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The Future of Turkey In NATO

Altair said:
minus the whole "don't buy American" thing going on,  that would be a great idea.

Ahhh...we shouldn't buy American because they put tariffs on us, so we should ignore a possible solution that will remove those tariffs because it will mean we have to buy American which we're not willing to do because they put tariffs on us?

Petty politics should always take priority over us getting the gear we need in the CAF. I mean, just look at the EH101, what a great deal.
PuckChaser said:
Petty politics should always take priority over us getting the gear we need in the CAF. I mean, just look at the EH101, what a great deal.
should it?  No. In an ideal world it wouldn't.  But it would be naive to say that petty politics won't come into play.

Of course,  in an ideal world,  we wouldn't need a military,  so you win some and you lose some.
Once_a_TQ said:
And you must be one of the the Canadians that live there and know first hand eh.

You do know there are currently 20+ CAF members with families posted within Turkey at various locations. Both NATO and non NATO positions.

What a stupid retort....

I don't give a flying ____ if you live there. 

If you want to stand behind what Erdogan has done (silencing and jailing journalists & political enemies, flattening Kurdish cities within Turkish borders, committing genocide in Afrin and Idlib and the supporting of ISIS), how about you step up and justify his actions.

Make sure you include a thoughtful commentary on his famous quote which he borrowed from Hitler's behaviour which was "Democracy is like a train.  Once you reach your destination, you get off."


Maybe the folks at the Institute for the Study of War  were following this thread  ;) ;  they posted this yesterday...
(actually, they have an on-going "Turkey Project")
Navigating the U.S.-Turkey Relationship Beyond the Quagmire
Jul 25, 2018 - Elizabeth Teoman

Key Takeaway:  The U.S. needs Turkey as an active partner despite its slide into authoritarianism under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The U.S. should adopt an interest-based approach towards Turkey that shapes its behavior in line with shared strategic objectives such as reversing the gains of Iran and Russia in the Middle East.

- The U.S. needs Turkey to contribute actively as an ally in NATO.
- Turkey is nonetheless the largest vulnerability to NATO’s cohesion.
- The U.S. should commit to a smarter interest-based approach that compels greater cooperation from Turkey.
The U.S. must refocus on areas of shared interest: Counter-Terrorism;  Regional Stability;  Iran;  Russia; and Responsible Governance in Turkey.
Complete essay at LINK.