I'd like to drive my car home after a few beers, and I'm usually safe to do it, but it's illegal for everyone to do it because of the greater good.
I'd like to drive my car at 200kph on the highway, and as an experience race car driver, I can do it, but for the greater good of society, it's illegal.
I want to be able to shoot toward a residential property at close range when hunting. I'm a really good shot and can ensure that I don't aim directly at a house, but for the greater good of society, that's illegal too.
I think what a person consumes is a personal choice, so if they want to smoke, I should be allowed to smoke, but we've established that people, especially youth, are extremely impressionable, and smoking is harmful, so we've estbalished laws restricting marketing cigarettes for the greater good of society.
I could go on.