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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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Hello all,

Few Questions;

I have my interview this upcoming Thursday. If I pass that, what will be the next step for the Military Police for Direct Entry if you're considered "Semi Skilled"?? I have applied for direct entry for Military Police, having a police foundations diploma and a background in the security industry that makes me semi skilled. I've read on here that you go through for MPAC, but I'm not sure if you have to do that if you're going direct entry?

You will have to complete the MPAC as it is part of the screening process which is competitive.


Once you complete basic and are promoted to cpl when can you expect to receive your corporal pay and back pay? Is it right away or is there a waiting period?
cac1993 said:
Once you complete basic and are promoted to cpl when can you expect to receive your corporal pay and back pay? Is it right away or is there a waiting period?

It will take 1-2 pay periods for your Cpl Pay to kick in (2-4 weeks). Your back pay will follow at the same time, or soon after.
Do all MP recruits get auto promoted to Cpl after BMQ? Or is it only after they are trade qualified?
Lucky bastards, in my day you waited 4 years like everyone else.  And no spec pay...
Recruits arriving at the CF Military Police Academy in Borden will be promoted to, and begin being paid as a Corporal by the first day of QL3 if not in advance.

The pay may not register right away, and if it doesn't, you will get back pay from the time you became eligible for promotion.

After completion of OJT and QL5, you will be eligible for and begin to receive Specialist Pay.

McDog said:
I'm waiting for MPAC. My recruiter just told me that there should be one coming up in November...

Can anyone confirm if it is going to happen in November? If so, is there any way to figure out which weekend it will be? I would be forever grateful for any information you may have...
I plan to start my Correctional and Policing Foundation Course at Success College in order to be qualified to apply to become MP.
I have always wandered what are the chances of me getting accepted, because I'm 21 y/o, just became a Canadian Citizen this February and speak three languages (English, Hebrew, Russian), and physically fit. Now am a father-to-be, I become more anxious about getting accepted due to my young age and getting a lot of mixed responses about the school I'm about to start.
So what are my chances?

Thanks for the responses!
(My first post in this forum)
For reference, perhaps,

Chances of getting accepted to MP

will be merged with,

The Military Police [MP] Superthread 
31 pages.

See also,

MP education

Police Foundations,
4 pages.

Required Education
The minimum required education to apply for this position is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognized Canadian community college or CEGEP. Foreign education may be accepted. Related employment experience will also be considered during the application process.

Following the initial screening, eligible candidates will complete career orientation and aptitude assessment at a Military Police Assessment Centre to ensure that you have a realistic view of the Military Police occupation and the potential to succeed.

Direct Entry
If you already have a college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations or similar program from a recognised Canadian community college, the Forces will decide if your academic program matches the training criteria for this job and may place you directly into the required on-the-job training program following basic training. Basic training and military occupation training are required before being assigned.


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

AND with mariomike's help in showing the OP the list of threads that he easily SEARCHED and listed for the OP, this thread is LOCKED.

I am currently working with Paladin Security and about to start my PF (Police Foundation) Course and wonder when I will apply for MP will my security experience may boost my chances of getting accepted or its just irrelevant for the recruiters?
eitan67 said:
I am currently working with Paladin Security and about to start my PF (Police Foundation) Course and wonder when I will apply for MP will my security experience may boost my chances of getting accepted or its just irrelevant for the recruiters?


But your PF diploma (provided it is accepted by the CAF) will allow you to meet the minimum education requirement.
eitan67 said:
I plan to start my Correctional and Policing Foundation Course at Success College in order to be qualified to apply to become MP.

Saw this in the "Canadian Military Police" discussion.

( It is separate from this MP super-thread Sticky. )

This advice comes from DAA,

DAA said:
Your police foundations program may be accredited at your local college but the question you need answered is "Is the course I took and the College I attended, RECOGNIZED by the CF for the purpose of applying for Military Police?"  Not all courses/colleges are "recognized".

( Too late to add to Reply #764. )

I have been a CF Firefighter for about 7 years now and I am looking for a change. I wanted to go MP when I first got in but I didn't have the education requirements. Now, all I need to OT is deployment time which I have so I am starting to look at my options.
I was wondering if any past or current MPs could give me a little insight into the trade.

Some of the main reasons I am looking at changing from FF is, the lack of any real career progression in the trade. You basically go from being a hose monkey to a leader, to an administrator. Where as (from my understanding) there are different "branches" of the MP trade you can venture off to, ie CP, detective etc. Are these areas readily available? Or do you need significant time in the trade?

Another issue is the major lack of call volume. Spending 9 months doing a QL3 course and 5 months doing my 5's and I rarely get to put my skills to test. Do MPs have a higher call volume? I know they have at least the same amount as us because every call I go on, they have MPs on scene also.

Another issue is postings. There are very few postings available AND we basically get posted every 3-5 years. Are posting more stable in the MP world?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I did some searching around and most of the threads were from 2005ish so I was hoping for some up to date information.
danteh said:
I have been a CF Firefighter for about 7 years now and I am looking for a change. I wanted to go MP when I first got in but I didn't have the education requirements. Now, all I need to OT is deployment time which I have so I am starting to look at my options.
I was wondering if any past or current MPs could give me a little insight into the trade.

Some of the main reasons I am looking at changing from FF is, the lack of any real career progression in the trade. You basically go from being a hose monkey to a leader, to an administrator. Where as (from my understanding) there are different "branches" of the MP trade you can venture off to, ie CP, detective etc. Are these areas readily available? Or do you need significant time in the trade?

Another issue is the major lack of call volume. Spending 9 months doing a QL3 course and 5 months doing my 5's and I rarely get to put my skills to test. Do MPs have a higher call volume? I know they have at least the same amount as us because every call I go on, they have MPs on scene also.

Another issue is postings. There are very few postings available AND we basically get posted every 3-5 years. Are posting more stable in the MP world?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I did some searching around and most of the threads were from 2005ish so I was hoping for some up to date information.

  I OT'd into MP years ago, with deployment not the education, and I've had no issues.  Pssting vary.  Through your career you can end up at a guardhouse doing patrols, the DB as a custodian (guard), field platoon doing field activities, Close Protection, Air Marshal, National Investigative Service, Embassies and I'm sure I'm missing some.  Average postings are 3-5 years. 

  Time in does play a factor in some places that go, more so in that you have to completed your 5's or other courses to progress.  Call volume depends alot on where you end up being located.  MP are on every base and deploy with the CAF so at times it can be a crab shoot where your going ( especially on your 3's).  Some of the units are bringing in longer duration postings to prevent loss of skills in that unit.

  I highly recommend if your are interested in going to your local Guardhouse and going on a few ridealongs.  I say more then one because it'll give you a better input to the job.  Any other questions and PM me.
danteh said:
Another issue is the major lack of call volume.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.  :)

MP Call Volume was discussed here, in case you are interested,

Call Volume 
"Just curious as to what would be the majority of calls an MP would receive, and what would they spend the most time on?"
Ryan123 said:
Hey guys

First post. Just introducing myself. I'm a 7 year reserve MCpl pursuing a career in law enforcement. Got deferred from my first choice home town civy police force (SHOCKING, I KNOW) so thinking I might try a CT to RegF MP NCM. I'm a university grad (BA double major Soci/Poli Sci) and fairly involved with the reserves and have life experience. I'm going to nitpick the forums and hook with up a buddy of mine who's been an MP for a while now and pick his brains. If I can't find answers to my other questions I'll turn here.


If anyone is curious or for your own SA, I put my CT in for MP and applied to RCMP at around the same time. From file submission to troop offer with RCMP it took 8 months 2 days, and in that time frame I never received one email about my CT (other than them telling me to keep my fitness and medical up to date). I did send a probing email to check the status of my CT and just never really 'heard back'.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I guess the Reg F and I are just not meant to be! After depot I hope to be posted near a reserve unit so I can continue to serve. Best of luck to all pursing a career in LE. DM me if you want any more details on my story. Moreover, don't let me experience be your own.

