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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

aesop081 said:
yeah that one, *******.......you were much nicer

;D Gee thanks...I'm always nice!! No favourites here. If you're entitled you get it. That much less for us to count!! I'm a firm believer in the old better on someone's back than my shelf philosophy....
Ah Sweets....where the girls are half dressed and the guys all have shaved heads and course t-shirts...lol. But seriously it's a pretty good time, especially with subway right next door...
lol alot of talk about sweets, ill pick up a course shirt and head over soon as i land
025 said:
lol alot of talk about sweets, ill pick up a course shirt and head over soon as i land

Don't worry about having a hard time getting into Freddy, 99% of your course will be going in with you!!

oh no! whats the scenery like in NB?? I pray that I dont have to go all winter without snow boarding!
You've got a couple of places....Poley Mountain(Sussex)http://www.poleymountain.com/ and Crabbe Mountain(Central Hainesville)http://www.crabbemountain.com within the province. Some other people may know of some more obscure places but those are the biggies for New Brunswick, that I know of. NB is pretty outdoorsy...not quite sure what to reccommend besides that....snow activities in the winter. As you can see from previous posts my activities involved more indoor recreation. Search NB tourism and maybe something there will pique your interest. Not sure where else to go with this...... Hope I helped in some small way.  :-\ ;D
haha thanks kimmie! good to know i wont be stuck trying to get some one to pull me behind their car on my snow board  :P

  is gagetown really one of the biggest training areas in canada?
Last i heard biggest in the <b>commonwealth</b>. She is a big one.  ;D
Mind you in verifying that I came across this little tidbit of info:

At the time of its opening in 1952, until the opening of CFB Suffield in 1971, Camp Gagetown <b>was</b> the largest military training facility in Canada and the entire British Commonwealth. It is commonly <b>misstated</b> as the largest still by most residents of Oromocto unwilling to accept the size of CFB Suffield. They claim that, due to it partially being a wildlife preserve, the military cannot use it all for training.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFB_Gagetown. So now that I am thoroughly confused, I'll leave it at that.  ??? ;D
Are You people on Drugs? Gagetown sucks, you pay 19% more taxes, people are dumb, Freddie is crap, St John should be the Capital. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. There are more FAT people, people on chit, Sorry. There is crap for the kids, a beach is 45 mins away, they have no idea how to design a hwy. O Petawawa here I come. Yes Pet is smaller, but Ièll have 300$ a month more in my pay. Gas is cheaper, Milk, bread, meat, chicken, etc is cheaper. Even Lobster is cheaper. The Maritimes is a big give me area. Give me this, Give me that.
:evil: :tank:
Yeah, it's not the most fantastic, but if you have to be here anyway...what's being cranky about it going to get you? Find something about it you like and enjoy...
Recce41 said:
people are dumb
Really? I'm from here. What's your IQ??

Recce41 said:
Freddie is crap, St John should be the Capital.
Freddy rocks, St John is a smelly place, and Moncton is much bigger than both by far, but guess what? Freddy is still the nice, friendly, garbage free Capital.

Recce41 said:
There are more FAT people, people on chit, Sorry.
Not any more than I have had the pleasure to experience in Petawawa.

Recce41 said:
There is crap for the kids, a beach is 45 mins away, they have no idea how to design a hwy.
Hmmm, my kids are in sports/cubs/scouts/archery/diving 4 nights a week. And do swimming/skiiing as per the season. There is lots to do (much more than they had in Petawawa), if you don't want it delivered to your very own front doorstep. And that really bad design of highway gets me to my cottage where I enjoy swimming, partying etc etc and visiting family 1 hour quicker each and every weekend. I believe it also cut the trip to Moncton from 2 hours to 1 hour.

So I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Yep we pay higher taxes, but we're not in the middle of nowhere, life after work is relaxed, kicked back, and of course there's that very friendly Maritime attitude. If you ask me...it's worth it. Niner's a T.O. boy, he absolutley prefers the lifestyle here to that of Ontario; So once again it's all a matter of perspective. Life and your postings are what you make of them, not the other way around.

Reply # 7

Gagetown is the largest "Training Area" in the British Commonwealth.  CFB Shuffield is actually larger area wise, but much of it is closed to Training (DRES has large portions that can not be used, except for their purposes.

You know Recce41, Pet may have things that Gagetown doesn't, but since leaving Gagetown in 1989 when the only 4 Lane highways in NB were from Moncton to the beaches at Shediac, I would say a lot has changed.  Hwy 17 in Pet is still one of Canada's deadliest.  Since '89, NB has built 4 Lanes from the NS border to the Que border.  Ontario on the other hand has built a whole 20 km, which just makes it to the Ottawa City Limits, on Hwy 17.  Looks like ON is way behind NB in this respect.  Clear driving from Edmondston to Halifax, and bumper to bumper, 60 kph in ON.....great!

Gagetown                                                      Petawawa

Golf Course                                                                Golf Course (Being sold to Civie)
Curling Rink                                                                Curling Rink CLOSED (No funds for upgrades)
No Camp Ground                                                         Camp Ground (more of a Gypsy Camp)
No Beach                                                                   Several Beaches
No Yacht Club                                                             Civie run Yacht Club
Large Training Area                                                       Small Training Area
Hunting and Fishing                                                       Hunting and Fishing
Humid Summers/Cold Winters (St John River)                    Humid Summers/Cold Winters (Ottawa River)
Snowmobile Trails                                                          Snowmobile Trails

Really not that much difference.  Both great places for the outdoors types.  Fredericton has more to offer than Pembroke, but Ottawa (same as Moncton and Halifax) is just down the road.  Both have Ski resorts within a couple of hours drive.  Both have lots of wildlife and bugs.  The Government sucks in both provinces and the Federal Taxman wants his blood no matter where you live.  I suppose the drive to Granny and Grandpa could vary, no matter where you live and could be a deciding tie breaker.
I like the fredericton/ oromocto area. It's safe, clean (the cleanest place I have ever been to in Canada and I have been in every province)  if you look, there are things to do and well the people are nicer, wayyyyyyyyyyy nicer ( and as for them being dumb, well i have been asked by people here in Alberta if we have running water in the maritimes, most dont even know how many provinces there are out there or even that there is any other province than NFLD) . I defected because the economy is bad and there are more opportunities out here in Alberta. But I would go back in an instant if I could afford to live there.  >:D
armyvern said:
Quote from: Recce41 on Today at 08:24:02
There are more FAT people, people on chit, Sorry.

Not any more than I have had the pleasure to experience in Petawawa.


The scariest thing in my life....Pembroke....West End Mall....Every woman and young girl in the mall was overweight.   Most were wearing Spandex or Lycra......300 lb women should not be allowed to wear spandex.....there ought to be a Law against obese people (both male and female) wearing Spandex/Lycra products in public...... :o
I was forced to be here. I have to drive my kids to do stuff. It sucks when out at PV, wife is also at work and the kids have to be driven. As for dumb well, ask my wife, she works in Freddie.
For my kids, there was a beach close, cheap sports ringette/soccer/rugby, a pool that they could walk to. My kids also dislike it. The hwy thing, look at the biggest circle in Canada, the hwy exit  from St John, instead of just leaving the damn bridge, they remove it. Only one exit from the east,etc.
Biggest thing is the 300$/month plus the cost of groceries if you don't say it BS. I'll take your money.
Come to Edmonton, you can't get a loaf of bread for less than 2 bucks. In freddy I used to get it for like 98 cents. Groceries here are way more expensive than the maritimes and the produce goes bad after a couple of days. They don't even have the screw caps for the milk (how barbaric) so it always smells like what is in the fridge.  >:D