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The girlfriend being weird?

Hawk said:
If its meant to be, you can't do a darn thing to stop it, and if it isn't meant to be, nothing you can do will keep the relationship going forever. My $.02 worth.

I agree with you 100%, Hawk. Que sera sera.  ;)

Triple J, the most important thing is not to let this relationship issue affect you throughout your training. Keep your head in the game. When you complete basic, she'll either be there waiting for you or she'll not, but no amount of stressing about it is going to change it. Another $.02 for the pot.
Wonderbread said:
The army loses too many good dudes because girlfriends get emotional and guys get stressed enough to quit. And besides, she'll be banging Jodie two weeks into course anyways so you'd might as well cut her off now.

Boy, that's a nice statement if I ever heard one!   >:(  Girl problems much?  With that kind of attitude I can see why.   ::)

What's to say that he won't be banging Mary two weeks after he's gone?   ???
PMedMoe said:
Boy, that's a nice statement if I ever heard one!   >:(  Girl problems much?  With that kind of attitude I can see why.   ::)

What's to say that he won't be banging Mary two weeks after he's gone?   ???

Immature people with low self-esteem may be tempted to cheat. Why worry about it unless it happens? If it happens, cut your losses and find someone more deserving of your affections. If it doesn't happen, then you may well have found someone with strong values that you can share a life with. Not all people (of either gender) cheat when given the opportunity.

P.S. Moe, this isn't directed at you, but I'm too lazy to go back and highlight all of the previous comments about cheating. ;)
For JJJ:

Disregard all girl-posts in this thread. If she's getting sketchy on you now, it'll only get worse later.


Moe and Celticgirl, your posts are girl-posts.
Celticgirl said:
P.S. Moe, this isn't directed at you, but I'm too lazy to go back and highlight all of the previous comments about cheating. ;)

Yeah, I know there's lots.  Just seems funny coming from someone who claims to be SHARP qualified, as stated below his avatar.

Back on track....

To the OP, you don't mention your age but I would assume you're fairly young.  There's plenty of time to have relationships in your life. 
Wonderbread said:
For JJJ:

Disregard all girl-posts in this thread. If she's getting sketchy on you now, it'll only get worse later.

This is very true. From what I've found, women are automatically sketchy of any guy in the army based on all the stories going around. Besides, if she can't trust you, then get rid of her. Trust is the base of every relationship, army or not.
BTW, even though I am female, this is not a "girl post". I think that if she can't trust you, then you should find someone else. Or be single. That way you'll enjoy training more, without the added stress of a girlfriend in the back of your head.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who posted stories or their view on it. I believe we have now broken up. Not really talking very much now.
Trust me when I say this...you are better off single for now.  You need only worry about yourself and the backs of your CF comrads.

End all live-in relationships NLT the day before common-law rules come in to play.

Avoid marriage at all cost.

In the long run, hookers are cheaper than divorce lawyers.
Loachman said:
End all live-in relationships NLT the day before common-law rules come in to play.

Avoid marriage at all cost.

In the long run, hookers are cheaper than divorce lawyers.

Loachman, are you the one who told me not to bother getting married, just find some woman you hate and buy her a house?  ;)

Right on man. Stay the course!

From myself and RCR Grunt, "YESSSS!!!" ~high fives all around~

Go St Jean, and let me know if Cabaret Erotica is still open.  ;D
Good2Golf said:
Loachman, are you the one who told me not to bother getting married, just find some woman you hate and buy her a house?  ;)


Buy a house? Screw that, still costs you money in the end. What you need to find is a girl with ideals like mine, which is what is yours is yours, mine is mine, and never shall the two meet. Which includes seperate living if need be.  ;)
S.Stewart said:
Buy a house? Screw that, still costs you money in the end. What you need to find is a girl with ideals like mine, which is what is yours is yours, mine is mine, and never shall the two meet. Which includes seperate living if need be.  ;)

What ever happened to the simple romance of drawing a chalk line down the center of the house?
MedTechStudent said:
What ever happened to the simple romance of drawing a chalk line down the center of the house?

One its tacky, two if there is a house that either means mixed money...which I believe I addressed in my statement above, or it's my house in that case it's freeloading. I think I will stick to my previous statement.
S.Stewart said:
Buy a house? Screw that, still costs you money in the end. What you need to find is a girl with ideals like mine, which is what is yours is yours, mine is mine, and never shall the two meet. Which includes seperate living if need be.  ;)

That very comment is what I am living right now, and I'm loving it!!!
No worries, no complications, and if the bf ticks me off, I tell him to go to his own house!

JJJ, I think you will find that life will be alot easier now at BMQ, and on your future courses.
No need to have a high drama chick on your arm...its more hassle then what it's worth.

Enjoy BMQ while you can. It is a lifetime of awesome memories!!
JJJ said:
............ I believe we have now broken up. Not really talking very much now.


That kinda reminds me of a friend who bought his girlfriend a "Friendship Ring".  What he thought was not what she thought.  He didn't believe us, at first, that she would think of it quite differently.  He found out later.  ;D
George Wallace said:

That kinda reminds me of a friend who bought his girlfriend a "Friendship Ring".  What he thought was not what she thought.  He didn't believe us, at first, that she would think of it quite differently.  He found out later.   ;D

Did he find out about the time she put it on her left hand?  ;)
Perhaps the overlords of this site should start a Military dating forum to bring like minded men and women together.  I'm married (sorry ladies) but if I were single it would read something like this:

M seeking F
Relatively young-ish male, 33, semi-fit, unhappy with civvie
life seeking hot female between 25-35 who likes assualt rifles,
long marches on parade square, enjoys lots of time apart,
loyal, independant, no hang-ups with drunks, likes beer and
the smell of napalm in the morning.
