As stated previous, Mods have no special power when it comes to promote/demote. There is no log as such, for that. What there is though, is a screen of who's online, that anyone can see. Enough mods are also online to know that when two malcontents are there, and the rest being guests or other users browsing topics not involved, and demotions come in, it's not hard to figure out who it is. If the same malcontents 'hover' in profile or other obscure thread while they PM or MSN, that's not criminal or disallowed, just very telling and suspicious. It's also extremely childish and petty. The kind of thing immature people, lacking the intestinal fortitude to confront their detractors do.
Obviously, by my rating, I put no stock whatsoever in the system. Mr Bobbitt wants it, it's his site and I work for him.....and you. He wants it to work, so I do too. I would rather someone PM and say they didn't like my comment and/or decision, so we could talk, correct & agree/ disagree it if need be. Rather than demote me because they're a being a vindictive, gutless POS. But that's their misguided prerogative. Just don't PM me with long, rambling, misguided, misconstrued, nonsensical & absurd tomes and manifestos. You'll get blocked by me, as some fitting this description already have.
I only hope that these petty playground infants are not in uniform, or at least not in a position where someone needs to depend on them.
The uniform doesn't look good, when there's no backbone to hold it up.
That's my two cents, posted from a Mod point of view, but as no more than a poster and member.
Whooo Whhhooo, I see I just evened out to +42/-42. Must mean I'm even ;D