Well, I finished the test today, and I passed. I was however shocked at my blood pressure results. Can anyone on here explain the following??? I get to the test, and the instructor takes my readings (BP. 146/85, HR 100), but I had my doctor's consent for the BP, so they let me take the Fitness Test. After the first step test, my BP was 154/87, which was expected, but after my second step test and after 2 min rest, my BP was down to 132/74, and heart rate at 90!!! I will also mention that i was completely relaxed before the initial reading... Anyways, everything else went smooth, and I am happy that I am one step closer to my goal!
Will my initial high reading affect my application status?
Anyways, the whole procedure itself was fairly simple, other than maybe having to keep in a chuckle when first hearing that step music!