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The girlfriend being weird?


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So I told my girlfriend I'm leaving for basic next month. It was not a surprise. She knew I was applying.  All the sudden she is yelling at me for anything and everything. Calling me a cheater with girls and everything. Any time I try and talk to her she yells more. Has this happened to anyone else? How did you deal with it? She even has her friends and cousin in on it now.
I think he's serious...

Anyways, sounds like it's either time to sit down and sort things out or for you to move your seperate ways. Seriously... Give it a good old try to sort things out, if all else fails it's time to move on.
No I don't drink actually, just being an ass.
If you can't trust her, and you don't want the stress during your time at basic (which will be stressful enough), through in the friendship card.  If its meant to be, you two will find your way back to each other.  If not there are plenty of fish in the sea.  P.S. I'm told chicks dig a guy in uniform.
JJJ said:
So I told my girlfriend I'm leaving for basic next month. It was not a surprise. She knew I was applying.  All the sudden she is yelling at me for anything and everything. Calling me a cheater with girls and everything. Any time I try and talk to her she yells more. Has this happened to anyone else? How did you deal with it? She even has her friends and cousin in on it now.

Be prepared to "move on", and be pleasantly surprised if she comes around and acknowledges that she was stressing more than you were.  As MedTech says, you don't need that stress with what you are about to undertake.  This is your future career, yours!  Not hers.  Sounds like there are some insecurity issues with her that she needs to sort out...or move on to someone that she won't have an issue with.  Not everyone who lives apart from a GF/BF cheats...  ::)

my two cents...

Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
. . . . there are plenty of fish in the sea.  P.S. I'm told chicks dig a guy in uniform.

I am drunk (started leave today  ;D ), and I've been told I can be an ass  >:D , so, for what it's worth .....

Pour yourself a strong drink, tell her what LWQ said above, enjoy the fireworks, and then see if she's ready to be reasonable. If not, all the letter-writing and phone calls during BMQ are not going to be worth the effort and worry.  If it's not salvageable, cut your losses, and go on course worrying about one thing one - being the best soldier you can be.  There will be other women (or guys for the ladies who look for similar advice).
Wait for the Dear John to arrive half way through your course then post it on the notice board with everyone else's. Hope it's a really good one so that the staff will secretly admire you in some twisted way.
daftandbarmy said:
Wait for the Dear John to arrive half way through your course then post it on the notice board with everyone else's. Hope it's a really good one so that the staff will secretly admire you in some twisted way.

They don't actually do that, do they? I'm sure I saw that on a movie once.  :-\
Celticgirl said:
They don't actually do that, do they? I'm sure I saw that on a movie once.  :-\

Ya it was Jarhead

Me and my girlfriend of about a year and a half are parting ways when I go to BMQ.  I mean I'l be gone for 62 weeks, then there is no way of knowing what CFB I'l be on after that.  Plus she will be done school before me and probably move somewhere anyways.

She's very upset about it, so am I but its not going to hit me until I leave.  And there is no point getting upset about things you just can't change.

Then again, I've been told my logic lacks compassion.
JJJ said:
So I told my girlfriend I'm leaving for basic next month. It was not a surprise. She knew I was applying.  All the sudden she is yelling at me for anything and everything. Calling me a cheater with girls and everything. Any time I try and talk to her she yells more. Has this happened to anyone else? How did you deal with it? She even has her friends and cousin in on it now.

It's pretty common.  My wife would look for excuses to be pissed at me before every deployment, course, tasking, or major EX.  Somehow makes it easier for them to say goodbye if they don't like you very much at the time.  Go to basic, if it falls apart while you're there, you can do nothing to fix it long distance, and it's possibly not worth the extra effort.
Kat Stevens said:
It's pretty common.  My wife would look for excuses to be pissed at me before every deployment, course, tasking, or major EX.  Somehow makes it easier for them to say goodbye if they don't like you very much at the time.  Go to basic, if it falls apart while you're there, you can do nothing to fix it long distance, and it's possibly not worth the extra effort.

My girlfriend, even though she is supportive, deep down dislikes me a lot for "leaving her" to join.  That causes a lot of bottled up emotion and anger that can come out sometimes.  She will get mad at me for little things and just get pissed for long periods of time.  I'm the only one she can vent to I understand, still it makes it hard to be around each other sometimes.

I agree with Kat, go and see what happens.  OR just nip it in the A$$ before hand and end your relationship before BMQ.  That way you don't have to go through the cliché writing each other, drifting apart, and saying "well we tried" in the last email.  Been there.

Good luck!

Speaking from the other side, as a military wife, it is VERY common to have a major fight before your loved one leaves, for whatever reason-ex, deployment, course.  It is easier to be mad at someone when they are leaving even though know that it is your job, it doesn't always feel good knowing that we are not your first priority.  Even though my brain knows why, my heart still hurts.  :-[
So, being a girl and emotional, as we can be sometimes, we will just make your life miserable >:D  It's dumb, but it just is.  After almost 14 years of marriage my husband and I joke about our big fight before he leaves and we try to avoid it, but it ususally happens :'(  But, we make it through and all is good in the end.  
If it's meant to be, your girlfriend will be there when you get back. Or maybe your girlfriend and the military are not a good mix or maybe they are, it is all new to her too.  Right now you just need to be honest with her, let her know how you feel, but if the military is what you really want then you need to go for it!   Good luck ;)
Kat Stevens said:
It's pretty common.  My wife would look for excuses to be pissed at me before every deployment, course, tasking, or major EX.  Somehow makes it easier for them to say goodbye if they don't like you very much at the time.  Go to basic, if it falls apart while you're there, you can do nothing to fix it long distance, and it's possibly not worth the extra effort.

I think its calling distancing.
RubberTree said:
Check the calender...re-evaluate in 7-10 days.

On 7th day ... count 28 more days (leave them "blank" on the calendar), then put "X" through next 7 days, count 28 more - add 7 more "X" ... repeat pattern on calendar until average age of menopause.

Chicks ... gotta love us.  ;)

If you failed math, or just can't count -- go with LWQ & Mr. O'Leary's suggestion: "Drink". Drink lots.
