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The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

combat_medic said:
Tess, not to contradict you, but here in Vancouver I have had random civvies throw things at me, yell obscenities (baby killer, among others) and other mistreatment. This was just me walking or driving to reserves in uniform. No weapons, by myself, and minding my own business. I don't think all civvies are like that, but there are certainly some who like making our lives difficult, at least here on the left coast.

Vancouver....home of the misinformed hippie...
but they will be the first one screaming for our assitance when the big erthquake hits.. :cdn:
Lots of things could have been done then, the important thing here is to learn from mistakes and move on so that this doesnt happen again. Like most here, im only going on 2nd hand knowedge of what happened.....so lets not forget whats important here.....our Cpt. Greene comes out of this mess as good as new and we dont forget what happened, for the sake of our troops over there now. Let me know if im wrong.....
This is not the thread for a critique. If thats what you want to do start a different thread.
A guy just jumped out and attacked him? Thats the problem right there, they were in a meeting with supposedly had all around defence or what? No guy should have even got close to the Captain in the meeting they should have had a perimeter set up and not let anyone near the meeting....There reaction to the event was great, but i dont think that an axe attack like that should have happend. I wasnt there and dont know if the media has told the whole story but from what we have been told, it seems like something failed in my mind....
regulator12 said:
A guy just jumped out and attacked him? Thats the problem right there, they were in a meeting with supposedly had all around defence or what? No guy should have even got close to the Captain in the meeting they should have had a perimeter set up and not let anyone near the meeting....There reaction to the event was great, but i dont think that an axe attack like that should have happend. I wasnt there and dont know if the media has told the whole story but from what we have been told, it seems like something failed in my mind....

I guess that is based on your experience, eh?



no its not just stating my opinion, which others had done is state there opinion....i dont know what happend, glad that they are ok, and i am sure they will learn from there mistakes.


READ the whole Topic first.  The guy who fired the first shot to drop the assailant was 'silentbutdeadly!', a member of this forum and he has already posted in this thread.

Suck back and reload, before posting.
I have read the whole thread, I wont say anymore as i dont want to take this thread off topic and start a flame war....i stated my opinion at that was all.
If you haven't been in theater and know how these things go down, then leave the comments as to TTPs and such out of your posts.

The troops did their job....and a damn good one at that.

We weren't there....we can't comment, period.

regulator12 said:
no its not just stating my opinion, which others had done is state there opinion....i dont know what happend, glad that they are ok, and i am sure they will learn from there mistakes.

regulator12 said:
I have read the whole thread, I wont say anymore as i dont want to take this thread off topic and start a flame war....i stated my opinion at that was all.

You opinion is not based on fact or experience.  You should not throw out a judgement call, then hide behind the statement "it's my opinion".

I am glad you will not say anymore, a slight suggestion based on my opinion is to stay in your lane.  Tossing out off the cut remarks, and suggesting an error was made, is out of order.  Especially when you offer a tactical reasoning behind your "opinion" based on absolutely no experience in "My opinion"



least regulator12 could do is fill in his profile so we can assure ourselves of what his pedigree happens to be. (and that's my opinion)
Franko said:
If you haven't been in theater and know how these things go down, then leave the comments as to TTPs and such out of your posts.

The troops did their job....and a damn good one at that.

We weren't there....we can't comment, period.


Agree with your first sentence.  But isn't saying they did "a damn good job" also a comment? :D  You don't know that either, really.

Other than well wishes I'd suggest there is nothing anyone can say here - besides the dude that was on the scene of course ;) - that won't be speculation.  So here's to hoping the rest of the troops stay safe.
But isn't saying they did "a damn good job" also a comment?   You don't know that either, really.

They stopped the nutcase from axing anymore, and fought off any further attack from the others.

I would say that Franko's comments were correct..



If driving an axe into the head of one of our soldiers doesn't justify shooting the guy I'd love to hear what does.  Only in Canada would we wallow in such second-guessing of the guys on the ground :threat:
HDE said:
If driving an axe into the head of one of our soldiers doesn't justify shooting the guy I'd love to hear what does.  Only in Canada would we wallow in such second-guessing of the guys on the ground :threat:
Nobody, anywhere, has said anything of the kind, HDE.
Is Afghanistan Canada's Iraq?
The confusion surrounding the mission — one day to kill, the next to build — has blurred lines
Mar. 6, 2006. 01:00 AM

Axe attack

March 5.

The "raw brutality" of the axe attack on Canadian soldier Lieut. Trevor Greene in Afghanistan, carried out by a teenager whose eyes were reportedly "poisoned with hatred," is a sad and haunting mirror to a reality of violence that the now deceased young man — pumped full of 14 Canadian bullets despite standing "frozen" after the attack — has no doubt witnessed his whole life. Why he was not arrested, charged, and tried, perhaps to understand how and why this attack occurred, is a major unanswered question.

My thoughts and condolences go out both to Greene and his family, who are no doubt traumatized by this act of violence; to the Canadian soldiers who killed the teenager, because no one is the same after killing a fellow human being and to the Afghan teen who, along with his own family, has doubtless experienced a lifetime of foreign-inspired violence.

The Star claims a group of heavily armed Canadian soldiers "came in peace," and in their own minds, at that particular hour, that is no doubt what they were thinking. But how is the local villager supposed to know this when, as the Star has reported in the past, there is no perceived difference between U.K., U.S. and Canadian troops when it comes to the daily depredations committed against Afghans by foreign occupation forces?

The confusion surrounding the mission of Canadian soldiers (one day to kill, the next to build) is a problem which has been pointed out by development agencies, who say the blurring of the line between the two distinctive missions has forced development aid workers out of countries like Afghanistan, because if there's anything Afghans do not like, it is armed occupation. And understandably so.

Ultimately, the question that has yet to be answered is whether Afghanistan is Canada's Iraq — an unwanted occupation that ultimately has more to do with global politics and gas pipelines than truly working to end poverty and violence.

Matthew Behrens, Toronto


Nice It's great how we have Defend why we are there to people like that
I stand corrected.

That said, it was a letter (not an editorial) from a looney-looney leftist to a looney left newspaper.  I don't think its particularily indicative of the opinion of the mainstream left (and I'm the first to criticise them).
Franko said:
If you haven't been in theater and know how these things go down, then leave the comments as to TTPs and such out of your posts.

The troops did their job....and a damn good one at that.

We weren't there....we can't comment, period.


Perfectly stated!