I couldn't find where to ask my questions on this website because they are fairly specific to the Military Police.
1. How often does the Military Police Hire?
External hiring (that is non Occupational Transfers) depends on our numbers for the year. Normally due to attrition the MPs hire from "civi street" every year but the numbers can change drastically from year to year.
2. I have just complete my police foundations diploma at a credited college, should I apply right away, or wait until I have more life experience?
There is nothing stopping you from doing both concurrently. Join a sports team, get (stay) fit, volunteer, don't commit crimes, etc.
3. How competitive is the Military Police recruitment?
That depends on the quality of people wanting to enlist. It is competitive.
4. Any tips in the recruitment process?
That's a wee bit open ended a question... Don't lie, don't commit crimes, get (stay) fit, read books, etc.
Thanks for the help, I've done my research, I just have these questions that I couldn't find the answers too. I'm 19 if that helps to answer the previous questions.