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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

Good post Eye in the sky. When my gay friends say the pride parades go too far....maybe they do. Milpoints on the way
upandatom said:
It is understandable to the common Canadian that is hardly associated with the CF that the LBGT community is not welcomed or accepted. Many civilians may see or be stuck in the US Military mentality of  the "Dont ask dont tell policy" due to movies and American news networks. This throws it out there for the Canadian Public that we dont have that stance on the matter. 

Actually, way back in the late 80's early 90's when the CF began to change the policy, the question that had to be asked by recruiters was not "are you homosexual" but "are you a currently practicing homosexual".  So you could be lesbian or gay but you just couldn't be a "practicing lesbian or gay".......    :facepalm:
unit91 said:
Are they going raise a black panther flag and an Arian flag too?

I suppose if they write a memo requesting....wait....what?  Did you actually write that?

:o  I don't know what to say to that...
NinerDomestic said:
I am gay and think this is ridiculous. The fact that the flag was saluted makes it even more so.

Careful where you say that or the PC police might get you!  ;D
NinerDomestic said:
I am gay and think this is ridiculous. The fact that the flag was saluted makes it even more so.

The fact that you registered today and used this thread as your first post makes me hesitate to completely believe you.  Sorry.  I smell a whiff of troll.
rampage800 said:
Sorry Kirsten but having a little trouble comprehending what raising a Gay Pride flag on the base actually does. IMO its opening a can of worms, where does it stop, every ethnic minority will want their flag raised on a Canadian Forces Base because now a precedence has been set. I have no problem whatsoever with these groups but I'm pretty sure the Canadian Flag by itself is already all encompassing of race, gender and sexual orientation.

Just my opinion.

Extremely well said. I grow weary of the squeeky wheels!!
UnwiseCritic said:
Don't worry, during Christmas I requesting a nativity scene. :nod:

I have a strong feeling the request will be denied.  :facepalm:
Petawawa has a nativity scene on the high school across from the Canex on base. 
-Skeletor- said:
Petawawa has a nativity scene on the high school across from the Canex on base.

There goes my plan, maybe a "Merry Christmas" sign/flag... The stew is starting to smell good. (stirring the pot)
I thought this was an interesting situation.  (I joked about it a few years ago but actually heard from a friend it become an issue a few months ago)

Troops are on a tasking and staying in hard shacks in single rooms.  They get told females are not allowed in male rooms and vice versa. What about if they're just watching a movie? No, it's frat.  [ which is weird because the actual wording of the fraternization policy speaks about relationships with members of other countries armed forces or local civilians ].

Is it alright if guys are in guys room watching a movie? Yes that's no big deal, just not a guy and a girl.  Conjecture; the chain of command thinks the male and female soldier will have sex.

So what if both male soldiers (or both female soldiers)  are gay?  Are gay male soldiers allowed to have females in their rooms?  Are two gay soldiers not allowed in the same room at the same time?  Is this an archaic rule from a CoC that is trying to babysit adults?
Just like Mom used to say, " You can have your girlfriend in your room, but you have to leave the door open." ;D
Ask whoever issued this decree, preferably in a public setting.

It would perhaps cause some thought.

Or mental self-destruction, like in early Star Trek episodes wherein the malfunctioning supercomputer was fed an impossible question.