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The Khadr Thread

That may well be, but not before his lawyers and supporters curb stomp all who oppose him.
I am very surprised that his location (his lawyer's terrorist safe house) is being publicly disclosed.

I'd wager that lots of our tax dollars are being spent not only on public safety type surveillance of him, i.e. by CSIS, but also, mis-spent on HVT overwatch for his safety, by EPS or RCMP.

The liberal nature of our liberal democracy will certainly be the downfall of our liberal democracy.
I wouldn't doubt that it will cost us a fortune in security to protect him from the justice he deserves (of the unofficial variety).
dapaterson said:
Only after he moves to Alberta
Seeing as he's living in Edmonton now, he's closer to the Legislature than a future PC candidate will be.
"Welcome back, Omar Khadr. It matters to say it. Welcome back, Omar Khadr. You're home,"  . . . "Omar Khadr, you've got more class than the whole fucking cabinet,"  Elizabeth May, the federal Green Party leader at the Parliamentary Press Gallery's dinner on Saturday.


If I was charitable, I'd say Elizabeth May is a naive pollyanna. But I'm not; she's just plain stupid.


FJAG said:
"Welcome back, Omar Khadr. It matters to say it. Welcome back, Omar Khadr. You're home,"  . . . "Omar Khadr, you've got more class than the whole ******* cabinet,"  Elizabeth May, the federal Green Party leader at the Parliamentary Press Gallery's dinner on Saturday.


If I was charitable, I'd say Elizabeth May is a naive pollyanna. But I'm not; she's just plain stupid.


Anyone up for a round of Kumbaya? What a naive blithering idiot.
FJAG said:
"Welcome back, Omar Khadr. It matters to say it. Welcome back, Omar Khadr. You're home,"  . . . "Omar Khadr, you've got more class than the whole ******* cabinet,"  Elizabeth May, the federal Green Party leader at the Parliamentary Press Gallery's dinner on Saturday.


If I was charitable, I'd say Elizabeth May is a naive pollyanna. But I'm not; she's just plain stupid.
You have that right!
Hamish Seggie said:
Anyone up for a round of Kumbaya? What a naive blithering idiot.

'Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake'

Napoleon (and Harper)
May is an amatuer and a fucktard.  :2c:

I care more about the ingredient list on my bottle of water than anything that comes out of her cakehole.

Khadr never should have seen Canada from the inside.  He is free, the freak who cut someones head off on a bus is pretty much free.  Is anyone really surprised? 
Eye In The Sky said:
May is an amatuer and a fucktard.  :2c:

I care more about the ingredient list on my bottle of water than anything that comes out of her cakehole.

Khadr never should have seen Canada from the inside.  He is free, the freak who cut someones head off on a bus is pretty much free.  Is anyone really surprised?

And if you object to either one being free, you are immediately labeled. Pick one. Does "bigot" work for either Khadr or Vince Li?
Halifax Chronicle Herald cartoon.  I would love to see this...  http://thechronicleherald.ca/editorial-cartoon/2015-05-12-editorial-cartoon

jollyjacktar said:
Halifax Chronicle Herald cartoon.  I would love to see this...  http://thechronicleherald.ca/editorial-cartoon/2015-05-12-editorial-cartoon

Although I agree with the sentiment that she is an oxygen thief, I think that cartoon with its inclusion of Bill C-51 sends the wrong message.