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The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter FreshPez
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Just got off the phone with the Med at VanCFRC.
She is sending out the form tomorrow (Friday).
She went over it with me...

Family Doctor to fill out:

-Psychological Diagnosis? With date(s)
-Treatment? ie. Medication(s)? Last Used?
-Is treatment ongoing?
-Has treatment been discontinued?
-Is there a risk of reoccurance?
-Does the family doc have any concerns?
-How are my coping skills and abilities?
-Can I handle weapons/explosives?

So all-in-all I think things will go smooth if I get this form filled and fax it back prior to my Medical on April 8th.

She was so helpful and encouraging.
I reccomend any and everybody to call your recruiting centre with ANY concerns you have.  They want you in as bad as you want in.

Good luck and good day.
ftsmith said:
She was so helpful and encouraging.
I reccomend any and everybody to call your recruiting centre with ANY concerns you have.  They want you in as bad as you want in.

Thank you. That's exactly what, and why, we've reiterated here, on the site, hundreds if not a thousand times. ::)

Perhaps now that it comes from someone other than Mods and senior members, people will listen. 8)

Milnet.ca Staff
Hello everyone! First post here...

I applied for the reserves, but on the medical I put down "depression".

This happened four years ago, according to my mum I was never actually diagnosed with it officially (I was 16 and my memory of the ordeal is bad.)--I did not realise this in the medical.

I went to see a counsellor like three times total, and it's a thing of the past, and I've been fine ever since. I remember it being a lot worse than it was, well, because I was a teenager. I never went on medication, never got suicidal--nothing.

I got the same form ftsmith is talking about in that last post, but there's a problem: I can't seem to find the woman who I went to talk to. I don't remember her name, I don't have any records, and she is no longer at the address at which I saw her. I'm in university now, and I don't have a family doctor... There's nobody that could be said to have been 'treating' me, and there wasn't really any significant treatment.

I don't know what to do now. In all honesty I should never have checked that box. Is there anything I can do about it? If I call the recruitment centre, will they think I'm crazy and trying to get around disqualification? Can I take a test or something to prove I'm fine? I'm a little stressed because I was really, really excited to do training this summer, passed my interview and this is the only thing holding everything up.
radiogaga said:
I don't know what to do now. In all honesty I should never have checked that box. Is there anything I can do about it? If I call the recruitment centre, will they think I'm crazy and trying to get around disqualification? Can I take a test or something to prove I'm fine? I'm a little stressed because I was really, really excited to do training this summer, passed my interview and this is the only thing holding everything up.

But you did check the box, and the PA would have asked anyways.  Honesty is the best policy at ALL TIMES.

I understand you are a freaking out a little about the form.  You are not the only person who cannot get ahold of whoever they saw 10 + yrs ago.  As you are in University, go to the Medical Clinic there and explain a little to the doctor, and ask if they'll fill the form out.  Too easy.

Good Luck

MedTech32 said:
As you are in University, go to the Medical Clinic there and explain a little to the doctor, and ask if they'll fill the form out.

This was actually the first thing I tried... They refused because of the part that asked how long I've been treated by them  :-\
After searching the site, I have found no current posts in relation to previous depression and anti depressant usage. About 2 1/2 yrs ago I needed to go on a mild dosage of effexor for a specific work related issue. I left the position that was causing the stress but did not discontinue the effexor until just recently(1 1/2 - 2 months ago). I do not feel abnormal after weening myself of the effexor(75mg/day). I am quite happy with my new job (the past 1 3/4 years) and home life is excellent with wife and new baby. Could my history be a deterrent for my application process? My doc,. is on-board with me joining the reserves and is willing to write a letter of recommendation if needed. I am also willing to go for a psych. evalutation if needed; as I am not 100% sure if I was even clinically diagnosed with depression. Please provide some feedback. thank you :)

  I noticed a couple of posts about anti - depressants , and contacted a  recruiter but waiting on a reply ! Just over three years ago I was taking an anti depressant for about 3 months ! I've had a clean of bill of health since! Will I not be excepted because of this ?  Any replies would be greatly appreciated !

                    Thanks !
Wait for the reply from the recruiter.  Every case is different:  e.g. How long were you on the meds?  What for?  (Please do not post those answers here!!)

Read some of the other threads where you saw the posts (use the search function in the Enrollment Medical sub-forum) and see other people's results/stories.

Good luck.
hi I'm currently in the process of joining the forces. About 3 years ago i Had a depression with panic attacks and anxiety. I never toke any medication to cure it. I toke some therapy sessions with my doctor for 4 months and after that it was all gone. I never Had it back and i feel very good. My question is will I be disqualified because of that? My doctor said that it was just a period of teenage years. so do I still have a chance?
Hey, how's everyone doing? I just had a couple questions in regards to the medical requirements of a MP Officer. Basically I am physically fit thats not my main concern I can do 100 pushups, 50 chinups both close-grip and wide-grip the rest is self explainatory running etc, I've been training for it. My concern is that I used to have depression about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with dysthymia which is a mild case of depression which has presisted for a large duration of time. This is mainly related to my performance in highschool etc, but now I am almost finished my Bachelors Degree in psychology and I haven't been on anti-depressants for 2 years been feeling great. My main problem was related to my performance in highschool, grades etc.

Now my question is, will this previous history of depression disqualify me of having the opportunity of serving in the Canadian forces? I have recently applied for another career about 4 years prior to this post and that was before I knew what depression was and that I even had it. I decided before completing my medical examination to continue my education instead of serving as a NCM.
Vekk said:
Hey, how's everyone doing? I just had a couple questions in regards to the medical requirements of a MP Officer. Basically I am physically fit thats not my main concern I can do 100 pushups, 50 chinups both close-grip and wide-grip the rest is self explainatory running etc, I've been training for it. My concern is that I used to have depression about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with dysthymia which is a mild case of depression which has presisted for a large duration of time. This is mainly related to my performance in highschool etc, but now I am almost finished my Bachelors Degree in psychology and I haven't been on anti-depressants for 2 years been feeling great. My main problem was related to my performance in highschool, grades etc.

Now my question is, will this previous history of depression disqualify me of having the opportunity of serving in the Canadian forces? I have recently applied for another career about 4 years prior to this post and that was before I knew what depression was and that I even had it. I decided before completing my medical examination to continue my education instead of serving as a NCM.

The medical requirements for a MP officer are exactly the same for anyone else joining the CF.  If you look into the forums on Medicals, you will find topics that cover "Depression" and "Antidepressants".  You may even find the topic of "dysthymia" already covered.
Hi my name is David i am 19years old and its my firts posting on this forum.

My question is about antidepressents, im taking this since like 1year ago and im on recovery way. I have more good days then bad days well im almost 100% restored. I would like to join the forces, but can i do with these pills?

Sry if i did orthographe faults im a french guy.
The best thing to do is see a recruiter. They're the only ones that can tell you the right answer.

Good luck!
If you know french go read this: http://www.mensongepsy.com/fr/?p=627  and say your opinion. 

If you cant read the page... well overall its say that the soldier in  Afghanistan take antidepressant ...  Dozens of Canadian troops in Afghanistan are taking medication to sleep or to treat depression and this situation may be more common

The military on treatment are monitored closely to ensure that their mental health problems and their treatments do not affect their performance, "says Lieutenant-Colonel Theresa Girvin, psychiatrist Canadian Forces currently deployed to the military hospital Kandaha

They already have depressive people in war so... say what you think about that
And your point is?

It's one thing to treat soldiers for insomnia and use anti-depressants for a short time, along with therapy, etc to treat problems.  It is quite another thing to enroll someone who is on anti-depressants and has been for a long period of time.  I have a friend who was medically released from the military because they were on medication to control OCD and it was going to be long-term.

Oh, and BTW, insomnia is not depression.

As Flap Jack mentioned, go and see the recruiter.
PMedMoe said:
And your point is?

It's one thing to treat soldiers for insomnia and use anti-depressants for a short time, along with therapy, etc to treat problems.  It is quite another thing to enroll someone who is on anti-depressants and has been for a long period of time.  I have a friend who was medically released from the military because they were on medication to control OCD and it was going to be long-term.

Oh, and BTW, insomnia is not depression.

As Flap Jack mentioned, go and see the recruiter.


Can you quantify short time, and where, if available, it is directed please.


the 48th regulator said:

Can you quantify short time, and where, if available, it is directed please.



Tess, I can only speak from personal experience.  Two weeks maybe?  I really can't remember.  As far as your other question, not quite sure what you mean.  Did you mean is there an actual written direction?  I doubt it.

Edit:  Oh sure, post a question and then go offline!  Is the game on?  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Tess, I can only speak from personal experience.  Two weeks maybe?  I really can't remember.  As far as your other question, not quite sure what you mean.  Did you mean is there an actual written direction?  I doubt it.

Edit:  Oh sure, post a question and then go offline!  Is the game on?  ;)

I'm still here.

Some anti depressants take 1-3 months to Adjust before proper effects take place, so I can't comment on your personal experience.

What I am trying to demonstrate, unless official documentation is available to give the person, it is best he see a recruiter who can direct him in the right places to find out the answers.

Anecdotes, and hazy personal experience does not really help.  It perpetuates myth, and strengthens stigmas.

There are many people in the forces that are able to meet the universality of service, that have been prescribed medication to deal with various OSI's and Mental injuries.  They have been on them longer that 2 weeks.

Still love you all the same  :-*.


Tess, I agree.  The poster was told to see a recruiter and then posted some article as if trying to refute the response by Flap Jack?  To show implied approval?  I don't know what was intended by it.  I also (in my last line) told him to see a recruiter.  My response was more towards the posting of the article than anything else.

Still love you too!! 
davtrcity said:
Hi my name is David i am 19years old and its my firts posting on this forum.

My question is about antidepressents, im taking this since like 1year ago and im on recovery way. I have more good days then bad days well im almost 100% restored. I would like to join the forces, but can i do with these pills?

Sry if i did orthographe faults im a french guy.

Unless things have changed since I was last doing recruit medicals late last year, you won't get accepted until you've been off the medication and stable off of it for at least a year...you'll also need a letter from your prescribing physician reflecting this.

As for troops already in, guess what, they get sick too and need to be helped or treated - but they are already in and we're responsible for their health care once they're in, so we treat them.  We don't want to be continuing treatment for something that might worsen under the stresses of recruit school, that's why we wait a year to see how well you're handling life.

BTW - if you're in and being treated for something that isn't resolving or requires long term therapy and not improve, you might not be in for much longer -  people with long term mental health issues can and do get medically released because of those issues just the same as people with physical health problems.

