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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

Originally posted by Travis:
[qb] I dun think so, then some lonley gay on tha battlefield would see some soldier n rape em! :S [/qb]
Don‘t you think that is a bit of an exaggeration since it doesn‘t necessarily take a gay person to do that.

Besides it doesn‘t make sense because you are assuming all soldiers are men,and they will always be the ones helping you out on the battle fields and this just isn‘t the case.

If you‘re going to have a debate with others in here at least make sense bud.
A persons sexual preferance wouldn‘t (or shouldn‘t) affect the way they soldier. So why shouldn‘t they be entitled to the same pay or health benefits as other people due too their sexual preferance, they probably soldier aswell or better than many straight individuals in the forces. They are humans and they do have rights. I don‘t know where you come from but this is Canada we legalized homosexual marriages so if homosexuals can marry the people they love like heterosexual people why can‘t they be allowed to work in the forces like heterosexual people.
What the **** is with all the homophobes? I personally don‘t care if a homosexual or lesbian is in a foxhole next to me. Everyone is entitled to thier opinion and have thier own preferences, just as long as they don‘t press them on me or others.
Originally posted by Martin de Souza:
[qb] A persons sexual preferance wouldn‘t (or shouldn‘t) affect the way they soldier. So why shouldn‘t they be entitled to the same pay or health benefits as other people due too their sexual preferance, they probably soldier aswell or better than many straight individuals in the forces. They are humans and they do have rights. I don‘t know where you come from but this is Canada we legalized homosexual marriages so if homosexuals can marry the people they love like heterosexual people why can‘t they be allowed to work in the forces like heterosexual people. [/qb]
Just to add two comments to this,just because Canada recently allowed gay marriages does it make it right?And what does gays getting married have to do with them serving in Canadian Forces? I can‘t see any connection here.

Explain this to me.
If the question is so stupid,what does that make you for answering?
Foolish for wasting my time, heh, but I don‘t mind. A spare minute everyday here or there spent trying to ridicule other foolishness is time well wasted in my opinion.

Just to add two comments to this,just because Canada recently allowed gay marriages does it make it right?And what does gays getting married have to do with them serving in Canadian Forces? I can‘t see any connection here.

Explain this to me.
Yes, it does make it right. Since sexual orientation is a superficial classification of individuals. Since other individuals marry and have children, it stands to reason that homosexual individuals can do this as well (adopt children since they obviously cannot procreate as heterosexual couples do).

What do homosexuals being allowed to get married have to do with the Canadian Forces? Well that is a good question, but one that has a pretty good answer as well. All freedoms and rights within Canada are upheld in the Military. A new freedom being granted (long overdue) to individuals in the civillian world must be granted to those in the Military world (at least here in Canada). This will increase the over all amount of marriages in the Canadian forces (likely not by much, but then we don‘t have the #‘s or statistics to even get a ball park figure). Not to mention, since the combat arms are almost entirely composed of male individuals, this is most likely to be the place to see the largest number of increased marriages. I‘m sure you can see the problem here, (though it may not be obvious). Spouses working together, especially in the field and in the same regiment could have many potential problems. As such, there would have to be regulations of some sort monitoring this like at many other places of work (not just homosexual, but heterosexual as well).

Now, correct me if I‘m wrong but I‘m fairly certain there are already some guidelines for the heterosexual marriages in the forces I‘d imagine - it‘d simply be a matter of adapting it to fit homosexual marriages as well.

MTF, since you‘re already in the position of devil‘s advocate right now, why don‘t you provide us with some well thought out answers as to why individuals of homosexual preference should be paid less, or treated with less dignity? or any of the other ridiculous questions you originally asked?

To me, to ridicule people for their sexual preference is as silly as ridiculing them for their favorite colour. Would you honestly believe that someone deserved less money because they liked blue instead of yellow?
What I mean‘t by that statement was that since we allow them to be married should we not allow them into the forces (if they are not already allowed). As OUGrizz siad: I personally don‘t care if a homosexual or lesbian is in a foxhole next to me. Everyone is entitled to thier opinion and have thier own preferences, just as long as they don‘t press them on me or others.
Originally posted by Thaedes:
If the question is so stupid,what does that make you for answering?
Foolish for wasting my time, heh, but I don‘t mind. A spare minute everyday here or there spent trying to ridicule other foolishness is time well wasted in my opinion.

Just to add two comments to this,just because Canada recently allowed gay marriages does it make it right?And what does gays getting married have to do with them serving in Canadian Forces? I can‘t see any connection here.

Explain this to me.
Yes, it does make it right. Since sexual orientation is a superficial classification of individuals. Since other individuals marry and have children, it stands to reason that homosexual individuals can do this as well (adopt children since they obviously cannot procreate as heterosexual couples do).

What do homosexuals being allowed to get married have to do with the Canadian Forces? Well that is a good question, but one that has a pretty good answer as well. All freedoms and rights within Canada are upheld in the Military. A new freedom being granted (long overdue) to individuals in the civillian world must be granted to those in the Military world (at least here in Canada). This will increase the over all amount of marriages in the Canadian forces (likely not by much, but then we don‘t have the #‘s or statistics to even get a ball park figure). Not to mention, since the combat arms are almost entirely composed of male individuals, this is most likely to be the place to see the largest number of increased marriages. I‘m sure you can see the problem here, (though it may not be obvious). Spouses working together, especially in the field and in the same regiment could have many potential problems. As such, there would have to be regulations of some sort monitoring this like at many other places of work (not just homosexual, but heterosexual as well).

Now, correct me if I‘m wrong but I‘m fairly certain there are already some guidelines for the heterosexual marriages in the forces I‘d imagine - it‘d simply be a matter of adapting it to fit homosexual marriages as well.

MTF, since you‘re already in the position of devil‘s advocate right now, why don‘t you provide us with some well thought out answers as to why individuals of homosexual preference should be paid less, or treated with less dignity? or any of the other ridiculous questions you originally asked?

To me, to ridicule people for their sexual preference is as silly as ridiculing them for their favorite colour. Would you honestly believe that someone deserved less money because they liked blue instead of yellow? [/qb]
I know where you are coming from,but I disagree 100%,but that is my right as an individual to feel that way,about allowing gays to adopt children,but that‘s besides the point and this thread is about Canadian Forces.

I never said they should be paid less and have different benefits I am just asking what you guys think?

If you really want my opinion,then I‘d have to say I don‘t think they should be allowed in Canadian Forces period,if U.S can avoid that from happening why can‘t Canada?There are religious people in army correct?Well homosexuality is against all religions so to make someone who is religious to have to be around that all the time when training is simply wrong.

That would be like me making you eat something you don‘t like and allergic to.

Obviously you can‘t get rid of religious people in army because that would mean getting rid of more then half the people in army and we would end up with even a smaller army which Canada can‘t afford to have happen.So you might as well get rid of homosexuality in army,which is immoral anyways.Canadian Forces if I am correct is supposed enforce morals to some extent,so does it make sense to have gays and lesbians join?NO.

Like I said that‘s just my opinion with my rights to believe in,since you want to talk about freedom and rights.

As far as you talking about colours,it is pointless because if you‘re trying to say I sound racist,I am not racist,although some of you may think I am just for my opinions against gays.

To me that‘s not racism it is called common sense.

Anyways I have answered your question and given my opinion,but you can disagree all you want,it‘s not going to change my opinion.

Your point of view is your right just as my opinion is my right,like you said Canada is about freedom and rights.
Actually, the only people who SHOULDN‘T be allowed in the military are people who use religon to justify their being bigots; You people sicken me.
Well homosexuality is against all religions so to make someone who is religious to have to be around that all the time when training is simply wrong.
That is quite an ignorant statement. There is no rule, guideline or even remote suggestion in my religion that states that homosexuality is immoral. It does however have rules about treating people badly, so by your logic I shouldn‘t be subjected to your immoral presence. Oh, and I shouldn‘t have to put up with all you evil meat eaters either.(no pun intended)

So please stop projecting your backward outdated views onto the rest of us with faith.
Originally posted by E-Town:
Well homosexuality is against all religions so to make someone who is religious to have to be around that all the time when training is simply wrong.
That is quite an ignorant statement. There is no rule, guideline or even remote suggestion in my religion that states that homosexuality is immoral. It does however have rules about treating people badly, so by your logic I shouldn‘t be subjected to your immoral presence. Oh, and I shouldn‘t have to put up with all you evil meat eaters either.(no pun intended)

So please stop projecting your backward outdated views onto the rest of us with faith. [/qb]
What exactly is your religion?

I‘m Catholic and in my bible it says homosexuality is a sin.My view has nothing to do with being backward,it all has to do with my religion.

"I shouldn‘t have to put up with all you evil meat eaters either.(no pun intended)."

How the **** did that come up?

Are you saying anyone that eats meat is evil? Don‘t tell me you are one of those typical vegetarians and animal activists who think it is so wrong to kill animals to eat.
Thaedes, you‘re clearly misinformed. Blue is a far superior colour to red. I am surprised you would even defend such an untenable position.

Thanks God we‘re getting into discussions that matter!

Hey MuyThai...what do you think about dogs in the military? What if they get all worked up because the local chihuahua is in heat? OMG, how will we handle it when dog-soldiers go nuts!

This whole thread is so far from a rational discussion that it deserves my commentary. ;-)
MuayThaiFighter: Since you are ignorant and a bigot and obviously closed-minded and prejudiced, you will not be allowed to join. If you lie on your interview and make it in anyway, it had better not be in my regiment. I will ensure that the recruiters know about this if you do join, as these kind of bigoted attitutes are NOT tolerated in the CF.
Yes homosexuals should be allowed in the Canadian Forces, Since as human beings and citizens they have the right of any other person. The only thing that should block them are the things that block eerybody (criminal record, citizenship medical ailments etc) Sexual preference is not and should not be guidelines for any sort of application to any job.
As for marriage, why not??? a stable loving and sexual relationship can exist between two people of the same or opposite sex so shinanagins on anything else. BOO HOO its against god, well to bad yours isnt the only god or belief in this country.
As for adopting children why not? If a stable supportive atmosphere can exist and be offered to a child in need then go ahead.

As for making the poor religious person uncomfortable in the next foxhole, he or she can go flock themself. Your religious ideals are respected but dont except every commandement to be followed by every person in the army just cuz your there.

And as for the innapropriate and juvenile comment about sexual assault: It was not uncommon in war for hetrosexual men to preform homosexual acts on each other to releive sexual tension particularly near thr front lines of WW1 and 2. What im saying is homosexuals are just as capable of controlling urges the same as every other person on this earth. I think every person who disagrees about race or sexual oreintation should wake up open their eyes and climb out of their petty small mind.
Oh yeah MuayTye, your right you have every right to hold your opinion. Every man women or child should be able to hold one.

Your opinion isnt wrong or evil. Its just backward outdated and very very sad. I actually sincerly feel sorry for you that you cannot see out of your little box. Perhaps as time progresses and you begin to mature you will be able to make that big step and think for yourself.
I‘m Catholic and in my bible it says homosexuality is a sin.My view has nothing to do with being backward,it all has to do with my religion

So what part of this catholic bible says homosexualoty is a sin? People aways point to it as a sin, but never back it up with a passage. The bibles says a lot of things, like you can keep slaves, stome your wife.... so what makes one part more important that others. I have feeling you break the bible rules all the time, with you quest for hot women... and sex. After all doesn‘t the bible say that‘s wrong. I‘m sure the person next to you in that foxhole who is religious would be uncomfortable with you, knowing you seek out pre-marriage sex. From my understanding of the Christian religion, sin is sin..it doesn‘t matter what the sin was.... it‘s all wrong in the eyes of GoD. And if your catholic, I sure who you do use birth control... its a sin too if youy believe in the Pope.
I have stayed out of this discussion because I refuse to believe MTF is being honest. I think he is just acting this way to cause trouble, as no one in this day and age, except for religous zealots could be this ignorant.

All I have to say is the following two things for people who use religion to justify disliking homosexuals:

1) Canada is a SECULAR country. This is why we don‘t learn from any religious documents in school (thank god), and we are not forced by law to attend temple services (thank allah). Furthermore our laws are not based of religous texts or edicts (eg. stoning a woman for comitting adultery, thank buddha).

2) Homosexuals don‘t choose to be homosexuals, they are born that way. They cannot turn ungay no matter how hard they try, it is rooted in their psyche, and possibly even their genetics. Religious people CHOOSE to participate in their religion. If you consider homosexuality a problem, and are intelligent enough to see that religion is a problem, then who has the problem that can be fixed?
I honestly don‘t see the relevence of this conversation. It doesn‘t really matter what anyone thinks of homosexuals because the CF has a policy of non descrimination. If I wanted to work at McDonalds, does my opinion on the Bacon Double Cheeseburger matter? Of course not. If I didn‘t like it I wouldn‘t apply for the job. Its like complaining about the weather. You can cry all you want but it won‘t change anything. Just go with the flow or look for another line of work. :rolleyes:
Military cadet makes history with wedding

Is this really news?  More to the point, does anyone really care anymore?  When I read this article I was shaking my head about a 19 year old getting married to someone he met only four months ago.   :confused:

Military cadet makes history with wedding; 19-year-old first armed forces gay to take a husband Couple celebrates with front-row concert tickets
As far as his fiance was concerned, Officer Cadet Jason Stewart was planning a simple weekend getaway to Toronto.

But when a white stretch limo rolled up outside Joey Schwehr's Kingston, Ont., home Friday afternoon, he realized it was much more than that. It became the much-anticipated weekend they would say their vows, making Stewart, who attends Kingston's Royal Military College, the first man in the military to marry another man.

"The first time we went on a date, (Joey) said he wanted to be picked up in a white stretch limo with white roses in the back and be surprised," said Stewart, 19, from the Fairmont Royal York hotel yesterday afternoon, just hours after they were wed.

Accompanied by a few close friends, the two were married at city hall. Last night, they celebrated at the Britney Spears concert after finding front-row tickets for $150 apiece.

While neither of their families attended the wedding, Stewart said both groups are happy for them. "They knew we were engaged and going to get married. (Joey's) father took it well. I think his mother was a little upset that she wasn't going to be there for it," Stewart said.

But both of their parents, as well as about 300 friends and family, will be present when the two reaffirm their vows at the military college in October.

"Everyone's always been really supportive," said Stewart of his peers and teachers at the college. "I've never gotten any flack about it. Everybody's just gung-ho and most of my superiors are more worried about me getting married at a young age than who I'm getting married to."

Stewart and Schwehr, 20, dated for a little over four months after being set up on a blind date. They said their connection was instant. "It was so special. I just knew ... it's hard to explain, but I just knew. Every moment right from there, it was great," said Schwehr, who works at a clothing store in Kingston.

Since they met, Stewart said the two have spent every day together. He proposed to Schwehr at work about a month ago.

"Since I started dating when I was about 16, I probably hadn't really been in love before until I met Joey," Stewart said. "We definitely wouldn't have gotten married if we didn't think we were perfect for each other."

When he told his mother last month that he was gay and he was getting married, she wasn't surprised. Unsure of how his father, a lobster fisherman in Nova Scotia, would react, she offered to tell him when he got home from work. A few hours later, Stewart got a phone call.

"My dad called me up and the only thing he said was, 'Just tell Joey he's gotta look after us when we get older,'" said Stewart. "So they took it very well."

I certainly don‘t care. Let him do what he wants, it doesn‘t affect me any. I just hope the poor guy doesn‘t get harassed too badly over it. I wonder if he‘s thought the thing through fully: not only is he marrying someone he met four months ago, but by being the first such case in the military he‘s really opening himself up to a lot of flak. Either he‘s really brave, or really stupid.
Being a young guy, I would have to vote for the stupid part.