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The journey begins

Celticgirl said:
Someone please tell me that this is all going to be worth it when I get finally do get in!  :P
I'll say it.  It will be worth it.

Good luck!  it'll definitely be worth it,  keep that PT up as well!
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
I'll say it.  It will be worth it.

Seconded. I just got back into the Reg F, and I'd do it all over again, too.

Mortarman Rockpainter said:

Also seconded.

Celticgirl said:

I got a call from the CFRC today. I am now "medically fit" for the military!  ;D  That sure took a while to clear up, but fortunately, the appointment with the specialist went the way I had hoped and his letter helped get the original decision overturned.

There is still no word on the pre-sec, though. I was told that countries like Taiwan "usually don't respond" to these requests. So I guess my only hope is that I can get it waived (slim chance, I realize)...otherwise, I am waiting until May.

Someone please tell me that this is all going to be worth it when I finally do get in!  :P

Congratulations Celtic Girl. ;D  It is indeed worth the wait. I got a lot of bumps (which includes medical and pre-sec) along the way but the prize? I will swear in 8 days from today. I wish you the best.  ;)
I'm almost at the 6-month mark for thumb-twiddling, but at least things are moving forward again! Thanks for all the congrats, by the way. The PT has fallen by the wayside a bit, so I do actually need to get back into it and keep it up. When I do get the call, I want to be ready.  :threat:  ;)
Celticgirl said:
I'm almost at the 6-month mark for thumb-twiddling, but at least things are moving forward again!

In the long run the wait will definately be worthwhile, to my mind this appears to be typical military "Hurry up and wait..... Then hurry up" Keep up with the PT and everything will eventually fall into place.

All the best.

valleygal said:
Hey Girl... Congratulations!!   ;)   

Hey, where's your story? Get crackin'! ;)

Rodahn said:
In the long run the wait will definately be worthwhile, to my mind this appears to be typical military "Hurry up and wait..... Then hurry up" Keep up with the PT and everything will eventually fall into place.

Hurry up and wait...or conversely, pack your bags, you leave in a couple of days...lol  ;D

My pre-security clearance is not going to be an issue any longer.  ;D  *happy dance*  My MCC told me this morning that my name "has gone back to the top of the pile" and that it would take about a week to get things sorted out, but I will be hearing from them then.

I doubt there will still be time to get on the September BMOQ, but hope springs eternal! At the least, I should get an offer in time for the January course. Yay! Progress. :)
Celticgirl said:

My pre-security clearance is not going to be an issue any longer.  ;D  *happy dance*  My MCC told me this morning that my name "has gone back to the top of the pile" and that it would take about a week to get things sorted out, but I will be hearing from them then.

I doubt there will still be time to get on the September BMOQ, but hope springs eternal! At the least, I should get an offer in time for the January course. Yay! Progress. :)

Alright Celticgirl!  You never know so just be prepared.  The September BMOQ ain't full I guess.  I myself was in doubt and nearly signed a 3 year teaching contract in Texas.  But for 1 last time I waited and dropped by the RC to inquire.  Low and behold I got a call on my way out of the RC.  ;D  Anyway,  I wish you the best! ;)
Celticgirl said:

My pre-security clearance is not going to be an issue any longer.  ;D  *happy dance*  My MCC told me this morning that my name "has gone back to the top of the pile" and that it would take about a week to get things sorted out, but I will be hearing from them then.

I doubt there will still be time to get on the September BMOQ, but hope springs eternal! At the least, I should get an offer in time for the January course. Yay! Progress. :)

Hey CelticGirl! This is great news! I'm really glad the security clearance went through for you. Are you still on the pile for AEC?
To Army.ca and to everyone who pitched in one way or the other I say thank you very much. :salute:  "May the force be with you".  I'm sure I will be able to contribute some information to help others too along the way. Once again, thank you ;).
I received another call today from CFRC (it sure is nice that they are now calling me and not the other way around  ;)). The first part of my CRC was approved, and now they have to assess the second part. If that also gets approved, I should have my offer "very soon". The MCpl said "not in time for Sept. 2", though. I told her that I figured I would be on January BMOQ anyway, but she replied, "Oh no, you'll be on a course before that." Huh?  :P I thought the next officer courses wouldn't be until January, but she told me that although they haven't been given a date yet, she was certain there would be at least one more BMOQ this year. Good news for those of us waiting for our call!

Celticgirl said:
I received another call today from CFRC (it sure is nice that they are now calling me and not the other way around  ;)). The first part of my CRC was approved, and now they have to assess the second part. If that also gets approved, I should have my offer "very soon". The MCpl said "not in time for Sept. 2", though. I told her that I figured I would be on January BMOQ anyway, but she replied, "Oh no, you'll be on a course before that." Huh?  :P I thought the next officer courses wouldn't be until January, but she told me that although they haven't been given a date yet, she was certain there would be at least one more BMOQ this year. Good news for those of us waiting for our call!

That is not just a good news, it is a great news!  Good luck.  ;)
My MCC just called. He said that the selection board met this morning and I have been selected for AEC!  :D He said he can't officially give me the offer, but a clerk will call me on Tuesday. BMOQ is January 5th. On the bright side, that gives me 4 more months to get in tip-top shape and spend time with my daughter (Hallowe'en and her birthday, too)! I'm soooo excited right now!  ;D

Edit: So excited, I am tripping over my typing fingers.  :P
Celticgirl said:
My MCC just called. He said that the selection board met this morning and I have been selected for AEC!  :D He said he can't officially give me the offer, but a clerk with call me on Tuesday. BMOQ is January 5th. On the bright side, that gives me 4 more months to get in tip-top shape and spend time with my daughter (Hallowe'en and her birthday, too)! I'm soooo excited right now!  ;D
Congrats! That's great news!
