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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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The dropping of the college diploma as a prerequisite was announced two weeks ago by the CFPM at the annual Symposium.  It will be effective 1 Apr 09 and is a done deal.
WATCHDOG-81 said:
The dropping of the college diploma as a prerequisite was announced two weeks ago by the CFPM at the annual Symposium.  It will be effective 1 Apr 09 and is a done deal.
With that having been said, if you are an applicant or soon to be applicant, THE CURRENT POLICY IS STILL IN EFFECT UNTIL THEN!  Don't run off to the Recruiting Center and start bugging your career counsellor as they cannot act on this yet.
I initially called to enquire if my Ontario law enforcement academy that I attended would be an equivalent to the police foundations or post secondary.  They said that it absolutely could and all I would have to do is provide a course outline of the academy I attended.  Then he mentioned that I might as well wait until April 1, 2009 because of the change in qualifications.
PMedMoe said:
I guess I shroud have said "all things being equal", meaning if the applicants have the same experience, etc, I would think having the extra schooling would put one slightly ahead.  But I definitely get your point.

Well my educated guess for dropping the requirement is that a)They are hurting for bodies (like pretty much every other police service), and b) very very few, if any civy police services required a PF diploma, it would make little sense to narrow your potential applicant pool.
AmmoTech90 said:
Does that mean spec pay will be re-examined?

That's a whole new can of worms, but it certainly may change what level they receive it at.
Spec pay comes into effect after getting your QL5.  There will be no change there.  From what I understand, those wishing to enter the branch without the PF schooling will be going the regular route as everyone else, which means, you should start seeing pte's back in the trade.
Hey all,
Can anyone tell me what type of criteria the MP platoon will look at when they receive your file in order to be chosen as a new recruit on the platoon besides room on the platoon because I know they have around ten spots to fill?  What things do they frown upon when they look at your file, that will make them deny you into a platoon?  I'm just curious as my file is being completed this week and sent off to the first choice platoon which is primary reserve MP platoon.  Not to sound negative or anything just very stoked.  Thanks any thing would be cool
For the reserve MPs it will be the basic enrollment criteria plus drivers license.

You should also be prepared to do the MPAC as I think the intend is to have us all (reservist) do it.


Send your package in and wait. Make a copy of everything, as things tend to get lost.
So where do they do the MPAC at?  When do they usually do it?  So you are saying I will have to go through a MPAC to get in as a res MP?  Is there anything in the civilian world that will help me out, not saying that being in security is anywhere near the same thing or even close to being in the military but will it help me in getting in as a res MP?  What does the MPAC consist of, kinda looking for someones story as far as personal experience goes.  Any input would be awesome.
MPAC is a test so, aside from some items you can find on here by searching "MPAC", you won't get specifics.

Right now you do not need to attend MPAC to become a Reserve MP but if you want to stay a Res MP for more than 4-5 years you eventually will need to as all Res MP will have to take it within that timeframe in order to meet the new requirements being implemented.
Makes sense bout the specifics.  So are they changing the duties of the res mps?  Will they be badge carrying?  Thanks for the reply i am just waiting for my file to get to the unit and was wondering how the process was.
Yes, the plan is to have all Res MP be eligible for appointment under Sec 156.  This was discussed briefly in another thread here.
They hold MPACs all over the country but usually in Borden ON because the academy is there.  As mentioned they plan on badging reservists but they estimate it won't be for another 5 years.  So unless you're going reg, you won't need to do an MPAC.

For what the MPAC consists of, it's basically a giant test to see where you fall in with regard to the desired competencies for the trade.  Aside from that, you won't get much more info on it without actually going to one yourself.
MrPickles18 said:
They hold MPACs all over the country but usually in Borden ON because the academy is there.  As mentioned they plan on badging reservists but they estimate it won't be for another 5 years.  So unless you're going reg, you won't need to do an MPAC.
Just to clarify, the plan is to have all Res MP Sec 156 eligible WITHIN 5 years, not to start in 5 years.  The process to bring them to that standard has already started with Res MP already being selected for attendance at Reg Force QL3 starting this spring.
Just some information for thoses that don't have a degree as of the new fiscal year it will not be need as i was informed.. Now the reason I'm saying this is that i orginally had MP on my list i was told that i couldn't do it because I didn't have a degree or diploma, then after i did my cfat i was told that i didn't need the diploma and if could still have it as a choice if i wanted. 
I'm a high school student and I want to be an MP in the army reserve. Is that still possible, I mean I'm still a high school student.
If someone doesn't get chosen as an MP their first time around, then goes Infantry, can they re-apply for MP at a later time?
Possibly, it would depend why you weren't eligible for MP the first time around.  ie.  If it was because you didn't score high enough on the CFAT and scored high enough on your OT attempt, that would be OK.  If you went to MPAC and something came out, then maybe not.