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The Khadr Thread

Originally posted by Marauder:
[qb] To **** with arresting these phucks. They‘ve all but admitted to rendering aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. If the Liberals had any balls these b@stards would have been sent to their 72 virgins on a cold Toronto night after a no knock entry courtesy of the Dwyer Hill ski team. [/qb]
:D That just made my morning.
Originally posted by absent_element:

One of the things that boils me most about this situation is after stating how pleased they were about her husband/father fighting and dying in Afghanistan she went onto say that she hopes to return to Canada so her injured son can get the best possible health care.
That just proves they have no phookin idea what and who they are fighting. Someone said it best in another thread - War is part of there culture and always will be. It was ok to kill the Americans because they paid taxes?? WTF does that mean? :eek:

Scum of the Earth. Words can‘t do justice in describing these "people". :rage:
As a front line border worker, I can tell you from personal experience the frustration we all feel at our collective inability to do anything to improve or influence immigration policy.

We, the workers, know the system is broken. We cannot do anything to fix it, except do our jobs and hope things work out.

But alas, the situation is quite bad.

Often, because of the bureaucratic nightmare involved in a simple deportation, removal, or "permission to leave Canada" (huh?) document immigration CAN issue, it is often easier to simply suggest to a non-genuine visitor that they "withdraw" their entry to Canada, and leave voluntarily.

Of course, a week later, they come back and try their luck again. Surprise!

This actually happened to me on a case I dealt with in December.

The details are unimportant, but a particular individual was sent to immigration by me, the front line customs officer, who was unwilling to decide to release this person freely into Canadian society. Immigration did the best they could to poke holes in her story, and eventually, because there was no criminal history, and their documentation appeared in order, they were simply told to withdraw their entry, which the traveller did.

One week later, this same person showed up in Montreal. This time, the person had been briefed properly by her handlers. She had NO passport, and she immediately made a refugee claim.

Now, the "system" kicks in, and a person who was already asked to leave Canada once will now get a refugee hearing. It is now believed the passport she had on her first trip was false, but since she didn‘t have it the second time, we don‘t have the evidence to prove it, and it wouldn‘t make a difference for her ref claim anyway.

By the way, it is an offence to use a forged passport to enter Canada... unless you are claiming refugee status!

There are a number of legitimate refugees that Canada receives each year, based on an allotment that the UNHCR decides for each industrialized naton. They are screened, and are genuinely in need of protection from civil, political or religious strife somewhere in the world. However, the vast majority who arrive at our borders -- EVERY DAY without fail -- are not genuine, and are simply jumping the queue, or taking advantage of our very weak system.

They cannot be screened properly at the port of entry, and we cannot detain them all. Most of them are released with instructions to show up for their hearing, or face a warrant. Big deal. By the time the warrant is issued, they‘re long gone, living under another identity, or the warrant isn‘t in the computer system when/if they are stopped by police doing something they shouldn‘t be.

It is frustrating, and every border worker hates the situation. But until those with decision-making power (ie, Cabinet) make significant changes, we are living with this obstacle to free and safe society. Period.
"Word can‘t do justice in describing these "people". Well, in actual fact, words did. The media has just been used, big time, to promote the Al Quaeda organization. Because you know what? I‘ll lay money on it that there are some bleeding hearts sitting out there right now moaning and sniffling about the poor mother and child and how they should be allowed to come back to Canada. We are the "melting pot" after all. And there are some sitting out there poo pooing the CIA for the miserable treatment that they allowed to befall this poor soul. And some lawyer is going to volunteer their services to represent this family and get monetary retribution for what this country has put these poor people through. And this all happened because we allowed the media to interview this family and run with the story.

Methinks the Al Quaeda psy ops is working quite well.
What I meant to say was I couldn‘t think of any words that would properly portray them in their true context. Terrorists? That‘s a given. Homicidal maniacs? I‘m not qualified to make that assesment but they kill for no reason, IMO, so the line is very thin.

Helping out Al Qeada‘s cause? Who knows but I do see your point. The mother was spouting off crap about how Osama was a normal everyday guy. LMFOA! Anyone who claims justification for murder because people pay taxes and claims this behind a full body robe because she feels it‘s neccessary for women to not show their bodies deserves a knock upside the head. If anything I thought the doc showed just how truely disgusting these people are.
It‘s time we start protecting this country from getting raped.

Khadr pleads for Ottawa to aid brother in Pakistan despite terrorist ties

Canadian Press

Friday, March 19, 2004

Abdurahman Khadr Toronto Friday. Canadian Press/Aaron Harris


TORONTO -- A Canadian whose family has strong ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network pleaded with the federal government Friday to help his paralysed 14-year-old brother return to Canada from Pakistan.

Abdurahman Khadr, 21, described his brother Karim, who was badly injured in a clash with security forces that killed their father, as an innocent victim.

"As a child, forget what his father or his mother thinks," Khadr said at a news conference.

"As just a child, a Canadian child, I think he needs help."

Karim has been in a hospital in Pakistan since the shootout last October.

Khadr, who lives in Toronto, also pleaded with the Canadian government to ensure his mother and sister, who have expressed sympathy for al-Qaida, are able to return from Pakistan.

He said he worries they are under the spell of Muslim extremists and need to be away from them.

The Canadian government has denied them passports because they have repeatedly lost previous ones.

"My mother and my sister, they haven‘t done anything and I‘m trying to save them before they do something," he said, noting they may try to travel illegally.

"That‘s why I want them to come back to Canada - to be away from that influence of al-Qaida."

Khadr‘s 17-year-old brother Omar is still under American detention in Guantanamo Bay.

He said Oman should be tried here in Canada.

"What I‘m saying is, give them a chance to come back to Canada," Khadr said.

Last year, Khadr raised eyebrows with a story that he was arrested by U.S. forces in Afghanistan, imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay on suspicions of being a terrorist and then dumped without documents in Afghanistan.

He later said he had lied, and in fact had been working undercover with the CIA that whole time.

In a recent television documentary, members of his family admitted to being involved with and sympathetic to al-Qaida.

Khadr, however, said he firmly rejected the hatred generated by Muslim extremists.


Some facts:

Abdullah Khadr: Age 23. Whereabouts unknown but believed to be somewhere in Afghanistan.

Omar Khadr: Age 17. Held almost two years by the Americans in Guantanamo Bay.

Karim Khadr: Age 14. In hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Paralysed from the waist down in shootout with security forces last October.

Abdurahman Khadr: Age 21. Lives in Toronto. Returned to Canada last fall.

Zaynab Khadr (sister) and Maha Elsamna (mother): Living in Islamabad. Have previously refused assistance to return to Canada.

C‘mon right in folks. Terrorist ties shmerrorist ties.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
i say dont let him in for security reasons and i think our governmet should hand over mr.Khadr to the US so they can deal with him because knowing Canada there not going to do anything about it.
are we forgetting something the kids 14 years old?? and paralysed let him in and teach him another way of life just a thought
Smoky ever heard of providing "aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war" you know thats treasonous right? He was shooting at Americans (our allies remember, and the could have just as easily been Canadians they were shooting at.) I say the soldier who shot him needs to work on his aim. It‘s supposed to be a double tap in the centre of mass to ensure the person is dead. This is ridiculous, and is another reason why Canada should stop allowing it‘s citizens from having dual nationalities. You pick one or the other, and if you choose to have Canadian citizenship, you are a CANADIAN all the time. Not when it is best for you, or so you can have access to the benefits the rest of us enjoy. Let em all rot.
I don‘t think we should let him in, especially considering his actions BUT i think your wrong when it comes to providing aid to the enemy. Once someone is a casualty or surrenders they are no longer a combatent and have to be provided for. Given water food sleep and protection from harm.

Anyone can help out a wounded friend it takes a man to help out a wounded enemy. Thats where professionalisim comes in.
My wonder is what facilities are available to legally strip the Khadr family - or at least those known to have been involved in activities contrary to the national interest of Canada - of their Canadian citizenship, thus removing any concern for their welfare from Canadians.

I‘m going to disagree with you, Falcon, about dual citizenship. Even states which don‘t allow dual citizenship technically cannot force someone to give up another citizenship, and if they could, what would it really matter? The vast majority of persons holding two or more citizenships in this country do so out of convenience to maintain ties to family abroad, not to further illegitimate aims like the Khadrs seem to.

You say that this is "another reason" to ban dual citizenship. What other reasons are there? I can‘t think of any, and I‘d be more than a little offended if the Canadian government tried to tell me I had to renounce my British citizenship and give up my passport just to maintain Canadian citizenship. I‘m a citizen of both countries with great pride, and bear true allegiance to both.
The people who shouldn‘t be allowed back in the country are this kids‘ mother, sister and older brother (the one the Pakistanis, CJTF, etc. are all looking for). Mom and sis, who cheerfully told CBC how much they hated the West, nonetheless want to bring the kid back to Canada to get access to our medical system. Big brother is seriously connected to al-Qaeda and the Taliban and can hope for nothing more than a one-way trip to Guantanamo Bay.
Since the mother and sister reportedly "lost" their Canadian passports (which presumably means "sold" or "donated to al-Qaeda") they should be refused new ones.
Or maybe Jean Chretien will intervene on their behalf ... again.
I just finished reading "The Hunt For Bin Laden: Task Force Dagger" By Robin Moore.

Near the end it has approx. two pages about daddy Khadr. He was on Task Force Dagger‘s top 10 target list, because of his close relationship to Osama. This is the guy Crouton got out of a pakistani prison because he was a Canadian. :confused:
Canada has an obligation under law to give aid and etc to holders of Canadian citizenship. Only after under going a trial and been found guilty of serious crime, can any thing be done. We have murderers amongst us that at 13 or 14 were declared juveniles etc. and sentenced to a few months in a holiday camp, until we take our rights and freedoms seriously we have no case to argue.
But you can‘t abuse that, by being a terrorist in a foreign country, and then wanting to get back to canada when you are injured in a gunfight. These people should all be stripped of their citizenship.
It just said on CBC that 2 members of the Khadr family - I believe the mother (who keeps "losing" canadian passports) and the son (who was injured in a gun fight with pakistani police men) - are on a plane to Canada. The flight is from Islamabad to Toronto, and is scheduled to land tomorrow afternoon.

I would not want them as my neighbours! Canada is seen as a softy, as Australia used to be. we went hardline back in Aug 2001, and since then, we turn ‘em away. There has been few illegals coming in since then. All were mainly ME people who paid over 20,000 US dollars to get here by Indonesia.

Canada must adjust its immigration policy so that ‘trash‘ like this family are not allowed to enter.

Frankly I find it a national disgrace that this has been allowed to happen.


Originally posted by Pte. Scarlino:
[qb] It just said on CBC that 2 members of the Khadr family - I believe the mother (who keeps "losing" canadian passports) and the son (who was injured in a gun fight with pakistani police men) - are on a plane to Canada. The flight is from Islamabad to Toronto, and is scheduled to land tomorrow afternoon.
I hate the way this country is run. I hate the government. And I definetly HATE people like this who think nothing of it to spit at the country providing them care, and at the same put thier hand out for aid. F|_|CK THEM! It reasons like this that make disgusted to be a Canadian, and make me want to move across the border.
It is absoultly sickening to me that this country let this family back in. For anyone who saw the CBC documentry on these people knows what i am talking about. They are admitted islamic extrmeists. Buddys with Osama Bin Laden, they admit they are against the west and agree with terrorism. And Yeah they claim they lost Canadian Passports, sure...and by lost they mean gave them to terrorists.......just sick. This Government needs to go!

and thats all IMO