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The air cadet thread

I agree with it, so yeah...it's all good for me cause I am already a sgt.

I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in helping me and my sqn put together a display for our ACR. It is titled "Connecting Squadrons". This would require me getting a bunch of people from other sqns to send some of their sqn's things here. Things included:

a sqn picture
sqn training pics,
a shoulder flash,
a history of the sqn (maybe even short biographies of successful cadets from the sqn)
as well as a short letter which is signed by the whole sqn.

any and all help would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested, pm me. Thanks
Is it Squadrons in a certain area?Like say your from BC, do you only want Squadrons from BC in it? Or do you want squadrons all across Canada?
Im going to cadets tonight so I'll see if anyones intrested.

I'll check tomorrow what we've got available for you and chat it over with the CO.  Let me know whereabouts your squadron is located.
A bit of a different topic...

What are your thoughts on multi-squadron bush weekends (Ex: All air)?  Personally, I think they're great but there are some who prefer squadron survival exes.  Also, who would be open to the idea of multi-element bush weekends (ex: Air vs Army capture the flag)?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Multi Squadron Bush Weekends have been a great experience for me.
My Squadron 121 and 242 Squadron have a annual fall bush weekend.
The first time I went, I made so many new friends, everyone was nice to eachother.
Also, I found 3 guys who went to Basic with me(1 of them was part of our hangout group thing)I never knew this because after basic my Msn was broken so I never really talked to anyone from Basic. Plus I was sick during the bushweekend after Basic. So it was a really good thing.

Those are my experiences from Multi Squadron Bush Weekends
Rocketryan said:
Is it Squadrons in a certain area?Like say your from BC, do you only want Squadrons from BC in it? Or do you want squadrons all across Canada?
Im going to cadets tonight so I'll see if anyones intrested.

No,not in a "certain" area at all. As long as they are in Canada (all across Canada). This display would be a bit of a refreshing change from all of our old ones. I hope to get a few responses soon

Sgt Kayla Sheppard
842 Bomber Squadron
Bob Dylan said:

I'll check tomorrow what we've got available for you and chat it over with the CO.  Let me know whereabouts your squadron is located.

Well, I am in 842 Bomber, in other words....Newfoundland
Thank you for the interest :)
Multi-squadron exercises are all well and good, yes. I enjoy them when I get the oppurtunity to go, as you can take away some neat stuff, having learned the way other Squadrons do things. Multi-unit exercises, with two elements involved? I can't say I've ever been on one, but the premise and idea sounds very interesting.
In the London area we have an annual all-air weekend with 27, 612, 599 and a bunch of others (sorry to you guys, can't remember right now) and I've always thought it was amazing.  Look forward to them every year.  I agree, everyone's so friendly and you can make larger more awesome games with so many people.

I was talking to my buddy about multi-element and he thinks it a horrible idea.  Basically, the rivalry could get out of hand and there would be some respect issues that would ruin everything.  Anyone else have another point of view?
O yeah I forgot about the Multi-Element part in my above post.
My squadrons experience with a Multi-Element.

We were going to try it for the first for a Tri-Service Bush Weekend.
Well it didn't really work out.
The other 2 services were being lazy and didn't even bother trying to get a reservation at the camp site place.So we barely got the reservation for our own squadron.

And last time we brought another element unit on a Citizenship Trip, we got stuck at the border for about 2 1/2 hours. It was the officers of that unit to make sure that everyone had proper identification for the border, and well they didn't.

Also, if the amount of room is limited at the place where you sleep, it may only be maybe 10-20 cadets from each unit. So theres that factor to take into consideration.

In theory, it would be tons of fun.
Try it out. Hopefully it will work.

Rocketryan said:
O yeah I forgot about the Multi-Element part in my above post.
My squadrons experience with a Multi-Element.

We were going to try it for the first for a Tri-Service Bush Weekend.
Well it didn't really work out.
The other 2 services were being lazy and didn't even bother trying to get a reservation at the camp site place.So we barely got the reservation for our own squadron.

And last time we brought another element unit on a Citizenship Trip, we got stuck at the border for about 2 1/2 hours. It was the officers of that unit to make sure that everyone had proper identification for the border, and well they didn't.

Also, if the amount of room is limited at the place where you sleep, it may only be maybe 10-20 cadets from each unit. So theres that factor to take into consideration.

In theory, it would be tons of fun.
Try it out. Hopefully it will work.

Seems like the issues there came from poor delegation of tasks.  Leaders should be responsible for their own charges and nobody else.  What good does an officer from sqn 1 do to ensure all members of sqn 2 have their passports?  The officer probably doesn't know the cadets, or see them on a regular basis to remind them.
Hows everyones squadrons annual practice going so far?
If anyones has already had their annual, how did it go?

My squadron has been practicing pretty hard to get ready for our Squadrons 65th Anniversary. Next weekend is the big day.

    My Squadron's Annual Ceremonial Review is on this Saturday. We will be Celebrating My Squadron's 30th Anniversary :cdn:
And we Have also been Practising BIG TIME for the event.

    We got really lucky This year and were given Access to the Old Royal Roads Military College (RRMC) Parade Square. ;D
                                                                                                                    'Just like the 'Old days....... ;)
ACR's next Friday.  I'm very excited because the whole night is a tribute to fallen servicemen and women.  Our dynamic display is amazing.  It'll be an honour to perform.
My annual was on sunday. Went really well. Its my last one since Im leaving cadets in october for various reasons.

But....I GOT ITAC!!!

1st Intake at the Regional Gliding School

Anyone else going?
I guess I'll be seeing you at ITAC this summer. Central Region right?
Regional Gliding School (Centre)
Guess so.

I go to Trenton before going there.

You staff or course cadet?
You guys are going to have an amazing time at CRGS on ITAC!  Your staff will be awesome and it's an overall great learning experience, and FUN on top of that =)

I'll see you there! 
Nope.. Glider baby!  But my FSgt from last summer is going to be officer staff I believe and she's absolutely awesome and I know someone else staffing too.  You'll have a good time, guaranteed.  Unless you completely dislike learning about aircraft and radios etc.  In which case ..  :o