QV said:
If police seized firearms due to "their" fear and for no other lawful reason then I am sure there would be hell to pay.
21 April 1991 - Regina.
Had the the MPs along with local police size:
a Cdn CAL 9mm SMG which was one of three legallly owned
a Cdn CAL FN C1A1 (8L), which is onew of several hundred legally owned
a Cdn Inglis 9mm BHP, which was one of many thousand legally owned
All were owned and registered to me for many years before the 'raid'. All were stored securely well beyond even today's standard, and in an alarmed room, and alarmed house.
My entire gun collection was indeed siezed along with over 100 bayonets. All by an overzealous and IGNORANT combination of MP and City Police, who really thought you could not own such Canadian Forces 'issued' firearms.
Yes all at gunpoint in front of my home, in front of my neighbours, I was handcuffed, and ened up going to gaol becuse I could not be monitered and watched in my own home as it was torn a part.
It took me four weeks to get back my property (AND I HAD TO FIGHT TO GET IT, AND I MEAN FIGHT!), and many items came back damaged. I ended up being charged with counts of 'possession of a unregistered restricted weapon', which in reality was although they had been 'applied to be registered' with hard copy in writing forms, they were not in the system, nor did I have the green FRC's to back this up, as all was in the pipeline between Ottawa and Regina. Thats how phucked things were.
I had to go to court for that, cost me a total of *******$5900******* in legal fees to prove my innocence.
Yes I won, I had done nothing wrong, but I was always looked and treated with suspicion by the Regina Police after that, copping abuse even to register further pieces to my then collection. I dreaded any contact with them after this.
Hell to pay? One might think, but there was none. I was told I did not have a leg to stand on legally for any action against them. Now 16 yrs, I am still one pissed off bitter and twisted person. Ya, I was 110% legal, and I was still treated like a POS. That was the beginning of the end of my favourite hobby and passtime. That incident ruined things for me, and took the wind out of my sails for collecting. A$$holes!
On, for the record, I did get an 'oh sorry', and that was it.
To this day, I have little trust and faith in the firearms Cdn regisrtry, and the MP/ RCMP/ local Police's general knowledge of gun laws. Their behaviour was that of the Gestapo.
I realised that on that day, I had no rights, was treated poorly, spending a long night in cells for comitting no crime. Plus the fact I was out of pocket almost $6000, I consider that theft! Still do.
A billion dollars on the registry, what a waste of money!! 200 million spent on cancer research, what an embarassment. All to be PC and appease the Cukiers out there. Phuck em!
So QV, put that in your pipe and smoke it!