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The Glue Factory Corral, Tired Old Horses That Just Won't Die

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"Take that Seabiscuit, you bleeding bas$#@%!!"

"Of course you have a reference for those Stats, I'm under 30 and I know lots of people that are, I would suggest those stats aren't entirely accurate."

Here is a comprehensive report on the status of same-sex marriage in Canada.


The figures they use to discuss the variabe age is different than mine (35 and under as oppossed to 30 and under as I have seen elsewhere) but nonetheless, it shows a position on same-sex marriage that, in comparison to the same demographic at the other end, is dramatically oppossed.

You really don't know when to quit, do you?
How in the world did the Dead Horse thread turn into a debate on same sex marriage? You're away from the computer for a couple of hours and look what happens...oh well back to the salt mines...cheers all, mdh   :P
mdh said:
How in the world did the Dead Horse thread turn into a debate on same sex marriage? You're away from the computer for a couple of hours and look what happens...oh well back to the salt mines...cheers all, mdh   :P
Perhaps the horse was gay... who knows  ::)
Horse_Soldier said:
Perhaps the horse was gay... who knows ::)

It's called "not reading the thread and getting a grip on the tone of the conversation"....
You laugh horse soldier - but it's only a matter of time before activist judges ok gay horse marriage
mdh said:
You laugh horse soldier - but it's only a matter of time before activist judges ok gay horse marriage
Which means flogging a dead horse would be considered an acceptable fetish-type activity?  :P
OK. Fun's over. Put it back on track.


Please endevour to hold on to the original idea of a thread and not take them off on tangents.
I was substantiating a claim I used as an example of younger generations as being socially progressive...
If you hadn't figured out, the thread was summed up and the dead horse was beaten.  Go start a thread in the Politics forum if you feel the urge to prove a point.

Man.....are you ever going to be amazed when, and if, you graduate and find out how much your father learned while you were away at college.
For some reason I'm thinking of Blue Bear in Boyd Coddington's hotrod shop. ::)
flogging a dead horse would be considered an acceptable fetish-type activity

It isn't already?

If you'll excuse me I have to...uh...*ahem*
(Che runs outside, a barn door is heard opening and several horses run by the window)

I know he is learning new things, everyday in fact.  Foruntately he hasn't placed himself in a position where he ignores the opinions of anyone whose differs from his.  I wish you the best of luck in patting yourself on the back, and I'll send you a copy of my diploma in the mail.
This thread has sufficiently departed from its original purpose that it will be locked. After consideration, I or another staff member, may separate or delete the posts which prove rather than discuss the original premise (since they only rehash old discussions on the same theme), at which time it may be reopened for further posts.
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