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The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

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Thank you MedCorps, that clarified all my queries.

Finally I anticipate that my application to the BScN program will be submitted by the end of Summer 2013. Is it too soon now to poke my head in to the CFRC and begin the ROTC application?
I would pop into the CFRC soonest.  They will let you know when you should be commencing an application.  Due to the fact that you are so far into your BScN they may want you to wait and have graduated + passed your RN in so that you can apply for a DEO position.

Drop by and they can tell you.  Be advised it is highly competitive for DEO spots right now so do the best to ensure you have an A1 application.


How does NO(reserve) work? I am just curious since my civie job is rotational shifts. Would I still be expected to take time off from my civie job to complete BMOQ etc or how does it work?
Thank you
You would still need to reach the operational functional point and complete your basic officer qualification training.  Although Reserve Force training is broken down into smaller more digestible chunks (in terms of time away from work) it is still very possible you will have to make some deals with your employer to go do training.

Many unionized employers have conditions in the collective agreements that allow this.  Other employers are often good sports when approached with notice and explained what you will be doing and how this professional development will serve them well in the end.

Good luck,

Hi everyone

I am doing my BScN in nursing in quebec, and have applied to the military. I am waiting for my testing dates. I know that assuming all goes well, when my bachelors is complete training will take place in s-jean, followed by other training, inital posting etc.. However, i am curious what it means for someone with a nursing license from quebec, as it is not the same as in other provinces.. Will this limit the places you can work with the CF? i hope not...
You only require license / registration in one province. You technically practice under the authority of the Surgeon General, so you do not need any license at all to work on CF members, but for a number of reasons it has been put into policy that every NO will have a license in at least one province.

One of the reasons for this is portability for maintenance of your clinical skills.  You will end up spending sometime working in civilian hospitals to maintain your clinical skills.  In order to do this you will need a license in the province where you are going to be working.  This is normally done by transferring the license from whatever province you gained it in, to the province where you want to do maintenance of clinical skills training in a civilian hospital.

All the provinces seem to be good about honouring each others license / registration except for Quebec (surprise surprise).  If you hold a Quebec license and need to say transfer it to Alberta it should not be a problem.  Have an Alberta license and want to transfer it to Quebec is it is a nightmare I am told (especially if you do not speak French, even if you want to work / train in a English hospital).

Good luck with your application. 

Hmm.. Does this end up being a consideration for NO's being posted to Quebec then?  I would think that if they can't get their Quebec license this would become an issue for NO's maintaining their clinical skills?
I think that they are trying to sort something out, but they are not their yet. 

I also know an English NO who works in Valcariter but comes back to Ontario (where he holds registration) to do maintenance of clinical skills. 

That is all I know, the CM would be the person to ask.

Hello everyone,

I'm currently a NCdt, just trying to figure out what to expect in terms of recent changes for NOs and my career progression... I learned about CPT (Clinical Phase Training) for the first time on this thread, and I've recently heard that all new Lt NOs freshly graduated (in cases of ROTP, not DEU) will be filtered through the "high readiness units", so working full time in civilian hospitals. So my questions are:

1. Will new Lts need to complete CPT and then be posted to high readiness units as separate postings, or will CPT be included as a part of the time he/she is posted to a high readiness unit??

2. Also, when are BNOC and Basic field course held every year??

3. What is the normal progression for courses? BMOQ --> BNOC --> Basic Field --> CPT --> first posting??

Thanks so much, and I apologize in advance if there are any duplicating questions from before. Seems like most of the discussion happened over a year ago and I'm just looking for the most current advice.

A posting to a high readiness detachment (HRD), which are detachments of 1 Canadian Field Hospita,l are just that a posting.  It is not connected to CPT.  It is possible (although unlikely) that a Nursing Officer could do their whole career without ever being posting to a HRD.  You should expect at least one HRD posting in your career, but it might not come as soon as you are done CPT.  CPT and a posting to a HRD serve different functions for the Health Service. 

BNOC and Basic Field Health Services Course are held twice a year at the CFHSTC in Borden.  PM me for dates.  You should be aware that the Field Course is changing to a new course called the Health Services Operational and Staff Officer Course, which is about the same length.  Not sure we will be running the first serial. 

The normal progression according too the books is BMOQ, CPT, Basic Field, BNOC, (which means that you are done the Basic Training List requirements) and then your first posting.  Reality does not follow the books and you need BMOQ before everything else and CPT before BNOC.  You might even get posted before you come off the Basic Training List and have all of these things done... if they have a spot that needs to be filled. In this case you are still on the Basic Training List, just the the geographical location where you are going to be posted when you hit operationally functional point and come off the BTL. 

I'm currently in grade 11, which courses do I need to get into the ROTP after high school to be a nursing officer?
What marks do i need?
And I'm taking FSL 9 year, will this help in any way?
thank you for reading :salute:
Khaalid said:
I'm currently in grade 11, which courses do I need to get into the ROTP after high school to be a nursing officer?
What marks do i need?
And I'm taking FSL 9 year, will this help in any way?
thank you for reading :salute:

Checked at forces.ca and here's what they have:

Regular Officer Training Plan

Because this position requires a university degree, the Canadian Forces will pay successful recruits to complete a Bachelor of Nursing degree program at a Canadian university.

Since Nursing is not offered at RMC, my guess is you should check into the prerequisites of the degree at the universities you plan on applying to.

You're welcome.....
Thank you, because when the recruiter came to my school; she said i would have to do the science program. This included a lot of courses i didn't need for nursing so i was confused.  Are there any nursing officers here who can tell me for sure?
You need to get into a civilian, accredited, baccalaureate program... what you need to get into said program is up to the university where you are applying and not up to the Canadian Forces.

I would search the various Canadian accredited universities that have well respected nursing programs (U of Toronto, McGill, Queens, Windsor, Dalhousie, MUN, Western, University of Alberta, UBC come to mind but you can see the list here: http://www.casn.ca/en/54/item/1) and see what you need to get into these programs and what these programs entail.  I would also consider speaking to your high school guidance department as they will know some of the ins and outs of these programs.

Once you get into a civilian, accredited, baccalaureate program then you can worry about competing to be selected in the ROTP as a Nursing Officer.
what if i don't get into the ROTP, can i apply after i graduate to be a nurse officer? And how man spots are usually available per year in the ROTP?
If you do not get into ROTP then you can apply as a Direct Entry Officer (DEO) once you graduate from an accredited university with an undergraduate degree in nursing and having attained your RN license in one province.

The number they take for ROTP varies from year-to-year.  I would say between 6-12 but the CFRC will have the latest numbers. 

It is important to remember the selection criteria is quite different for the ROTP versus DEO.  In the ROTP the CFRC is generally looking for academically bright high school students who will do well at university and thrive in the academic environment, have leadership potential / experience, as well as all of the other qualities they look for in officer candidates.  For DEO they are looking for someone who has the correct credentials (degree, license, etc, etc), but also, ideally, who has training and experience relevant to the occupation, as well as leadership potential / experience, as well as all of the other qualities they look for in officer candidates.

For example (although slightly, but not totally, exaggerated):   

ROTP is competitive because you are fighting against that nerd in high school who has a 98% average, got into 3 nursing programs unconditionally in the first round, is the high school president and captain of the field hockey team.

DEO is competitive because you are fighting against that person who graduated near the top of their class in university, was the nursing society president while in school,  is now working in a busy ER patching people up, has multiple short medical courses (ACLS, TNCC, ITLS, ABLS, etc), volunteers with the girl guides on Thursday nights, and runs marathons in there spare time.

Applying is free, you will never know unless you take the plunge. 

Well, I'm in grade 11 right now, second semester. When should I apply, i really want a spot in the ROTP. And, how many years do I need to serve after I'm done the schooling?
Apply once as soon as you have mailed the application(s) off to an accredited, undergraduate nursing program and are likely based on their admissions requirements to gain admittance.

This will allow time for all the all the CFRC stuff (medical, security screening, CFAT, interviews, selection boards, etc, etc, etc) to occur and God willing tee up once you have a letter of unconditional acceptance to a program for an enrollment in June before your 1st year of university.  Be prepared for hold ups in the recruiting process and to pay for your first year of university on your own dime while the CFRC is processing your file.  In which case you will get accepted at the end of your 1st year and the CF will enroll you in your first summer off (and maybe even send you to basic) and the pay for years 2-3-4. 

You owe, as obligatory service, the CF 2 months of service for every month of school they pay for as part of the ROTP, to a maximum of five years. Terms of Service may be longer.  Speak to the CFRC for details. 

I recently applied for reg force NO. I am a relatively new RN with 2 yrs experience in emerg.  I spent 6 yrs in the reserves (NCM) as well.  Just wondering if anyone knows when the next BOTC is being run? or how many NO are being accepted this year? and how competitive is it for DEO? Guess I could go check with recruiting again, but the last time I was in they weren't quite sure.  Thanks for your help.

I've been looking around for awhile on how you go about becoming a Nursing Officer in the Military. I've visited FORCES.CA and it's too vague on the subject. I need more of the details on becoming a Nursing Officer. :) So all I have figured out currently is; Get accepted to a University, and then apply for the ROTP to pay for the schooling. Then get a BScN (at the least) and become a RN. After that, I'm not so sure on what to do.. Would i have to go to the Military to do the Basic Military Training, and then Officer Training, or? I'm not sure after that point. I would much appreciate the help and information.

Thanks!  :cdn: