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"The Hurt Locker" new feature film on EOD/bomb squad GIs in Iraq

Recently watched it....VERY good movie. Incredibly well made I thought.
"The Hurt Locker" trailer:


G&M review
I saw this movie awhile ago.. this is the second release or whatever. It's kinda shitty.. an inaccurate. It has some enertainment value, but thats about it. Don't expect this to be an accurate movie on EOD pers an you'll enjoy it. Still dunno why on one of the movie posters they use a picture of a PMC.
Just saw the movie today. I liked it though I found one of the final action scenes more anticlimactic.


I liked the scene where the EOD team come across some UK SAS commandos/UK Contractor mercs dressed in Hajji gear, and whom they have to fight alongside with to defend a position against some insurgent snipers.

While I realize that their having EOD for their MOS means they don't necessarily go into battle as a four man fire team as Infantry/11Bravos or other combat-related MOSes guys do, I still wonder why the EOD team was only composed of three men. And it also puzzles me why only one of the three men in the team was actually trained in EOD while the other two were mainly tasked with guarding and covering him.


And here's a funny, unforgettable quote from the movie:

MP Sentry(holding SSGT James on the ground): WTF were you doing out there?

SSGT James: I was in a wh**e house!

MP Sentry: I'll let you go if you promise to tell me where it is!
CougarDaddy said:
And it also puzzles me why only one of the three men in the team was actually trained in EOD while the other two were mainly tasked with guarding and covering him.

My understanding of this from my viewing is that all were trained in EOD however the Team Leader did the more complex disposals (and I assume for the virtue of cinema almost everything they showed was "complex.")
Just seen this movie

Don't bother wondering why there were only 3 soldiers in the team, or any of the other absurd tactics used in this movie.

I suppose the idea here was to show how someone gets so addicted to the adrenalin rush he begins to act like a junkie and do completely irrational things to get his high, and his team goes along because what else can they do.

Some of the scenes have an interesting style to them, if you can ignore some of the most totally illogical reasons why supposedly they are happening.

My fave absurdity, the EOD team, by themselves in the desert, coming across Brit contrators/bounty hunters who are capable of capturing some of the most wanted men in Iraq but fall to pieces as soon as the enemy starts picking them off; (sarcasm on) jeez, US guys, please take over our Barrett 50 and take care of the bad guys for us, they're kicking our *** (*off)

There are some good bits, there are times if you suspend your reason it does build tension well, and the part of the lead going home and how that is is possibly the one really believable part of the movie.

This movie could have been good, but to me it was a long way away from there.
I just called Blockbuster and they don't have this movie, nor is it in their computer for the next month. Where can I find it?
Celticgirl said:
I just called Blockbuster and they don't have this movie, nor is it in their computer for the next month. Where can I find it?

The movie is still in theatre rotation. It will probably be several months before it'll be released on DVD. You can find copies online, if you're interesting in watching but can't get out to a theatre (and that's all I'll say aobut that. :camo:)
The movie was interesting, but it was also frustrating.  I hope the young lads watching this movie realise this is 'just a movie'.

In the movie, there were characters who made substantially delayed decisions, indecision's, poor attitude from some characters, the main character needlessly elevated risk to himself and/or his fellow soldiers due to personal and interior missions lead by uncapped emotion etc... etc... etc... .

Then the youngest solider, the one who kept falling to pieces throughout the movie until he was finally injured; what in the world was he even doing there... would a military not send a solider, who is obviously not copping, back home?  I don't know how this young solider in the movie even made it through military training (with regards to soldiers being strong not just physically, but mentally strong as well), little own the military finding him mentally fit enough to go traipsing about a war zone when he clearly could not cope and he clearly did not have the necessary mental skills.  Would lack of copping skills not come to light long before a solider got onto a tour?  Am I off base on these thoughts?

Yes, I realise it's 'just a movie'.

Yes, the movie is 'interesting', but I wish the director had made the movie more accurate.

It is just a movie. It as about as realistic as police investigation is in the movie "Point Break", the director's other big movie.

But even so there are absolutely ridiculous moments in the movie

Like why the EOD team was always left alone, as if the inner cordon closing off the area does absolutely nothing except spectate while the EOD team by itself deals with snipers, house clearing, or hostile vehicles breaking through.
How about the Iraqi sniper making incredible shots, but then takes a break while the good guys try to get their 50 going again? I had to laugh when they get it going again but then spot a bad guy lounging beside the shack catching rays like Oddball off of Kelly's Hero's.

I took the movie as being meant for entertainment purposes only, and if you knew nothing about military life it is an entertaining suspenseful film, but I think a lot of people might make an enormous leap of an assumption that it closely resembles a soldiers reality, IMO it does not.
Yet there are some critics saying that this movie does "tell it like it is" because it is based on the observations made by the journalist Mark Boal while he was in Iraq. If that's what Kathryn Bigelow set out to do, tell a realistic story, then this really is if not a bad movie then a misleading one.
Celticgirl said:
I just called Blockbuster and they don't have this movie, nor is it in their computer for the next month. Where can I find it?

I can't believe this movie is only being talked about now. Anyhoo.....I saw it early this year and it's alright but not as good as generation kill.

You can watch it online, if you know where to look

I must say the insurgent sniper that took out the British guys was rather good
Celticgirl said:
No, I don't...apparently, I'm out of the loop.  :P

Me either.  Apparently, you and I are members of a dying breed - law abiding citizens.  ;)
If they had it released where I was, I would have paid the money in theater to watch it. I think it would have been worth it too, alas I had to watch it another way.
Roy Harding said:
Me either.  Apparently, you and I are members of a dying breed - law abiding citizens.  ;)

As far as I know its legal for us to download.. we just can't upload for others to download.
-Skeletor- said:
As far as I know its legal for us to download.. we just can't upload for others to download.

You may be right, I don't know. 

But it begs the question - who uploaded it in the first place? (And yes - I've been guilty of downloading pirated stuff - I'm certainly not holding myself up as a paragon of virtue here - despite my earlier flip comment).
For the record.  A user uploaded a link to an online movie site.  I've removed that post until it can be determined if the site is legal or not.  I searched the net looking for answers, and came up with lots of OPINIONs - but no answer.

I'll not knowingly leave Mr. Bobbitt open to legal problems arising from postings here - so until the legality of the linked site is determined, it will remain removed.

For the user who posted the link.  I'm sure you had the best of intentions, and believed it to be a legal site - but as I said above, until it's PROVED legal (and I suspect the site may be exploiting some legal loophole somewhere - which makes it "shady" at best), let's not get Mr. Bobbitt's site shut down.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
For those of you who want to see the movie in Kingston, and don't like the prospect of downloading it, it is playing at the Screening Room: http://www.moviesinkingston.com/

Tickets are 8 bucks, but if you go on Tuesday they are only 5.25. Plenty worth it to watch this film, I think.