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The Khadr Thread

PuckChaser said:
100% that's what I'm suggesting. If you look at the posting times, less than an hour and a half in between. When coming into a thread with lots of unread replies, its prudent to read through everything, pick a few you want to respond to, and make a bigger post. Sure, its a big post, but we waste more space with the headers  on 5 posts than we would with a couple extra carriage returns separating quotes.

People have written short stories on here before as responses, and as always you can exercise the free will not to read it. That's probably why Reddit has a TL:DR (Too Long:Didn't Read) system for their posts.

Imagine having to read all of JMTs posts, and then the replies! :sarcasm:

If my suggestion is a big issue for you, please feel free to PM me and discuss it. Otherwise, no need for the discussion on it taking away from a good topic.

Sorry about that puckchaser. I do get carried away.  :)
shawn5o said:
CSIS interviewed him and shared the info with the yanks. Oh the horrors!!! But the yanks wouldn't allow an interview unless the info was shared.

Take that up with the court, not me.
PuckChaser said:
100% that's what I'm suggesting. If you look at the posting times, less than an hour and a half in between. When coming into a thread with lots of unread replies, its prudent to read through everything, pick a few you want to respond to, and make a bigger post.

I'm going to have to defend him here.  With my personality and brain style (i.e., my mind is all over the place), I find such things hard to do.  Especially posting from work :P.  That said, now that you've made your position clear, I'll do my best in the future to be more organized. 
The latest ...
Widow of U.S. soldier seeks enforcement of Utah judgment against Omar Khadr in Alberta
The claim calls on the Court of Queen’s Bench to recognize the U.S. judgment, and to issue a “corresponding” award in the amount of $173.88 million.
By Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press, Thu., Aug. 24, 2017

Canadian lawyers acting for the widow of a U.S. special forces soldier have filed an application in Alberta, essentially duplicating one filed earlier in Ontario, seeking enforcement of a massive U.S. damages award against former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr.

The claim calls on the Court of Queen’s Bench to recognize the judgment from Utah, and to issue a “corresponding” judgment in the amount of $173.88 million — the Canadian value of the $132.1-million American award made in June 2015.

“Given that Canada has substantially similar legislation in relation to civil actions for victims of terrorism, it is entirely consistent with the fundamental public policy of Canada to enforce the U.S. judgment,” the notice states. “There are no defences to enforcement and recognition that operate in favour of the defendant in this case.”

According to the notice, bringing the Alberta action in parallel with the Ontario case is proper “given the territorial limitations of the respective judgment-enforcement regimes.”

Calgary-based lawyer Dan Gilborn refused to discuss the proceedings on Thursday, saying his office was not authorized to comment.

While the Alberta action was filed in early July amid word that the federal government was paying Khadr $10.5 million to settle a civil lawsuit, the lawyers acting for the Americans said they were having trouble serving notice on him.

“We have thus far been unable to locate Mr. Khadr for personal service, although we are aware that he has been residing in Edmonton, Alta., for much of the past two years,” Gilborn wrote Aug. 14 in a letter to Khadr’s lawyers, a copy of which was obtained by The Canadian Press.

One of Khadr’s Edmonton-based lawyers, Nate Whitling, said on Thursday that it would be a waste of time and money to try two identical actions at once.

“It’s two duplicative actions and there’s no point in proceeding with both of them,” Whitling said from Edmonton.

He also said the Alberta action had been filed too late.

Both actions — the Ontario one was filed June 8 — are on behalf of relatives of U.S. Special Forces Sgt. Chris Speer, who was killed in Afghanistan in July 2002 ...
The latest today is that he wants his bail conditions relaxed to allow unfettered, unsupervised visitation with his hate-spewing sister.

The NP article also mentions that he is a nursing student in Red Deer. Presumably he'll need some sort of waiver to actually work in healthcare once he graduates, given that typically his type of background would preclude employment in healthcare and many other fields.

I still maintain that he ought to have been tried in Canada for treason.
How does he enter a health occupation training programme? Don't  you need a police screening beforehand?
BurnDoctor said:
The latest today is that he wants his bail conditions relaxed to allow unfettered, unsupervised visitation with his hate-spewing sister ...
More details from The Canadian Press, via the Toronto Star ...
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr returns to court this week to ask that his bail conditions be eased, including allowing him unfettered contact with his controversial older sister, more freedom to move around Canada and unrestricted internet access.

In support of his request, Khadr notes the conditions originally imposed two years ago were necessary as a graduated integration plan following his 13 years in American and Canadian custody. No issues have arisen since his release and the various restrictions have been revised several times — most recently in May last year, he says.

Currently, Khadr, 30, can only have contact with his sister Zaynab if one of his lawyers or bail supervisor is present. The condition is no longer necessary, he says.

“I am now an adult and I think independently,” he says in an affidavit. “Even if the members of my family were to wish to influence my religious or other views, they would not be able to control or influence me in any negative manner.” ...
The latest:
A hearing to determine whether bail conditions for former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr should be eased allowing him unsupervised visits with his controversial sister did not go ahead as planned Thursday.

It was put over to Sept. 15 after lawyers for the Justice Department said they needed time to consult with the federal government.

“The Crown requested an adjournment to receive instructions,” Khadr’s lawyer Nate Whitling said Thursday. “We agreed and the matter’s been rescheduled.”

Khadr is seeking unrestricted internet access and more freedom to move around Canada while on bail pending the appeal of his conviction by a U.S. military commission for five purported war crimes ...
He has been rejected in regards to the sister and allowed internet access...


Our very own Milnews highlighted that the Khadar family has links to this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Boyle

It seems they are starting to come out of the woodwork.

gryphonv said:

It seems they are starting to come out of the woodwork.

Any bets he’ll settle for 10.5 million?
I'm curious how this one plays out. But glaring difference, he don't have Canadian citizenship. And if he did, since it wasn't by birth, it could of been removed for the terrorism charges.

gryphonv said:
I'm curious how this one plays out. But glaring difference, he don't have Canadian citizenship. And if he did, since it wasn't by birth, it could of been removed for the terrorism charges.

No it couldn't. You may recall that Trudeau's Liberals have revoked that law, and even retro-actively given back to convicted terrorist their Canadian citizenship.

To Trudeau's Liberals, "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" no matter how unsavoury their actions, even against Canadians and the Canadian state's are. Remember, Trudeau himself envies the Canadian citizenship of those who acquire it through immigration and wished he could do so himself*.

*: Personally, if Trudeau wanted to renounce his Canadian citizenship (perhaps acquiring the Chinese one, since he admires them so much), go live somewhere else (perhaps the Aga Khan's caribbean retreat) while applying for immigration to Canada, come back here as an immigrant, wait the three (?) to five years needed and took Canadian citizenship again, I would have no problem with that - would get him out of our "hair' for that long at least.  ;D
Oldgateboatdriver said:
No it couldn't. You may recall that Trudeau's Liberals have revoked that law, and even retro-actively given back to convicted terrorist their Canadian citizenship.

To Trudeau's Liberals, "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" no matter how unsavoury their actions, even against Canadians and the Canadian state's are. Remember, Trudeau himself envies the Canadian citizenship of those who acquire it through immigration and wished he could do so himself*.

*: Personally, if Trudeau wanted to renounce his Canadian citizenship (perhaps acquiring the Chinese one, since he admires them so much), go live somewhere else (perhaps the Aga Khan's caribbean retreat) while applying for immigration to Canada, come back here as an immigrant, wait the three (?) to five years needed and took Canadian citizenship again, I would have no problem with that - would get him out of our "hair' for that long at least.  ;D

I forgot about that.

At least he has nice Hair. /s
Not meaning at all to reignite any debate about Omar's detention in Gitmo, or the Harper governments efforts to keep him there indefinitely, but trying to go to to Saudi at this time seems like a bad idea. They just murdered Khasshogi and Canadian and SA relations are not exactly at their best. Such a high profile visitor might attract some very unwanted attention or political reprisal. Don't do it bro.

You consider him your "bro"?

Most here, I think, would support his trip to Saudi Arabia.
Loachman said:
You consider him your "bro"?

Most here, I think, would support his trip to Saudi Arabia.

One way, with passport surrendered at the last Canadian airport he was in.