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The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

Inspir said:
You would think NATO would have some sort of membership rule stating 'own up to the 2% GDP or you're out'. Do you think if NATO started talking about booting nations out it would really sway the government to start taking Defense spending more seriously?

Enforcing that would cut the membership by over half.  [:D
Chris Pook said:
4th Down and Punt.
That will be our plan, and then realize just before sending out the punt squad that this is the CFL...  :P
There is an excellent research paper in the "Vimy Papers" on the CDA institute website about the fighter replacement program.  It is called "The Fourth Dimmension"
I found it a grat insight into the procurement of aircraft and how badly it can be screwed up.

My apologies if already posted.

I can understand if the government wants to see how the JSF shapes up in a few years, before totally committing to buying them.  I can understand purchasing an interm aircraft if it helps with availability & service rates, as it did for the Australians.

I don't understand how a full blown competition was held within a few months, back in the 80's - when all we had was pen, paper, typewriters, and the odd fax machine.  And how it can take so much longer today.
...as it did for the Australians

Mmm, the big difference is that the Aussies have them.  Real aircraft. With a kangaroo painted on their sides; quite a few flying in combat out in the sand pit as we chat.  Ours are, well...(wet finger in air) maybe 6 or 7 years away?

Canadian defence procurement.  A shower of sh!te that always commands cross-bench support in government no matter what...

NATO 2% commitment?  Arguably the only positive aspect of Trump's otherwise sordid platform was the threat to hold our feet to the fire and get 2% from all countries (only 4 meeting it, IIRC).  Us and most of Europe has been living off a peace dividend long past its geo-political sell by date.

And another thing:  [>:( !!!
Canuck_Jock said:
NATO 2% commitment?  Arguably the only positive aspect of Trump's otherwise sordid platform was the threat to hold our feet to the fire and get 2% from all countries (only 4 meeting it, IIRC).  Us and most of Europe has been living off a peace dividend long past its geo-political sell by date.

And another thing:  [>:( !!!



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Technoviking said:
That will be our plan, and then realize just before sending out the punt squad that this is the CFL...  :P

Still play football in Canada?

Did we buy the 6 pack of CH-47Ds for Afghanistan as an Interim Measure?  Or did we acquire them?

Canadian Pilots in USN seats?
My bet, we buy 18 super hornets and retire the legacy hornets by 2025 as planned.  No new competition is ever held and we end up with a token force only used for continental commitments effectively becoming NZ of the North.  Well on our way to becoming even more irrelevant than we were before.
You are forgetting the Trump factor. The Trump factor in defense, trade protectionism(chicken/eggs/dairy), carbon tax etc. A bunch of amateurs in Ottawa who will soon be put in their place. Mr.IQ 0 and buddy Butts will soon have wet pants.
Having only 18 jets would break our NORAD and Canadian defence commitments.  If anything were to happen, it would simply be the CF-18s bing forever upgraded along side the SH.

This is actually good news for the F-35.  It pretty much means we're going to buy it, - as it will be one of only 2/3 choices come ~2021.  It means to me that the government knows it had to buy the F-35, but has to keep their promise for now.
Or it can buy SH, and cook the books for the procurement to overweight the "existing infrastructure and training" card to stick us with an orphan fleet until 2060s.
Talking about infra, do our hgrs in CL and Bagot able to support the SH or are we going to need new hgr doors?
New hangar doors?!  I don't know how big you think a SH is but...  doors should be the least of our concerns.  All of our hangars can fit at least a Herc and some an AWACS. 
Rifleman62 said:
You are forgetting the Trump factor. The Trump factor in defense, trade protectionism(chicken/eggs/dairy), carbon tax etc. A bunch of amateurs in Ottawa who will soon be put in their place. Mr.IQ 0 and buddy Butts will soon have wet pants.

I am still hoping that Mr Trump fires Trudeau.

He doesn't have to do it in his first hundred days, and it can even wait until after Hillary, Bill, and their minions are in jail, but someday...
Frustrating (but predictable) play to save face and try to dodge a political bullet from the wall they backed themselves into.

Glass half full, if we get the growler convertible ones and keep them as EW platforms after we take delivery of F35s in 5 years then it will be a positive development... Only if
jmt18325 said:
Having only 18 jets would break our NORAD and Canadian defence commitments.  If anything were to happen, it would simply be the CF-18s bing forever upgraded along side the SH.

This is actually good news for the F-35.  It pretty much means we're going to buy it, - as it will be one of only 2/3 choices come ~2021.  It means to me that the government knows it had to buy the F-35, but has to keep their promise for now.

Holy crap JMT.  I think you are giving this government WAY too much credit in their ability to plan for the future.

MarkOttawa said:
So some Super Hornets after all as "interim measure"?  How many, any Growlers (good for expeditionary)?  Further to this,

is the fix in?  Anonymice abound:

Perish the thought that the Liberal Party's political needs might be another consideration.


Can one of the experts give me orientation on this? I don't know much about squadrons and logistics.

Are the gains of the Super Hornet worth the associated headaches of having two fighter types? Is it simple expediency?

Do we need an interim fighter? Are our fighter needs so pressing that we can't wait for a competition to happen? (Or, cynically, is the opposite true? Is this a way of kicking the horrifically expensive fighter purchase down the road, Liberal style?)

Why the Super Hornet? Is there any commonality left between the Hornet and the Rhino? For similar price, why not get Strike Eagles (not the gold-plated Slam Eagle. $100 million is pushing it)?
I think I posted this link before regarding fleet requirements single/mixed fighters


the 18 SH should contribute 10 towards the NORAD requirement of 36 leaving the remaining 26 to be covered by the original hornets (46 x0.8 x0.7 = 26). So my guess is that the liberals think they can keep at least 46 of the hornets going in the interim
suffolkowner said:
I think I posted this link before regarding fleet requirements single/mixed fighters


the 18 SH should contribute 10 towards the NORAD requirement of 36 leaving the remaining 26 to be covered by the original hornets (46 x0.8 x0.7 = 26). So my guess is that the liberals think they can keep at least 46 of the hornets going in the interim

All hail the maintainers; perhaps the libs will give 'em a pay raise for the hell they are going to be living/working with to keep in the air.  And, while we're at it, how about them SK rotor-head maintainers too.  Sigh.