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The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

If your posting message says you are posted to a base then you should be (and correct me if I am wrong) entitled to a MOVE and if there are Q's available you should be able to arrange to get one.
Thanks AJP, good site. I called the CFHA and they said that those who are married with children go to the top of the list with the other family goers. I also have found out that I won't be heading out to Esquimalt right away after all. I have to head back to the concrete fortress. New rules, bah! Oh well, I guess that will just give me more time on the waiting list in order to gain housing. Oh, this raises another question; are family members able to move into PMQ's even if their spouse is on course? Thanks and when are you heading to BMQ stabmasterarson?
I suspect an agaain Correct Me If I am Wrong - your family can move when your posting message says you are actually posted to that location.  You may be on IR or some varient until you complete training.  I have a friend who has not completed "phase" training and in the two years of attempts has waited with a wife and daughter at home.  A really rough go prior to a real deployment/posting.  He really has to pass soon.
Cool. I wasn't sure if the just the family was able to go to PMQs while the member was training. What you said makes sense. And yea, I feel for you buddy. That has to be tough. Thanks again.
willellis said:
Thanks AJP, good site. I called the CFHA and they said that those who are married with children go to the top of the list with the other family goers. I also have found out that I won't be heading out to Esquimalt right away after all. I have to head back to the concrete fortress. New rules, bah! Oh well, I guess that will just give me more time on the waiting list in order to gain housing. Oh, this raises another question; are family members able to move into PMQ's even if their spouse is on course? Thanks and when are you heading to BMQ stabmasterarson?

I am in the process, havent had my interview yet because I got a knee surgery done (acl reconstruction) at the end of august, and have been rehabbing. I put in my application about a month ago, and since then I have passed the CFAT and part 1 physical. They have called 3 of my references and when a fourth called them (they left a msg), she was told that unless she had something negative to say they did not need her  ;D.

I see the surgeon in 2 weeks and just have to get a letter stating I can do bmq, then I call the cfrc on jan. 4 and book my part 2 medical and interview the same day, the med tech told me. She was eager to get me in ASAP, once I had medical clearance from the surgeon.

Nothing is for sure yet, but I have a feeling Im in, and Im just trying to get prepared as much as I can as I have a family, mortgage, dog, etc.
That's too bad about the knee man. Sounds like you are confident that it will not hinder you physically though. I hope it all works out for you, and who knows, maybe I'll see ya round the dockyards someday. Best of luck.
Hi all,

I know this is a really old thread but I thought it would be better to resurrect it than start a new one. I recently applied for a CL B posn with the Injured Personnel Support Center, out of Esquimalt. The position, if I get it (I was the only applicant so fingers crossed) would start relatively quickly so I am trying to figure out as much information in advance as I can.

All of that said I am wondering about on base housing for CL B reservists at CFB Esquimalt. I know some bases allow CL B reservists to rent lodging and others do not (i.e. Cl B reservists can get PMQ's in Vancouver). My question is several fold:

1. Does anyone know if Cl B reservists can rent on base lodging at CFB Esquimalt?
2. If yes, what are the costs?
3. If yes, what are the time lines for getting lodging (I know there can be wait times for some of the more sought after locations?)

This is my first experience with a longer term Cl B and also, potentially sorting out housing, so if I am out to lunch in any of my questions please feel free to set me straight!

Thanks for any info.

This is a useful link for any pers looking at living in the Q's anywhere. 
PhilB said:
1. Does anyone know if Cl B reservists can rent on base lodging at CFB Esquimalt?

I believe so.  I know a married couple, both on Class B, who have a PMQ at Work Point.
Hi guys,

Thanks very much for the info thus far. I spoke with CFHA and as CFB Esquimalt PMQ's are already oversubscribed I, as a single member, cannot rent one as I could in say, WATC. I am wondering now, if anyone has info on single quarters on base, perhaps a point of contact?

Thanks again for all of the help.


You may end up in Nelles Block or Bernays. Go for Bernays if you can, less noisy and the rooms are in better shape.
Nelles and Bernays are more for temp quarters then for anything long term.
The houses at Rocky Point are small, not very nice and they are very isolated.  If traffic is good, it's at least a 35 minute drive to Esquimalt, but add another half hour to get past the "Colwood Crawl."  It's also worth noting that if we were building them today, they would not be there because in accordance with the current NATO standard, they are too close to the ammunition depot.
Pusser said:
The houses at Rocky Point are small, not very nice and they are very isolated.  If traffic is good, it's at least a 35 minute drive to Esquimalt, but add another half hour to get past the "Colwood Crawl."  It's also worth noting that if we were building them today, they would be there because in accordance with the current NATO standard, they are too close to the ammunition depot.

I didn't know that it was in accordance with a NATO standard that we built our PMQs so close to our AMMO Depots.  Dundurn is another example. 

I have just completed a component transfer to the reg force navy as a naval communicator from the reserve army. I have been posted to CFFS Esquimalt as of May 5th. From reading some other threads about the naval communicator trade, I have come to the assumption that I will wait on PAT platoon for a few months.(although I have not been offically told)

My question is (assuming I will sit in PAT platoon for a bit) what can I expect? I am keeping my rank (now leading seaman) and also have my 404's, would those two things have any effect on my experience while in PAT platoon?

I apologize if this thread or any similar already exists, but I have not found it on this site.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks


Oops! Typo!  I meant to say that the PMQs at Rocky Point would NOT be there if we were building them today because their current location is too close to the ammunition depot (IAW the current NATO standard).  I've modified my original statement.
When you get there, talk to whoever is in charge and tell them what qualifications you have and ask if there is anywhere you can be constructively employed while awaiting training.  There are a few options in Esquimalt.  One that might be right up your alley would be the Transportable Tactical Communications Centre (TTCC).  This is part of Maritime Operations Group Four (MOG4) and is essentially an army type communications unit that works for the Navy.  You don't say what you did in the Army Reserve, but if you were a communicator, you may be well placed there.  Having a 404 will help.  Another option could be ORIOLE (if you like sailing).  ORIOLE is the Navy's sail training vessel.  Don't forget also that your period awaiting training is a good opportunity to get all your basic sailor courses out of the way.  We used to call it OSQAB, but they've changed the name.  It's where they teach you all about launnching boats, firefighting, damage control, sea survival, etc.  In short, they will have things to keep you busy for at least part of the time.  For the rest of it, you need to be proactive and influence how you're employed.  Always volunteer for the stuff you're willing to do before you get tasked with the crap that's left over.
Thank you,

Sorry, I am in the field artillery presently employed on the gun line as a detachment member. I do have my basic army communications course, so I could look into the TTCC. Mostly I would like to get as qualified as possible while I wait, qualifications never hurt to have lol.

Thanks for the info