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The Khadr Thread

Paul Martin apparently has a soft spot for terrorists:

1990 - looks for support from International Sikh Youth Federation (identified as terrorist group by CSIS)
2000 - attends $1,000 plate fundrasier for Tamil Tigers
2008 - rallies for Omar Khadr

There's a disturbing pattern here.
54/102 CEF said:
Earlier I wrote

Now we have the Right Hon Ex PM Martin diving into the swamp


There is absolutely nothing like being Ready to do your duty after you`re no longer able to if you were ever willing to

Yup. Just another hot button issue that the libs can try and make political hay out of. This has nothing to do with Khadr, and everything about the libs standing opposite of Harper and trying to show themselves as still having influence in politics. Waffling gits with no backbone or honour. But Paul Martin? That's like the last time Joe Clark tried to reenter the fray. Totally ineffective and inconsequential. Washed up has beens with no cred. Guess they figure it's better to have an expendable patsy, in case it blows up in their face.
Here's what CSIS is saying about the interviews in the recently-released tapes.....

Canadian Security Intelligence Service - 2003 Interviews with Omar Khadr - Media Coverage
Ottawa, July 21st, 2008

Information relating to interviews of Omar Khadr by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) were recently released to Mr. Khadr’s legal counsel, following rulings by the Supreme Court of Canada in May 2008, and by the Federal Court of Canada in June 2008.

Following the public release of this information by Mr. Khadr’s lawyers, there has been much national and international media coverage pertaining to these interviews. Much of this coverage has focussed on video footage of Service interviews conducted with Mr. Khadr in February 2003.

Mr. Khadr was questioned by CSIS in 2003 about individuals - including those linked to the Al Qaeda organization - who may pose a threat to the security of Canada and its interests.
CSIS interviewed Mr. Khadr to collect threat-related information and intelligence and did not discuss consular issues with him, as this is not CSIS's role.

During the recent media coverage of this issue, some factual errors have been reported by certain media outlets. Specifically, select media outlets have claimed that Mr. Khadr had been mistreated by U.S. authorities - including via sleep deprivation - prior to those 2003 interviews with CSIS. This is simply not accurate. In fact, it should be clear that CSIS had no information to substantiate claims that Mr. Khadr was being mistreated by U.S. authorities in conjunction with the CSIS interviews in 2003.

Furthermore, the allegations which subsequently surfaced regarding sleep deprivation were in relation to a 2004 interview in Guantanamo Bay with Mr. Khadr, an interview in which CSIS was not a participant.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Now what are the chances the mainstream media outlets will pick this up and publish it?

about as good as me becoming PM in the next 5 minutes.
How would CSIS know what is going on at Gitmo though?  They don't.  How can one say it is not factual just because you don't happen to have facts about this?  Just because you can't or unable to confirm something didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't.    I am not saying CSIS is wrong or right, but it just seems odd that they would say what they are saying? 
CSIS is not claiming anything. Khadr's lawyers and supporters in the media are making all the claims and suggesting that CSIS supports them.

CSIS said: "CSIS had no information to substantiate claims that Mr. Khadr was being mistreated by U.S. authorities in conjunction with the CSIS interviews in 2003." In other words every time one of Khadr's cheering section says Khadr was "sleep deprived according to CSIS documents" they are stretching the truth waaaaay past the breaking point.
In other words every time one of Khadr's cheering section says Khadr was "sleep deprived according to CSIS documents" they are stretching the truth waaaaay past the breaking point.

Ahh I can agree with that.  It was just the part of the statement were CSIS said there were factual mistakes. 
stegner: Can you enlighten us on the epistemological implications?

How can one say it is not factual just because you don't happen to have facts about this?  Just because you can't or unable to confirm something didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't.

Bishop Berkeley springs to mind (though an atheist myself):.

Do check the link, please.

The epistemological implications are such.  There are only a few ways in which CSIS can get info on Gitmo.  1) From the U.S 2) Conducting its own investigations 3) Open sources 4) Other nations.
stegner: Four avenues, diligently pursued, might lead to certain conclusions.

Somebody needs to send this guy in Kamloops a medal...

Kamloops This Week

Actually, the entire Khadr clan should be in Guantanamo

By Christopher Foulds - Kamloops This Week

Published: July 19, 2008 12:00 PM
So, Omar Khadr sobs a few sobs, utters a few woes-are-me and we are supposed to demand that Prime Minister Stephen Harper rescue the poor child from Guantanamo Bay?

Based on the wailing from the anti-American left in Canada, don’t be surprised to see the terrorist appointed to the Order of Canada.
Maybe then Dr. Henry Morgentaler will return his award in protest, thereby completing the ludicrous circle.

Omar Khadr is not a child soldier.

He was 15 and decided to follow his father and the rest of Canada’s first family of the jihad to Afghanistan to try to kill soldiers who represent the values of a society that allowed his family to denigrate all that we value, while sucking back taxpayer dollars of those they despise.

He is charged with killing U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer by lobbing a grenade during a battle.
Khadr denies doing this, of course, but the fact he was on the terrorist side of a battle against Canada and her allies should be more than enough to strip him of his citizenship.
We routinely criticize the Canadian judiciary for its leniency in sentencing teens who commit the most atrocious acts on our streets, cognizant that a 15-, 16- and 17-year-old know full well right from wrong.
Yet Khadr is referred to by many as an innocent child soldier who is the victim in this saga.


A child soldier is a nine-year-old in Sierra Leone, pumped full of heroin and handed a machete with which to wreak havoc.
Khadr was a 15-year-old who made the decision to become a terrorist and wage war against Canada and the rest of the West.
His sister, Zaynbar Khadr, watched the video of her brother — footage that is five years old and carefully edited by his legal team to extract maximum sympathy from those who refuse to see the truth.

She told Global News: “I don’t know what to expect from the Canadian government any more. I don’t expect them to be very nice.”
No, we don’t expect them to be very nice.

Any real Canadian would expect the Canadian government to be anything but nice to a murderous clan that has proven in action and in words that it detests the very country in which its members are, unfortunately, considered citizens.

However, by allowing the Khadrs to remain in Canada, by allowing public money to be funnelled to this hateful fa mily in the form of welfare payments and by allowing our public health-care system to spend precious dollars caring for Abdulkareem Khadr (Omar’s older brother by three years, who was paralyzed in a 2003 firefight with Pakistani forces. The clan’s father, Ahmed, was killed in the battle), the reality is Canada is being nice to a group of people that is Canadian in ink only.
How a family that declares its admiration for Osama bin Laden (who reportedly attended Zaynab’s wedding), spent as much time bouncing around terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did on Canadian soil and conveniently “lost’ plenty of passports can be considered Canadian is a mystery only gullible sympathizers can unravel.

Much has been said about the need for Canada to pressure the U.S. to follow rules set down by the Geneva Conventions.
A proposition: When a Canadian citizen travels around the world to join terrorists in a bid to kill soldiers of his own country and its allies, rules such as the Geneva Conventions do not apply.

Omar’s mom, Maha Elsamnah — yes, the woman who admitted to celebrating when the World Trade Center towers were attacked, the woman who waxed eloquent about how wonderful it would be to watch her offspring die as martyrs to the cause — watched her son as he wept in the video.

“My son is calling for me and I’m sitting here,” she told CBC.
In a perfect world, Omar would be calling for her and the rest of the treasonous Khadr clan as they sat together in a cell in Guantanamo Bay.


I think they (HRC = Human Rights Commission) may not want to be involved

What is discriminatory is here http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/H-6/bo-ga:s_1::bo-ga:s_2?page=2

Earlier in this thread I put up some links about what constitutes Terrorist Acts

That boy dug himself a big hole.
I gave up on the system as soon as I heard the wailing for Khadr's release.

IMHO....The entire family, with Maha Elsamnah in the lead, should be stripped of their citizenship and deported back to where ever they came from.

Recce By Death said:
I gave up on the system as soon as I heard the wailing for Khadr's release.

IMHO....The entire family, with Maha Elsamnah in the lead, should be stripped of their citizenship and deported back to where ever they came from.


In fact only one of many problems we have with our current Refugee/Immigration/Visa Systems.  We also have the Somali Warlord's family in Toronto.  How many of these 'people' have been able to find loopholes or just slide through the cracks in our Security?  They are a minority who give the vast majority of Legal Immigrants and bona fide Refugees a bad name.