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The air cadet thread

PViddy said:
Those are already given out.  I like the service medal just because i don't think enough medals exist for Air Cadets.  I would make the criteria to be level training complete though instead of 4 years in.



I agree that we don't have a lot of medals. On the other hand I think we have to many badges on the uniform. But that's another story.
This is my first time here, and just randomly found this forum, so ya... :S
I'm kinda not used to this area...
but brief intro...
I'm F/Sgt. Au from 351 Silverstar Sqn. in Markham
actually... we're 351 Silverstar Wing now lol
Personally, I've never really gotten the point of parading as a wing, in effect wouldn't you be increasing the amount of admin? And I know we already have a devil of a lot of admin work each week......
I haven't seen any big changes to the way they run it at my unit. Most of the way they do things stayed the same.
But who knows I don't do admin stuff.
Their isn'tt a difference as to how a unit is run, whether it is a Squadron or is big enough to become a Wing.  You just have more Officers and hopefully a big enough facility.  Usually if you have a Wing size unit for long enough, they will create another unit to ease the numbers providing the demographics are right.  One of the jobs of the Air Cadet League  ;)


PViddy said:
Their isn'tt a difference as to how a unit is run, whether it is a Squadron or is big enough to become a Wing.   You just have more Officers and hopefully a big enough facility.   Usually if you have a Wing size unit for long enough, they will create another unit to ease the numbers providing the demographics are right.   One of the jobs of the Air Cadet League   ;)



We have been a wing for about a year so far. Are facilities are very good, only problem is on parade. We are forced to do elbow dressings because of the size of our unit.

I'm hoping the Air Cadet League doesn't decide to split us up one day.  >:(
I'm still waiting for the 1 Burrows Sqn.
Cyclone eh? Was wondering what they were going to name that one.

And Burrows....you're a nutcase. Thats all I have to say...............*throws Burrows out of glider*
Kyle Burrows said:
Fixed your little typo there.

How thoughtfull of you  :nana:

condor888000 said:
Cyclone eh? Was wondering what they were going to name that one.

And Burrows....you're a nutcase. Thats all I have to say...............*throws Burrows out of glider*

Ya we hosted them on our last FTX. Man was that one long FTX.... there was like 100 recruits and like 90 regulars.

And I will give you a cookie condor for throwing him out of the glider.  ;D

Silent said:
I think he deserves a bit more than that yoman   ;)

Fine then.

condor888000 said:
WOOT!!! I get even more!!! How about 2 cookies? ;D

How about your own glider and cessna 172?

And what happened to you being the drill NCO? Did they finally realise you don't like drill?  :P
PViddy said:
Shouldn't every NCO be the drill NCO ?


Sir, his unit has specialised NCO's in certain areas. He was the drill NCO before. Now he is the training NCO.

I would like to think every NCO was a drill NCO.