of two things tends to happen.  You either get ignored, or get familiar with the warning system.
afghan dad, I haven't really participated too much in this thread, but I believe that most people's comments weren't about whether or not money was being raised or being donated to charities.  Most of the issue was in the way this foundation (organization, whatever) represented itself.  In the fact that they said they would go with the primary next of kin's wishes regarding people's names being on the vehicle and then went against the very thing they said for a variety of reasons:  "His parent's wanted it left on the vehicle." or "We weren't able to remove it because of where it was."
Names on a cenotaph or memorial are one thing.  People can go whenever they want and quietly reflect the sacrifices these people have made or mourn or honour them privately and respectfully.  Re-enacting an extremely emotional repatriation procession and advertising it as "fun" whether for the purpose of raising funds or not, is, in my opinion, in poor taste.
We do not for one second "hate" what these men have done and we have never stated that.
When the media came to us, we simply raised valid questions about their motives surrounding the fundraising.
You sir, have not been privy (as far as I know) to the correspondence that has played out between Lisa and I and the RFFD in the last couple of years therefor you're not able to comment on whether or not the questions raised were valid or not.

As far as their rally goes, I'm sure their hearts were in the right place.
It's not the rally that was in question, it's the money involved and where it's going as well as where it's gone in the past. Unfortunately there were many different versions of where it went.
Also in question were the names of the fallen. As stated a few pages back by captainj, those names are NOT public domain, however the RFFD chose to use those names without consent from all families.
(I have an email stating that they did NOT receive permissions from all families)

I will be the first to admit (actually, I think Lisa might have as well) that driving along the 401 on our way home from a completely unrelated rally on the same day, we saw first hand just how many people lined the hwy overpasses, just how many ppl support the troops and their families. It was in fact, very heartwarming.
No matter what has gone on here or what's been said in the news media, people were able to put aside their beliefs and their opinions regarding this situation to go out and show support for our men and women in uniform and their families, that sir is all that matters!

afghan dad said:
Hello..I've spent the last week reading the comments

Then, sir, I respecfully suggest that you spend a second week, actually paying attention to what has been written this time as you have quite obviously missed almost everything.

afghan dad said:
I must ask..what have you complainers done yourselves to help.

Check the profiles of the other posters and see. Most here have extensive actual military service, including tours in Afghanistan and elsewhere, or are family members. And those that made that trip from Trenton to Toronto for real are our friends, colleagues, and family.

afghan dad said:
These guys decided to have a rally and ONE family complained about a name on the car,ONE.

You have, as I said, obviously not paid attention to what has been written here. The first thing that turned me off about this event, as I stated quite clearly, was the simulation of a solemn event and billing it as "fun for the whole family", and a chance to "experience" a repatriation. I was disgusted by that whole notion, and am even more so now. If people really want to experience a repatriation, then they can put their kids in hearse-borne boxes and ride along.

The whole concept is sick.

afghan dad said:
It must have been a very hard decision to leave it on for these guys,but they did.

That's not the impression that I get. I don't think that they cared. I may be wrong - in fact, I hope, really hope, that I'm wrong but I see no indication that I am and plenty that I'm not.

afghan dad said:
united way,if you care to check before mouthing off,is not a registered charity for the same reasons these guys aren't.

Well, we really don't know if the reason is the same or not, do we? United Way certainly has a more established track record, and does issue tax receipts.

afghan dad said:
Ever been to a cenotaph?

Plenty, and in many different countries. I've yet to see one get auctioned off, though.

afghan dad said:
any town too small for their own cenotaph

I have yet to see any such town, unless it had no war dead whose names would have gone on one.

afghan dad said:
As far as raising funds for our veterans during this rally...So what,I consider it a waste to have hundreds of people gather and not do something like raising funds for any charity.

I'd have no objection to fund-raising for suitable charities so long as I knew where every penny went - and I don't.

afghan dad said:
Now come on you guys,these heroes on the side of the car,if asked today,knowing the kind of giving people they must have been,would I strongly believe,would have no problem with raising money for our vets,their friends that made it home after all are now vets.

I will state it right here, publically, that should I not make it back from my upcoming tour, that I do not want my name or image misused in any way, shape, or form on any questionable "fundraising" activity or website (and most definitely not in any tasteless repatriation or funeral simulation), other than officially recognized ones or on this forum.

afghan dad said:
As for the ladies from petawawa,why is it that you figure if its not your rally,its not acceptable.

Please either provide references where either of them stated that, or retract your comment and apologize to them.

They have made it quite clear that they do not object to other rallies, and that their objections were due to their names being misused and misrepresented on Mr Muntz's website.

afghan dad said:
I think its a shame you did'nt raise funds for a good cause when you had the chance.Just think about how nice it would have been to hand over a cheque to the childrens wish fund,or cancer society,in the memory of our fallen.What a gesture and heartfelt situation that would have been and the families would I imagine be happy that the memory of their loved ones lived on in a thank you letter from one of these choosen charites.

That was not the aim of the original rallies. It's also not the aim of many other similar activities.

The aim was to raise public support for "the troops", ie people like us here. Most people are quite capable of deciding which charities and causes they wish to fund on their own.

afghan dad said:
You people writing back and forth putting down the efforts of Brian Muntz,Brian Wilkins,who by the way served in afghanistan as well as me,and Brandon Arnold,sickens me,and you need to look at what you are doing here.

Anybody who has spent any time in uniform develops a pretty sensitive BS Detection System. Mr Muntz et al may be absolute saints, and truly above reproach. As I said earlier in this post and previous ones, I hope that they are and that I'm wrong. My BSDS was triggered immediately, and still has not stopped.

I do not know you, Mr Muntz, Mr Wilkins, or anybody else involved with the Red Friday Foundation. I do, however, know several of the other posters here quite well and they have rather more credibility than strangers who, at best, have repeatedly screwed up the execution of what may have been a purely noble undertaking.

In the face of everything that I have seen and heard, I simply cannot believe them no matter how much I want to.

afghan dad said:
I suggest you get off your chairs and plan something...

Some here have, and with none of this controversy. For most of the rest of us, doing so would be inappropriate - a "support me" rally would be unseemly.

afghan dad said:
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Sorry, but no.

When the questions have been answered to our satisfaction, and certain things treated with a little more sensitivity and less appearance of exploitation, then you'll see some apologies.

I sincerely hope that we'll see reason to give them, but...
Afgandad aka Brian Wilkins of the Red Friday Foundation.(Oh I'm sorry did you not want to be outed) Here in the drop on how our little community here works. 

-Fill out your profile- why because those who wish to appear as that nameless person get treated as such.

- Think about who your talking to, most people on this lovely forum are serving, or retired military members, those of us that are civilians such as myself, most of us are attached to the military in some form; NOK, family members, friends.

Now I as one of those civvy types who is "attached" to the military world, that there were more than one family who had an issue with those names on that car, never mind the fact that you auctioned off like a dairy cow for meat. But your organization would have not realized that because you didn't bother to contact the proper NOK.

I still personally believe that the format of the rally was harsh, I personally never want to see another coffin laid vehicle roll down that highway, let alone, some version of a recreation. Indeed some military families have no issues with it, and that is fine. But you must take into account those that would.

I ask you, how in hades would you feel if I took your loved one's name who was dead, had it put on a vehicle wrap and went and plastered it to the side of my truck, and drove around with it, then to add the icing on the cake, I decided to turn it into a "fun filled" event, and collect money from my fellow citizens. I am sure you would be none too pleased.

IMO you do not give a damn about those names on that car, nor the families that mourn them, your Sir are concerned purely with the "good" you can do in the eyes of others. Your a coward and a wolf, you prey on people's kindness and sympathy. No offense if I was the NOK of some of those names on that car, I would drag you into court, it may be just a name to you that is displayed on public domain, but that is someone's identity, and someone else's entire world.

You want to be taken seriously, figure out your organizations postion and stick to it, every time the public turns around and questions something, your website changes, your answers change to the media. Those are all signs of someone who is lying through their teeth, and trying to cover their tracks.

Now to say I dislike you as an person is highly incorrect, but do I dislike your organization? Damn right I do. I also think I have the right to wonder where my paycheck is going.

I know now where my money is going from here on out, and it will not be to the likes of your organization.

Good day to you.


Afghandad, I highly recommend you read the profiles of those posting in this thread. Foot in mouth disease may leave scars, but it is treatable.
Plastering the names of fallen heroes on a car and recreating a solemn procession with it sounds rather morbid to me.  If I were Next of Kin, I would want someone to ask my permission to use her name first in something like this (which I more than likely would not give!).

The unauthorised use of names and images on the website is pretty dodgy to me too.
Afghandad aka Brian Wilkins

Sir, the fact you served in the "Stan" does not absolve you from the shameful conduct of your org in fact you should know better. Many of us have served all over the globe and do not flaunt it. The real hero in most cases is our spouses. In my case the love of my life parented and mentored my son, her step son (while I was away) a rather troublesome chap at the time who is about to become a Patricia. I went on the bridge for the first time, a short while ago and lost it crying my eyes out for that boy coming home. I couldn't help but thinking that was my boy. Sir be assured if you had the timerity to "post" my sons name up on that heap of iron I would do whatever it took to remove his name from that rolling tombstone you call a car. I presume it is in the shop now getting the 84th name put on. You guys don't clearly do not get it, this calling we are in (and I incl our spouses and family) is all about service before self. It is clear that did not rub off on you during your "tour' perhaps your head was stuck in the sand for six months as it is now.

I ask you how a free car for a year supports anyone but one. Now please do not say that this veh is used only for events. That would not be true as it is seen parked at a certain left leaning place of higher knowledge in Toronto, where someone you know works. BTW the staff at that institution find that car as distasteful as most of us. Why not come clean with that car pull it off the road and or better yet donate it to a MFRC and I will be the first to sing your praises.

I am sure at the heart of it you are a good and well meaning man, who like many has been romanced by the Red Fridays Foundation. Ask yourself this, where did all that cash go selling your wares over the past 2.5 years. In the awareness biz please........ who asked you in the first place to get into that biz. Why did they not stand up right away as a charity, you Sir already know the answer and if you don't search your heart  and or ask. There is something odd about a internet biz that goes to major shows and flogs T Shirts etc all cash for 2.5 years and has a donation SOT box that claims to have only made a few $100.00. That dog don't (do'nt) hunt my friend. Go figure there is this Sgt in a certain Armd unit in Oshawa that on his own hook, in the past year ,has raised some $15K in profit for the Trenton MFRC. He did this all by networking. I ask you all to be the judge particularly you "Afghandad".

There is a letter the Foundation aka business is floating that claims many things, one I find rather shocking and frankly insulting. You basically claim you wouldn't have asked for donations had you not got such bad press. Where have you been. You guys have been asking for donations since day one in 2006. Hmmm donations and foundation sounds like a charity but it isn't. I hear you guys are upset at the bad press you got duh Homer what did you expect. You take 83 names of souls near and dear to Canadians and claim that it is public domain. You do this without any permission nor respect for the NOK. You admit you are a business but ask for donations, at the same time you admit to have only donating $1K to CFPSA. You then diss CFPSA by saying that who knows where the money goes. Now I admit there have been times CFPSA has pis*ed me off (never got over the tour gift LOL). this org has done more in a second than your Foundation has done in 2.5 years. You then diss 2 of the finest girls I know, who by the way were given the CDS's and VCDS's medallion for their efforts with Red Fridays (you know the same CDS who's image you had on your donate now button, now that was rather userish, don't tell me public domain). Boys welcome to the big leagues the media pick up on articles even small ones that Pete Fisher wrote who BTW freelances for the Tor Sun. Surely even you guys can connect the dots. The media love guys like you and follow up. One small suggestion if you are going to do interviews keep the story straight and on msg, not staying straight has a way of getting you in trouble. BTW why does the founder of Red Fridays have a spokesperson. Seems odd that such a good and well meaning chap who's parents were liberated by the Cdns cannot speak with conviction about his org.

Finally ARMY VERN is quite right

The below quote is from the email response recd by S.Stewart from Brian Wilkens on behalf of the Red Fridays Foundation (quoted from earlier post here)

The hundreds Brian has helped was in the form of shirts given for their fund raising,pins,advice and in one instance,a family he gave money to because when they wanted their son buried at home instead of in ottawa, our gov't gave them $10,000 and no military funeral,she asked Brian for help with expenses and he gave.

Should her name be published,would you want yours published? We did'nt register as a charity due to the fact that charities bylaw,cannot give cash to other charities.

As a qualified CAO (Casualty Assisting O), I have serious doubts as to the validity of this statement made by him above.

I have no qualms with outright calling this statement by Brian Wilkens a "lie". It is the families wishes (the immediate designated primary NOK) that determine what/where/type of funeral that will occur, NOT the government and certainly NOT the CF. Period. And, his insinuations of anything different to that are waaaayyy off base and an insult.

I too am a CAO who sadly been at it since Sept 2006 and I say again "That dog don't hunt"

afghan dad said:
Hello..I've spent the last week reading the comments and most of you people dragging these gentlemen through the dirt for having this rally on sat.31st.As someone who has been in afghanistan(civilian) I must ask..what have you complainers done yourselves to help.These guys decided to have a rally and ONE family complained about a name on the car,ONE.I understand that the parents were at the rally,and wanted the name left on.It must have been a very hard decision to leave it on for these guys,but they did.As far as not being a registered charity,they are telling the truth people,you can't give CASH,to another charity,(united way,if you care to check before mouthing off,is not a registered charity for the same reasons these guys aren't.Did anyone think to check before spreading more anger around for these guys?Ever been to a cenotaph?Theres names on it!!Why???So we don't ever forget the people who made the altimate sacrifice.Is it really that hard to see this car as the same thing,only something that can be brought to just about anywhere,any town too small for their own cenotaph ,so those people don't forget either.As far as raising funds for our veterans during this rally...So what,I consider it a waste to have hundreds of people gather and not do something like raising funds for any charity.Now come on you guys,these heroes on the side of the car,if asked today,knowing the kind of giving people they must have been,would I strongly believe,would have no problem with raising money for our vets,their friends that made it home after all are now vets.As for the ladies from petawawa,why is it that you figure if its not your rally,its not acceptable.I think its a shame you did'nt raise funds for a good cause when you had the chance.Just think about how nice it would have been to hand over a cheque to the childrens wish fund,or cancer society,in the memory of our fallen.What a gesture and heartfelt situation that would have been and the families would I imagine be happy that the memory of their loved ones lived on in a thank you letter from one of these choosen charites.You people writing back and forth putting down the efforts of Brian Muntz,Brian Wilkins,who by the way served in afghanistan as well as me,and Brandon Arnold,sickens me,and you need to look at what you are doing here.Possibly stopping some other citizen from doing another rally or something for the memory of our fallen because they don't want to be dragged through the dirt for their efforts.If you really believe you can do better,and know how to do it without having to learn along the way...then I suggest you get off your chairs and plan something...but be prepared,because if you don't do it 100% perfect, you are in for the worst name calling ,dirt in your face reaction you ever thought could happen.  You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Let me begin to answer this by posting my bias' in this matter up front (as "transparency" would see anyone involved do just as the "Red Friday ladies" have done. It would seem to be the moral thing to do no? It's actually covered in the site guidelines that one should not try to pose here as a soldier if he isn't for example, or that those who are part of a business, or a contracting partner state so up front).

My Bias':

1) I am a soldier, I work for soldiers, and yet other soldiers still - work for me;
2) I have served on several international operational deployments;
3) I have lost several of my personal friends on deployments;
4) I am a CAO;
5) I have volunteered (after working hours) with the Charlottetown MFRC etc with organizing CFPSA/MFRC Red Friday Rally's, BINGOs, coffee breaks for family members of personnel deployed overseas, arranged for - and provided - emergency/respite childcare for soldiers' loved ones when required, arranged for assistance to family members, organized family support activities and peer support groups aimed at minimizing the stress experienced by soldiers' families while they are deployed --- which goes a long way in itself to reduce the stress upon the deployed soldier;
6) I have done up care parcels, received care parcels from families for furtherance, engaged the local community in "Support your Troops" activities such as educational awareness days where I have been asked to (and have) attend school gyms to explain to children in their terms what is going on in Afghanistan;
7) I have been asked to (and have) provided a briefing to the mother, fiance, and their co-workers of a deployed member because of the stress that was being caused within their workplace during certain periods of the current mission in Afghanistan in an attempt to alleviate the concerns that each of them were dealing with on a dialy basis. Many of those I spoke to that day remain amongst my great friends;
8 ) I have been involved in repatriation activites/funerals for some of our Fallen in both the organizational and "simple attender" role;
9) I have visited gravesites to obtain pictures for fellow soldiers who could not be present for the funeral of their comrade-in-arms, because they believed that that picture would bring them some solace and comfort in dealing with their grief (and, in some cases survivors guilt);
10) I visit cenotaphs each November 11th, and can actually be found in their vicintiy on many more dates of the year which I hold important to me personally - and while there, I have laid wreaths remembering my both own relatives lost overseas, or on behalf of my Unit in remembrance of all of our Fallen;
11) I volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society, raising donations, helping to organize and participating in the Relay for Life - and actually will be particpating in this run as part of a Military team this coming Friday Night; and
12) I have served many times as a canvasser for the United Way, which despite your protestations otherwise, certainly is registered as a charitable entity with the Canada Revenue Agency (here's your sign: CRA Registered Canadian Charities). In this capacity, I have also answered donors questions about where/what their money would be going, and can even further redirect them and provide them with a specific charity's name/registration# (such as Scouts Canada / The Juvenile Diabetes Research Corporation etc) should they prefer that option. And, in each and every single case - I will then issue them with a receipt for the amount of their contribution for Income Tax purposes.

You asked:

I must ask..what have you complainers done yourselves to help.

I think I've answered. I think I've managed to cover all the things that you've accused me of "not being", so, with regards to this bit:

You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Absolutely not Afghandad; I am a very proud supporter of veterans organizations, soldiers, their familes, registered charities, and worthwhile causes.

I simply do not condone recommendations that someone donate their hard earned money towards an officially non-charitable entity whose books, records, and dealings are not "transparent". I'd rather see them put their money towards a bonified charitable cause.

The Red Friday Foundation, as of this date, still does not qualify in that regard. Like has been stated quite often in this forum already "their hearts may be in the right spots, but their execution is terrible". That fact remains.

PS -- note to all: I'm still waiting to hear a response from Mr Brian Wilkens to my email (that 'golanvern' one) sent to the Foundation on 30 May 2008.  ;)
I have a t-shirt "all gave some,some gave all "it should be updated for the so-called foundation" and scum take".it is now clear the motivation is monetary not gratitude .the canadian public is BEiNG RIPPED-OFF by this cabal -$8 for a $4 magnet, $5 for a $2 window cling, they gotta be making a boat-load of money BUT if their costs /expenditures are "careless or sloppy" FOR SURE THEY ARE A NOT -FOR -PROFIT ORGANIZATION/CABAL !
AND WHERE THE HELL IS REVENUE CANADA ON THIS OR DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE'S FRAUD SQUAD(AJAX BASED)-there is so much crap in the air there must have been a sh!t storm somewhere that started all this
AND WHERE THE HELL ARE DND'S LAWYERS-EARN YOUR RATS FOLKS(for those in JAG rats would be rations- you know what replaces fine dining)
johnnycanuck said:
I have a t-shirt "all gave some,some gave all "it should be updated for the so-called foundation" and scum take".it is now clear the motivation is monetary not gratitude .the canadian public is BEiNG RIPPED-OFF by this cabal -$8 for a $4 magnet, $5 for a $2 window cling, they gotta be making a boat-load of money BUT if their costs /expenditures are "careless or sloppy" FOR SURE THEY ARE A NOT -FOR -PROFIT ORGANIZATION/CABAL !
AND WHERE THE HELL IS REVENUE CANADA ON THIS OR DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE'S FRAUD SQUAD(AJAX BASED)-there is so much crap in the air there must have been a sh!t storm somewhere that started all this
AND WHERE THE HELL ARE DND'S LAWYERS-EARN YOUR RATS FOLKS(for those in JAG rats would be rations- you know what replaces fine dining)


I'll take it that you're a wee bit irritated.

Although I must point out that the lack of a charitable organization number does not necessarily equate into fraudulant activity by this foundation.

That being said, it does, on it's website, advise that it is not a charitable organization. It may be hard to find and their Foundation's name may indeed be eerily similar to CFPSA/MFRC Red Friday activities which may tend to cause some confusion on the part of the general public. I'm not so sure that in and of itself warrants any kind of immediate action by any police force. If people believe that they are donating to a "charity", they must also bear some of the responsibility for their own actions in not reading the fine print.

It can't be said enough - it's your money ... verify where/whom you are giving it to ... it's yours, and, if you're not comfortable - find another place to give your donation to with whom you are comfortable. Common sense.
