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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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If your intent is to come here and spam the boards like you do at blueline.ca, I assure you that you will be dealt with quite quickly.
I was reading an interview with " Bev Busson, the first woman to head the Royal Canadian Mounted Police" in today's G&M.
She speaks to many of the problems the RCMP face today.

It occurred to me that if one wanted to join a large, apparently professional police force (out of my lane), that the OPP would be a good choice.

I say this because many comments in this group run along the line, I want to be a MP for a few years and then join the RCMP.


I was just wondering, I am about to go to bmq/sq and I am in MP reserves. And I have switched my future ambitions, and want to go infantry, will it be hard to do that after I get back from sq? and how do I go about doing this?

Orchard :army:
As the topic indicates, I am interested in some information in respect to the Military Police. I have searched and will continue to do so, I simply wanted to gather some "live" feedback to my situation and questions. I have a diploma in Police Foundations, and am applying for a job as a Police Officer in Ontario, however I am not having much luck. I caught one of the recruiting commercials on TV for the Canadian Forces and it sparked an idea, perhaps there is some opportunity in the Army for me. In all honesty I know very little about the military, but with the vast amount of information on the web (this site especially), I am learning quickly! I plan to speak with a recruiter, however the closest office looks to be about an hour away, and would require me to schedule a day off work which is easier said then done. I have a few questions that perhaps some of you could answer;

1. Is prior military experience required to be an MP. I asked a friend of mine who is in CF this question and he said yes, minimum 2 years.
2. How long is the initial commitment? I have read 5 years
3. Would I be given the opportunity to travel?
4. What is the starting rank and salary?
5. How long is the application/hiring process?

Thanks for any information!

KeithD said:
1. Is prior military experience required to be an MP. I asked a friend of mine who is in CF this question and he said yes, minimum 2 years.
2. How long is the initial commitment? I have read 5 years
3. Would I be given the opportunity to travel?
4. What is the starting rank and salary?
5. How long is the application/hiring process?!

Having previously applied for an MP trade (not accepted due to CV3), I can try to assist you with a few.

1. No.
2. 3 years for most NCM trades, may be longer for MP (not positive)
3. Depends what you mean by opportunity, though it would probably be a good idea to look at it that way :)  You will travel, you just may not get to choose where and when.  Actually most likely wont.
4. Private Untrained through either BMQ or QL3 (not sure which, do a search or wait for someone more qualified), once qualified, promoted Cpl.  Salary you can find on the net. or searching here.
5. Short or long, depends on lots of factors and individual circumstance.

I would also highly suggest that you call your CFRC. The 1-800 number is not long distance, and Im sure they'd be happy to answer your questions that way before you make the trek in. You can also forward questions electronically. They are your best source for current answers.
Dunno if the rules changed, but when MP wannabe's pass BMQ they are givin their Cpls... so you see quite a bit of unqualified Cpl Cornflakes walking around at PRETC in CFB Borden...
Maybe I am right out of 'er, but isn't MP a Spec 1 MOC?  And Spec starts after the 3 at the Academy in Bore-dom?
Yea, I'm pretty sure MPs get spec pay at the end of QL3, but I think I heard something about them getting spec pay after QL5, dunno if that ever evolved into something more than talk though.
Spec Pay is after QL5 which can take a few years to get.  Cpl's is granted on grad parade at CFLRS, complete with backpay to day 1 of course.  Pay is around the $50k mark.

As an MP, your recruiting time would likely be faster than civilian policing.  You wouldn't pay to attend academy and your first year's pay would be greater than most police forces.  After about five years, the pay and cost of training would balance out with a civilian force.  Postings are across Canada; I'll leave it to someone in the branch to comment on it.

Downside?  Well, you'd be an MP.  Those who understand that... understand it.
Hey, I am also taking Police Foundation, one more year to go. Yes, I want to become a civilian police officer too, but I heard it is so competitive, therefore I am working as a security guard and just applied to the Canadian force for infantryman (2 years reserve infantryman first, then will switch to Reg MP for 4 years then will apply to become a civilian police officer). Hoping all those work experience can make my resume look a lot better (also what I have heard, if you been working in the Canadian military and you apply for other government job, you will have a privilege to get selected first, because you "sacrificed" yourself to this country). I am 20 now, can speak 3 languages, so hopefully all those work experience can help me success in my future. Beside, you should try this path. Good Luck  :cdn:
There was another thread around here about some MP restructuring and some of the issues that a typical MP is facing in their trade. Several members added their 0.02.
Probably worth a search.

I know that what I took out of that is this:  If you want to be a civilian cop, go be a civilian cop.  If you want to be a LEO, AND be in the Military, go be a cop and join the reserves.  If you want to be a MILITARY LEO, with everything that entails, join the Reg Force as an MP.

I could be wrong, but that was my take...
Thanks to all the replied, you guys have helped a lot. At this point I am going to contact a recruiter for some further answers and then probably start my application. As far as preference to which kind of cop I want to be, I don't have one. I just want to be a Police Officer, I always have. Legal structure and procedures fasicinates me, I love dealing with people (the good ones and the bad ones) and I really like hands-on work, hence my desire to be a cop rather then a lawyer. Thanks again.

kingsumc said:
Hey, I am also taking Police Foundation, one more year to go. Yes, I want to become a civilian police officer too, but I heard it is so competitive, therefore I am working as a security guard and just applied to the Canadian force for infantryman (2 years reserve infantryman first, then will switch to Reg MP for 4 years then will apply to become a civilian police officer). Hoping all those work experience can make my resume look a lot better (also what I have heard, if you been working in the Canadian military and you apply for other government job, you will have a privilege to get selected first, because you "sacrificed" yourself to this country). I am 20 now, can speak 3 languages, so hopefully all those work experience can help me success in my future. Beside, you should try this path. Good Luck  :cdn:

kingsumc said:
Hey, I am also taking Police Foundation, one more year to go. Yes, I want to become a civilian police officer too, but I heard it is so competitive, therefore I am working as a security guard and just applied to the Canadian force for infantryman (2 years reserve infantryman first, then will switch to Reg MP for 4 years then will apply to become a civilian police officer). Hoping all those work experience can make my resume look a lot better (also what I have heard, if you been working in the Canadian military and you apply for other government job, you will have a privilege to get selected first, because you "sacrificed" yourself to this country). I am 20 now, can speak 3 languages, so hopefully all those work experience can help me success in my future. Beside, you should try this path. Good Luck  :cdn:

Excellent and don't forget to thank all the people that helped you on the way to your chosen path.
Hello, stumbled upon this website, and found loads of information, in most cases from first hand accounts, and experiences.

So, I do have a question for those of you who are in the CF, or more specifically the Military Police Trade. Is getting into the CF as a Military Police member, at the age of 34 too old?  Are there any 55+ MP's still serving?  Guys putting in their 25 years from their 30's?

I have just completed a police foundations program from a private college (CF Approved), currently taking 8 classes as part of a policing fundamentals certificate from a community college. Just trying to give myself an extra piece of paper that the guy next to me might not have. But I have this little voice inside my head that says age, age, age. Currently I work at a major hospital as a security officer, and the young guys and gals, 25 and 26, are getting on to RCMP, Metro, and Ottawa. I think that  this may be where the age, mental block stems from.

I am committed to the CF, and the Police Trade. I will have a hard time taking no as an answer. Even if I must apply 100 times.


Hello my friend

Age in the CF is not a issue until your 54  ;)
If your medical check out ok .. and your fitness lvl are good . i am sure u will be ok to join the CF.

I am 33 and i am waiting on my medical to get aprove... so good luck and talk to u later.
I'm 32 and will be 33 next month...and just did BMQ. cheer up you are as old as you dictate your heart and your brain.
Thanks much for the encouragement.  I guess it is not the young mans game that I thought it was. There is room for 30 somethings.
I completed my BMQ fairly easily at 30 years of age...............and I was not even close to being the oldest on course. You will do fine.
Don't worry, during my BMQ, there were a guy of age 44 who wanted infantary...and I know he succeded... :) cheers man...you want it...then you will succed :)