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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

Alright that was a fail. We kept going on the 101 past it the first time and hit the number 7, got directions and turned around. Apparently, if it's the right road, the sign has been ripped off and there has been a lot of logging roads done into it since you were there. We were going through gravel roads for about 20 minutes, with nothing really managing to match up, before we decided we weren't finding it an headed back past Wirral to Fredericton! Stopped under one of the apparently many covered bridges to wade and have our picnic lunch and headed home. Still fun, but man there is miles an miles of gravel fire (I assume) roads out there....

Thanks anyway, next time we'll have better luck I'm sure! One day left before I head back to NS (Leave on Monday).


(PS we tried for the lake)
While I think the directions were reasonably clear, there's a whole lot of difference between reading them and following them....

example: I drove from Winnipeg to N.B., got to traffic circle at Port Elgin, circled it twice, went into town and phone....where do I go....oh, just come up five miles....back to traffic circle, two more circuits, go back to phone.....which way is up?..... ;D  (that's how they give directions down there....many, many arguments with my wife about directions over the years, until I finally gave up....A guy's gotta know when he's beat!!)  ;D
GAP said:
While I think the directions were reasonably clear, there's a whole lot of difference between reading them and following them....

example: I drove from Winnipeg to N.B., got to traffic circle at Port Elgin, circled it twice, went into town and phone....where do I go....oh, just come up five miles....back to traffic circle, two more circuits, go back to phone.....which way is up?..... ;D  (that's how they give directions down there....many, many arguments with my wife about directions over the years, until I finally gave up....A guy's gotta know when he's beat!!)  ;D

Yet, eerily I could find the joint and I'm not even related!!

And, I believe the directions were "just head on up 5 miles" (in true east coast form). Heading on up infers "straight" and when utilized in conjunction with a traffic circle means "exit at 12 o'clock".  ;)

NSDreamer said:
Alright that was a fail. We kept going on the 101 past it the first time and hit the number 7, got directions and turned around. Apparently, if it's the right road, the sign has been ripped off and there has been a lot of logging roads done into it since you were there. We were going through gravel roads for about 20 minutes, with nothing really managing to match up, before we decided we weren't finding it an headed back past Wirral to Fredericton! Stopped under one of the apparently many covered bridges to wade and have our picnic lunch and headed home. Still fun, but man there is miles an miles of gravel fire (I assume) roads out there....

Thanks anyway, next time we'll have better luck I'm sure! One day left before I head back to NS (Leave on Monday).


(PS we tried for the lake)
Hey, sorry you missed it.  But I was just out there, so I guess it's more intuition.  But, if nothing else, the drive down that way is awesome (I drove it today). 
Anyway, Here is the view at the turn onto South Oromocto Lake Road.
Here is the drive in to the lake.
Anyway, yes, there are many covered bridges out there.  But, again, the locals all know how to get there.  Being a local out there, I learned how to get there by "turning at this rock" or "veering right at that tree", etc.
Technoviking said:
Hey, sorry you missed it.  But I was just out there, so I guess it's more intuition.  But, if nothing else, the drive down that way is awesome (I drove it today). 
Anyway, Here is the view at the turn onto South Oromocto Lake Road.
Here is the drive in to the lake.
Anyway, yes, there are many covered bridges out there.  But, again, the locals all know how to get there.  Being a local out there, I learned how to get there by "turning at this rock" or "veering right at that tree", etc.

And 1/2 way to Maine. You must be a local if you even know that South Oromocto Lake exists. I skinny dipped there once - at least.
ArmyVern said:
And 1/2 way to Maine. You must be a local if you even know that South Oromocto Lake exists. I skinny dipped there once - at least.
Yeah yeah...without pictures, how are we to believe you?  >:D
Technoviking said:
Yeah yeah...without pictures, how are we to believe you?  >:D

I would, but it was 1986 & thus I was only 17. Nice try though.  ;)
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Drove by that road three times....stupid stupid stupid. You know, we probably drove past each other. I guess we're going to have to go there again tomorrow! Heh heh. No the road we took was just past the Wirral County sign heaing towards the #7 and I'm pretty sure it was just dirt fire roads. We were heading back and nearly got run over by what appeared to be a monster truck  ::)

Anyway thank you for the image Vern Bwahaha, I wonder if I can convince my Lady to do the same  >:D
NSDreamer said:
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Drove by that road three times....stupid stupid stupid. You know, we probably drove past each other. I guess we're going to have to go there again tomorrow! Heh heh. No the road we took was just past the Wirral County sign heaing towards the #7 and I'm pretty sure it was just dirt fire roads. We were heading back and nearly got run over by what appeared to be a monster truck  ::)

Anyway thank you for the image Vern Bwahaha, I wonder if I can convince my Lady to do the same  >:D
When you hit the sign for Wirral (the "local service district") and turned immediately, you were on the Sand Brook road.  The turn for South Oromocto Lake road is the second one after that one. 
Anyway, Enjoy it tomorrow, and remember to take pics.  (No, not being a smart-ass: there are great views down there)

My I suggest a radical new technology to assist in this problem?  It is called "the map" and you can find it in a number of places on the internet with varying levels of detail.
Bah her photo's are all too high in size for posting, she'll resize them later tonight and I'll put some up.

Maps eh? I've not yet done Topography at my basic, and I was always told to wait until my instructers taught me how to do something before trying myself :P
MCG said:
My I suggest a radical new technology to assist in this problem?  It is called "the map" and you can find it in a number of places on the internet with varying levels of detail.
I appologize if this has already been discussed. I've searched over the last few days and haven't been able to find anything regarding this situation. If there is a thread already, please point me in the right direction.

My husband graduates BMQ on July 22nd, and is being posted to Gagetown for the rest of his training (SQ+Trade). We (his son and I) are currently in Halifax. We had assumed that once he was in Gagetown that it would be a lot easier for him to come home on weekends. While that is true in theory, we don't have a car. Busses and trains only leave at certain times which would prevent him from getting home until about supper on Saturdays, and plane tickets are ridiculous. It had been mentioned, long ago, that if he was in the same place for more than 6 months for training, that it may be possible to have his family moved to be with him while he is there. Is this true? If it is true, does anyone know how it works? Would the move be paid, would it just be to the area or to an RHU? Who would we need to talk to get the wheels in motion?

If this is a possibility, I am a little iffy on packing everything up then possibly having to do it all again when his training is done for his real posting. But with the way things are going right now, I think we would all be better off if we could be together.

Oh, and during SQ and Trades, are their evenings free or is it the same as basic and they have to stay on base until their weekends?

Thank you :)

Try this thread and see if answers some of your questions:

Thank you so much! Answered almost all of my questions, except for the RHU one. But, I don't think it matters as I don't believe we're going to qualify for this unless he has a fair amount of space between courses.

Again, thank you.
Hey all,

Just switched over to combat engineer from NESOP and leave in a couple weeks for Gagetown. Was wondering how the shacks are and what PAT life is like over there. My chief at fleet school said combat arms trades have to live in shacks for 4 years, wanted to confirm if that was true or not.

I keep hearing things about the sapper indoc on the course and its making me nervous, haha.


4 years?!?  lol  often units will want the single new in the army guys to spend a year in the shacks, but 4 is pretty over the top and i've been in 6 or 7 different combat arms units.  Then again, you're not a new guy, so I really doubt they'd tell you to stay in the shacks at all once you're done your training
EpicBeardedMan said:
Hey all,

Just switched over to combat engineer from NESOP and leave in a couple weeks for Gagetown. Was wondering how the shacks are and what PAT life is like over there. My chief at fleet school said combat arms trades have to live in shacks for 4 years, wanted to confirm if that was true or not.

I keep hearing things about the sapper indoc on the course and its making me nervous, haha.



Alot of people don't like Gtown;  I always have and will.

There was new shacks going up, but not sure if troops are in them yet. 

Maybe NLFD Sapper or someone will be by and can say where the CFSME troops are currently staying.

Hope you're doing pushups, chin ups and situps (or whatever the Engr's are doing these days to beast improve their new troops PT.  >:D
Every course, posting or attachment is the same.

What is the same, is that every one is different.

Unless the person reading this, and answering it, is your actual Course Warrant, no one can tell you anything factual.

You've been in long enough to realize that nothing is guaranteed.

Bottom line is, is that nothing is guaranteed, but you already know that.

You're going to do what your told, or your going to get out and quit wasting our time.

Sucks, but that's the bottom line.