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The Next Canadian Government

There was some dirty political assassination going on for sure. When we deal with what we know for sure, the allegations against Patrick Brown turned out to be false (surprise) and the media ran with a weak story. Who was (for sure) behind it? I don't know and I doubt you know either. We have our suspicions at best.

Yup. He lost an election and didn't have the backing of the caucus. Whats your point? O'Toole is history. How does this apply to here and now?
Why Brown got axed is irrelevant. I only brought it up because 3 of PP's 62 MP endorsements on record actually wanted someone else but jumped ship to the favorite when their guy got torpedoed.

The point is that a lot of the sitting members of the CPC caucus either/both:
Did not want O'Toole gone (45 of 119)
Wanted someone other than Pierre Poilevre as the leader/ did not specifically want Poilevre (60 of 119)

When the discussion is about rumours of Poilievre not being able to count on ironclad support from all current CPC candidates, the relevance of that should be self evident.
LOW INFO voters? Thats insulting and what makes people who back Pierre and the CPC "low informed" voters? Because you say so?
One of the few things I've praised PP about is his unprecedented (for Canada) ability to leverage social media for outreach and shaping. A byproduct of that is a growing support base whose primary source of political information is that communications apparatus. That isn't to say that anyone who backs him is low info- but to deny that a significant portion are is folly. Just like how a significant portion of the voters that propelled JT's 2015 win were.
There was some dirty political assassination going on for sure. When we deal with what we know for sure, the allegations against Patrick Brown turned out to be false (surprise) and the media ran with a weak story. Who was (for sure) behind it? I don't know and I doubt you know either. We have our suspicions at best.

Yup. He lost an election and didn't have the backing of the caucus. Whats your point? O'Toole is history. How does this apply to here and now?
He was pointing out how it went down and how some may not have forgotten. You made a statement that was disingenuous at best and he corrected you.
LOW INFO voters? Thats insulting and what makes people who back Pierre and the CPC "low informed" voters? Because you say so?
You have no ideas what it means so of course you are insulted. There are low info voters on all sides. It’s not an insult at all LOL.
I asked for facts. FACTS. Uou offer opinions and rumours, nothing else.
I backed up my arguments with what you asked for. Did you read them? Did you get what I was trying to say?
Who? Which centrist? Seriously, lets see something more than myths being spread around. You literally sound like the CBC.
Stop. You are demonstrating a serious lack of critical reading and understanding. YOU sound like Alex Jones right now. I litterally pointed to two articles you claimed didn’t exist as per your request and wanted more that rumours and pointed to a party made up of former conservatives and names to go with it. I’m starting to think you don’t understand anything being said here…
Is it? They haven't even bumped the polls any. They offer an "alternative"? I have heard of them BTW. So does the rhino part, god forbid the PPC, the Libertarian party but none of these are bumping the needle on the polls.
Yes, I named some of the people involved. That isn’t the argument you made. Stop changing the goal posts to feed your anger because you get called on your own BS.
What facts have you brought up to date that go against what I said? None. Zilch.c

Did you read any of the links I sent you? YOU asked for it. I provided.

I provided a splinter group you said I made up.
You questioned why the CBC and CTV haven’t said anything about it and provided you two articles that countered your uninformed rant.

Opinions sure. We all have them including you. The difference is you come in insulting everyone and attack without providing much other than polarized rhetoric.

Mr Campbell has the right of it. Your overreaction IS ill mannered and immature.
overreaction ill mannered and immature.
Canadians are pissed. ROYALLY pissed. Not just me. Not just CPC supporters. Many Canadians are furious.

Immature overreaction? When many people I know lose their homes, can't feed their families (I get help from my parents and in laws every month now to help feed my kids), inflation rate through the roof (don't spend money you don't have, Trudeau), young people have no hope of owning homes, uncontrolled and unchecked refugee intake, temporary foreign workers and "foreign students" causing chaos to our economy and our social infrastructure, then yes. Yes I damn well overreact.

Maybe my reality is a little different than yours.

noise from the jungle drums" and emphasized that they were just "rumours."
Yup. Thats what I have an issue with. I suffered from rumours when I was a sergeant in the forces, and was thankful for a very strict but fair RSM that shut the nonsense down, and disciplined the snot nosed private who tried to derail my career. Imagine how people in public life feel? Not on.
He was pointing out how it went down and how some may not have forgotten. You made a statement that was disingenuous at best and he corrected you.

You have no ideas what it means so of course you are insulted. There are low info voters on all sides. It’s not an insult at all LOL.

I backed up my arguments with what you asked for. Did you read them? Did you get what I was trying to say?

Stop. You are demonstrating a serious lack of critical reading and understanding. YOU sound like Alex Jones right now. I litterally pointed to two articles you claimed didn’t exist as per your request and wanted more that rumours and pointed to a party made up of former conservatives and names to go with it. I’m starting to think you don’t understand anything being said here…

Yes, I named some of the people involved. That isn’t the argument you made. Stop changing the goal posts to feed your anger because you get called on your own BS.

Did you read any of the links I sent you? YOU asked for it. I provided.

I provided a splinter group you said I made up.
You questioned why the CBC and CTV haven’t said anything about it and provided you two articles that countered your uninformed rant.

Opinions sure. We all have them including you. The difference is you come in insulting everyone and attack without providing much other than polarized rhetoric.

Mr Campbell has the right of it. Your overreaction IS ill mannered and immature.
Dude, your "facts" haven't been linked to any so called "internal turmoil" inside the CPC. As far as the futures party? Like mentioned once or twice in CBC and CTV and not a peep since.
Dude, your "facts" haven't been linked to any so called "internal turmoil" inside the CPC. As far as the futures party? Like mentioned once or twice in CBC and CTV and not a peep since.
And i made no such insider claim to it. I said it isn’t inconceivable. Nor did I mention internal turmoil at all.

You are moving goal posts again. You ask for an answer or a source claiming there aren’t any or that it’s invented. I provided.

Do you own research before embarrassing yourself. There are plenty of articles and pieces on “homeless” Tories you can go find. You ask for some then you’ll dismiss them and keep asking for more. You aren’t asking in good faith.
@Remius Bottom line, you got some concrete "gotcha" against Pierre P and the CPC, let’s hear it. or see it.
What does that have to do with the conversation at hand? Again. Your aren’t being very honest or good faith in this discussion.
honestly I would classify myself as a homeless Liberal or a homeless Tory. Ive managed to avoid voting for either for a few decades now except in the last election I voted for the local CPC candidate because i had some faith in O'toole and fear that the riding would gather more PPC votes
honestly I would classify myself as a homeless Liberal or a homeless Tory. Ive managed to avoid voting for either for a few decades now except in the last election I voted for the local CPC candidate because i had some faith in O'toole and fear that the riding would gather more PPC votes
That’s pretty much where I am at. I voted for PP last election because 1) Trudeau needed a reality check about a useless election among other things and 2) I wanted O’Toole to increase his seat count and hopefully move to the center more or at least form a minority gvt.

If the status quo is currently maintained and the CFP runs a candidate that is likely where I will park my vote. But campaigns matter so we’ll see.
Dominic Cardy, Marjorie Lebreton (who actually resigned from PPs riding association after he took power), Christie Clark has had her hand in there as well.
Just have to correct you on this point. Clark is as red Liberal as it gets. She was with the BC Liberals long before they came to prominence in BC in 1991. During her break between serving in Campbell’s cabinet and running for the leadership, she had a gig on CKNW where she frequently went after Harper (and the teachers’ union, but that’s another story). When she became leader of the BC Liberals, she glued herself to Harper, because she knew she needed Tories to remain as premier.
More recently, she has been touted as a replacement for Trudeau as leader of the LPC.

I would describe her as the Liberal version of Sarah Pailin.
honestly I would classify myself as a homeless Liberal or a homeless Tory. Ive managed to avoid voting for either for a few decades now except in the last election I voted for the local CPC candidate because i had some faith in O'toole and fear that the riding would gather more PPC votes
"A pox on both their houses" sucks when there goes the roof over our heads, eh?
That’s pretty much where I am at. I voted for PP last election because 1) Trudeau needed a reality check about a useless election among other things and 2) I wanted O’Toole to increase his seat count and hopefully move to the center more or at least form a minority gvt.

If the status quo is currently maintained and the CFP runs a candidate that is likely where I will park my vote. But campaigns matter so we’ll see.
Right now I am leaning CPC as much as I am ambivalent about PP I am more than a little disturbed by the current Liberal Party. I await others attempts to impress me like the CFP
honestly I would classify myself as a homeless Liberal or a homeless Tory. Ive managed to avoid voting for either for a few decades now except in the last election I voted for the local CPC candidate because i had some faith in O'toole and fear that the riding would gather more PPC votes
I think I’m just homeless. I have voted Reform/Canadian Alliance/CPC since I could vote and this is the first time I’ve had any trepidation in voting along those lines since I was 18. I will more than likely vote CPC coming up, unless something drastic happens because I view Trudeau to be just as compromised and incompetent as Trump. But I’m not confident in Poilievre’s ability to not burrow down to Trudeau’s depths. It might not take much for me to just stay home. Where I live will probably be one of the few ridings that will stay Liberal so how I vote probably won’t affect anything.