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The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

I read through a significant amount of the decision.
To me the decision boils down to a few items.

1. The government is within its legal authority to regulate via OICs. This in of itself seems okay, assuming those in government are logical and rational.

2. The opinions of those in the government, opinions which formed the base for the ban, matter more than anyone else’s no matter how irrational or illogical they may be.
In that the Government refused to provide evidence supporting the imposition of the ban by invoking Cabinet privilege, the judge had little choice but to take the government's assertions at face value.
3. Government experts are better experts than non government ones because they are the government and unbiased.

4. Private experts and complainants are biased because they are affected by the government actions.

Not surprising just disappointing.
That sums it up pretty well, actually.
In that the Government refused to provide evidence supporting the imposition of the ban by invoking Cabinet privilege, the judge had little choice but to take the government's assertions at face value.

Is this correct ? Shouldn't the judge be making decisions based on evidence and its correlation the OIC ?
Is this correct ? Shouldn't the judge be making decisions based on evidence and its correlation the OIC ?

Page 67 of the decision states that the failure of the AGC to produce the information considered by the Governor in Council and the assertion of cabinet confidence does not thwart the court’s ability to conduct a judicial review.

Bottom line I think is it doesn’t matter what they considered or not, as the governor in council their opinion is all that matters not now they arrived at said opinion nor how logical or rational the opinion is.
Page 67 of the decision states that the failure of the AGC to produce the information considered by the Governor in Council and the assertion of cabinet confidence does not thwart the court’s ability to conduct a judicial review.

Bottom line I think is it doesn’t matter what they considered or not, as the governor in council their opinion is all that matters not now they arrived at said opinion nor how logical or rational the opinion is.

Well, sounds like every government should just govern my OIC and cite cabinet confidence from here on out.
The standard established, that the GoC can regulate, means that a changed government can change regulations.
The new MND has been caught lying in his previous position.

The National Post reported on November 6 that the Liberals and Public Safety Canada, led by Bill Blair, knew in 2019 that the costs of the May 2020 OIC ban would run well north of $1.8B, yet Blair repeatedly threw out a number of $400 - $600 M for months after the OIC was dropped.

The really disturbing fact is that the Liberal government had this plan drafted and ready to go in late-2019, bur waited for an "appropriate tragedy", the NS massacre, to put it in motion.
The new MND has been caught lying in his previous position.

The National Post reported on November 6 that the Liberals and Public Safety Canada, led by Bill Blair, knew in 2019 that the costs of the May 2020 OIC ban would run well north of $1.8B, yet Blair repeatedly threw out a number of $400 - $600 M for months after the OIC was dropped.

The really disturbing fact is that the Liberal government had this plan drafted and ready to go in late-2019, bur waited for an "appropriate tragedy", the NS massacre, to put it in motion.

More evidence that this has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with punishing a segment of the population.
More evidence that this has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with punishing a segment of the population.
That may be a secondary effect. The majority of those impacted would not have voted for team red anyways.

Prior to the last election, Liberal strategists determined that harsher gun control would contribute to a higher vote share in the Liberal heartlands of the GTA, Montréal and the lower mainland. This has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with staying in power.
When you're a member of the Liberal media elite, gun laws don't apply to you, particularly when your actions support the narrative. Even when those actions undermine one of the key elements of Bill C-71.

This reporter admitted, in print, that he broke several firearms laws in concert with whomever sold him the firearm and components.

The disclaimer at the end of the article says all the materials were turned over to the SPVM... but the offences had already been committed.
When you're a member of the Liberal media elite, gun laws don't apply to you, particularly when your actions support the narrative. Even when those actions undermine one of the key elements of Bill C-71.

This reporter admitted, in print, that he broke several firearms laws in concert with whomever sold him the firearm and components.

The disclaimer at the end of the article says all the materials were turned over to the SPVM... but the offences had already been committed.

Now theres a alternative gun control method which would create more results than what they are doing.

What if we just pay criminals to buy as many of the illegal handguns in the country as possible. Then destroy them. At least then there would be getting some guns off the streets as opposed to the current method of spending a ton to get nothing off the streets.
Liberal gun bill passes Senate, but experts say it won't stop gun crime

One step closer to making law abiding Canadians criminals for owning something the government gave them permission to. Meanwhile, criminals get probation and 85% of crime guns in Sanctuary City are smuggled guns from the US.
Biggest things I noticed in the law is
1) all new semi-auto firearm designs designed originally for more than a 5rd capacity magazine will immediately be a prohibited firearm (basically all new semi-autos will be illegal to ever own in Canada).
2) possession of information that could be used to make a prohibited firearm or device (including magazines) is illegal, not just simply making them. This one could be a bit of a issue for say someone who wants to create a legal magazine and get the info for a unpinned one, despite having intentions to pin it.
3) all firearms made illegally no matter what the legal classification would otherwise be, shall immediately become prohibited firearms.
4) all handguns are now formally unable to be transferred.
5) anyone who has ever had a domestic charge will be unable to ever get a firearms licence again (even if it was say when they were 18 and have had a clean record otherwise and are now 60).
6) can have anyone apply to a judge to have your firearms removed and they can seal all info as to who made the complaint to deny you due process.

I might be missing some other big changes but those seem to be the key ones.
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Liberal gun bill passes Senate, but experts say it won't stop gun crime

One step closer to making law abiding Canadians criminals for owning something the government gave them permission to. Meanwhile, criminals get probation and 85% of crime guns in Sanctuary City are smuggled guns from the US.

If PP doesn't fix this, I'll officially be politically homeless.
Biggest things I noticed in the law is
1) all new semi-auto firearm designs designed originally for more than a 5rd capacity magazine will immediately be a prohibited firearm (basically all new semi-autos will be illegal to ever own in Canada).
Plus, all existing long guns not captured by the May 2020 OIC can be prohibited on the recommendation of the new Firearms Advisory Committee.
4) all handguns are now formally unable to be transferred.
There are very narrow exemptions to this for Olympic and Paralympic athletes and those who want to begin competing, however, every request for such authorization, so far, has been denied (brought up during Senate hearings). "Regular" folks can no longer legally transfer (acquire or sell/gift) a handgun. "Regular" folks can no longer replace a lost, stolen or damaged handgun.
5) anyone who has ever had a domestic charge will be unable to ever get a firearms licence again (even if it was say when they were 18 and have had a clean record otherwise and are now 60).
Under Bill C-71, the background check for a PAL application now covers your entire life. There are a myriad other circumstances that can lead to denial/revocation of your PAL.
I might be missing some other big changes but those seem to be the key ones.
Any firearm whose classification is upgraded (restricted to prohibited, for example) cannot be downgraded... ever.
6) can have anyone apply to a judge to have your firearms removed and they can seal all info as to who made the complaint to deny you due process.
Other sections notwithstanding, this one should let people know in no uncertain terms, that the current Government is as far from its promise of Transparency’ as ever…