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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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So what is the deal with poppy sales in Canada? :confused: I heard that some stores are banning the practice. If true, I am not surprised that some people fail to remember CDN military sacrifices.
First I have heard about any stores banning Poppy sales, the vetrans, and cadets like myself have been welcomed to sell them outside stores and in malls.
Canada brings in about 200,000 immigrants a year.
Most of which have never lived in snow. So its obvious there knowlage on Canadian military war history and sacrifices is vague. Also meny of them own or start up small buisness‘s, similar to what its like here in Brampton, but beneth all that, they figure it comes down to bad buisness. Being an immigrant or not.
It is true.
Some store managers seem to forget(or perhaps they were never taught)the meaning behind the poppy.
The HOME DEPOT in Vancouver actually removed a frail old veteran last year from the front of the store. He raised **** to his credit. You would think that they would let him inside and buy him a coffee instead.
What the **** is wrong with people?
Apologies are lame and too late at that point.
Anyone has a right to refuse purchasing and respectfully wearing a poppy, but it‘s both a perversion and abuse of the intent behind the Charter of Rights & Freedoms for any corporate entity, while in service to the public, to inhibit such a long-standing, widely accepted activity.

Para 2, subpara (b) states (Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms):
"freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;"

**** anyone for marginalizing Canadian Vets and Remembrance Day.
Here‘s the story behind it:
Any info I could find on the web about this... seems to be confined to Québec. Is this activity derived from the separatist undercurrent, or what?

P.S. Thanks for the link kurokaze.
When I bought my first poppy this year, the Vet pinned it on my lapel. I said, "It‘s an honour, sir." I then shook his hand and thanked him. I hoped I wouldn‘t be the last to do so.

I couldn‘t imagine behaving any differently. One doesn‘t need to support warfare to acknowledge the great risks taken by past and present soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
Here‘s the National Post‘s story from today‘s issue -- National Post - Veterans Fight Back Over Poppy Backlash

It includes a link to Pier 1‘s web site and feedback telephone #.

I recently delivered a speech that asked people to use their poppies to help them to remember - try this on for size: on the afternoon of Nov 11, take your poppy to a cemetery and find a serviceman‘s headstone (They‘re easy to recognize) read the name, the dates, and any inscription. When you‘ve had a chance to think about that person and his story, pin your poppy to the turf at the base of the stone.

"If you love your freedom, thank a veteran."
If you‘re at or near the Bramalea city center, after 6:00 on friday (7th of nov) poppys are being sold by cadets.
People seem to think that by wearing a poppy they support war. They dont realise or understand the true meaning of the poppy. Half the population seems to suport it well the other half ignores or activley opposes it. I cant belive they would remove a vetran from a home depot, I cant belive there even legally allowed to do that. I know I buy several poppys every year and I have stopped and talked to the vetrans selling them several times, I dont see how people so kind and patriotic could ever be bad for business. Sure shows wich dirsection the country is headed and has been headed for a long time :( respect and awarness need to be taught. Vimy Ridge means nothing to most people I talk to, they havent even heard the name before...
Strictly speaking, they have a right to remove unlicensed vendors from their private property, so yes, it is legal.

It isn‘t right however.
hearing this makes me sick, in my school newspaper the editor was responsible on the editoral for rememberance day, however he failed to write one because he couldnt find a "hipper new spin" to put it in without the thought of old Vets coming to mind, so he went on to talk about how students dont vote enough. in the last sentence he mentioned that people should wear poppies like they should vote. it was pathetic. there was one story that delt with it cramed by the sports section all about pretty much his last sentence. what an ungrateful ****.
Last year when I was selling poppies for the legion with my cadet corps, I actually got spit on by one woman, who then began yelling at me for wearing a uniform and that it‘s because of people like me that there are wars in the world. I calmly told her that because of the great people I‘m trying to support, those wars are not in her back yard and the poppy symbolizes thanks and that we do not forget how we have the oppritunity to live life as ungrateful as some of us (people)are.
Just got off the phone with Pier 1 Imports and they now allow the sale at all outlets in Canada. It just goes to show that the people still have the power to change. Though it is shamefull that this was ever an issue in the first place.
I talked to my Principal today and everyone will be getting a poppy and asked to donate money. I also asked her about the christmas decorations already being out up... This is another thing that bugs me and seems disrespectfull. I phoned and asked the manager at the local home depot and they do alow the sale of poppys on premises, of course theres a good chance hes just B.S.ing me... I hope one day soon Canada as a whole will take more pride in what we have done as a country and respect the sacrifices made for all of us by past generations.
Althought I do think that it‘s absolutely sick that companies ban the sale of poppies, we have to remember they have the right not to sell poppies because of the guys who sell the poppies.

On the other hand, I have the right to not shop at Pier 1, and Home Depot or use National Bank because of the guys who sell poppies.
I sent an e-mail to Pier 1 yesterday complaining about them not selling poppies. Within 24 hours, I got a reply back saying that they were going to be making a large cash donation to the Royal Canadian Legion, and that they would start to allow the poppy boxes at their cash register. Apparently enough people complained that they changes their policies.

Nice to know that b|tching occasionally does work ;)
Just thought I'd pass on another classic example of patriotism in Canada today. Details are limited as the cops haven't caught this person yet.

There's a woman (no good description given) who has wandered into several stores which sell poppies for the Cdn Legion, and taken the money, claiming she was there to collect it. Finally someone had the common sense to ask her for ID and she booked out pretty quickly. I'm pretty sure I don't need to comment further except maybe to shout out to this person "Way to go!!! You're taking money from Veterans and their families!!! Hope you have a good sleep tonight."   :threat: :salute: :cdn: