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The Recruiter...


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I want to go to the recruiter in missisauga today.  I called and I get a machine, though the machine sais that there open from mon - thurday untill 5pm... (its 1pm right now)

does this mean they are not in? or am i sopposed to put in a extension number to speak to somoone?

I'm sort of relying on someone to reply asap (hoping it's the 48th regulator)

it is a little out of my way but I really want to go, should i go anyways even though I call and get the machine? ya so please reply soon.


It might still be the holiday season.. I would try calling back after lunch (12-1) and see if they are back.. better than wasting gas for nothing.
im like 95% sure the holidays ended the 3rd ( i think it said taht on the door when i went there last time and it was closed)

but I didn't think about the it being lunch time...thanks.

Can anyone else help? Because it is 1:16pm and still no answer (lunch break is over right)? 

I'm thinking I should just go anyways, but if someone can help me out and save me the time if they know what is happening that would be much appreciated..
Holidays might have ended for you. But in the military we usually get 3 weeks off. Most people are not back to work until the 9th.
Ok I just called I think a hamiltons place...they are opened, they said if i get the machine that doesn't mean they arent closed.  If hamilton is opened, I'm hoping that Mississauga is to.

wish me luck (today can decide my whole future...) and wish me luck there opened to...

thanks for your help all

ok, i am back from the recruiter, THEY WERE OPENED!, the first guy was good then he left and another guy came, then he looked at my list of trades i might want, and he sais you should do this one... (he didn't even pick one that i had highlighted)

But he gave me a lot of info (both people) it was really good, so if your thinking about joining the military then go to a recruiter!
If you don't like the occupation the recruiter pointed out and you like another career allot better, you should go for the one you like best.

Remember that if your thinking of having a career in the CF, you should really pick an occupation that you enjoy doing. It would really suck if you get stuck with an occupation you don't like, or you know that you'd rather do another one allot more but be stuck with the one you have.

But it's your decision
Good luck!