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The air cadet thread

well my squadrons holding a huge annual multi-squadron Live-in from Friday to Monday. just about all the squadrons from here on the island will be attending (it's like a mini summer camp), so It should be eventful...........
          even more fun is that I'll be doing a "Senior" staff position this year......... ;D
Hi I just joined Air Cadets about 3 1/2 months ago my squadron is 856 Squadron. I found this foum and signed up, so i guess anther Air Cadet on the list ;D

My squadron is doing the local rememberance day parade but thats not really exiting :boring:. Our sqadron won the G. Westman trophy for top squadron in Ontario 2006, and our squadron has only been up for 7 years. Our CO Mjr. Blight has been our CO for the whole time our squadron has been up and she is stepping down on the 9th.  :'(
Anyways just thought i'd say hi c ya.
Anyone from 121 Red Arrows??

Anyways. My squadron(121) is doing local Remembrance Day Parade in our Squadrons City (I'm from a town nearby) and we're doing something on Friday.I think it's a dinner for the veterans.
I personally am doing something with the wreaths(So one of my Sgt. says)

And that's my story.
Trakalo said:
well my squadrons holding a huge annual multi-squadron Live-in from Friday to Monday. just about all the squadrons from here on the island will be attending (it's like a mini summer camp), so It should be eventful...........
           even more fun is that I'll be doing a "Senior" staff position this year......... ;D
Trakalo, You've never been more right. I know I am as stoked as EVER for the live in. :blotto: being a CPRL at one of those for the first time will be fun for me
HuntKenny said:
Trakalo, You've never been more right. I know I am as stoked as EVER for the live in. :blotto: being a CPRL at one of those for the first time will be fun for me

well it should be fun for "everyone" this year ::)
Hey trakalo, good live in eh? The corporals of 848 at the "meeting" got absolutely hammered from each direction. They said the CO has ideas of promoting only a few cadets. Talk about ROASTED :o. I also heard one of our sergeants whispering that CPRL is going to become a "Gimme" rank. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. :threat:
1) Its CPL not CRPL.

Corporal was set to become a gimmie rank a long time ago.
HuntKenny said:
Hey trakalo, good live in eh? The corporals of 848 at the "meeting" got absolutely hammered from each direction. They said the CO has ideas of promoting only a few cadets. Talk about ROASTED :o.

ya i heard about that........................... ::)
Kyle Burrows said:
Corporal was set to become a gimmie rank a long time ago.

That it was.

If its only starting to happen to you guys now then count yourself lucky.
Kyle Burrows said:
1) Its CPL not CRPL.

Corporal was set to become a gimmie rank a long time ago.
Ar, I do the CPL or CPRL both ways :) i know i applied for CPL.is it only gimmie sometimes?
Who APPLIES for a promotion?  Tooting the horn much?

:) or no :), it is Cpl, not CRPL. If you say Cpl, I will call you Corporal. If you say CRPL I WILL call you Crapple.
I just had a camp information night tonight.

I want SLC

The age requirement is to be 15 and a half (1/2) by March 2Xth(X=Unknown Number)(so its between 20 and 29)

Since my Birthday is on October 14th, I am not old enough by like 10-15-20 days...I couldn't believe it.

Anybody know why you have to be a certain age by March instead of other camps where you have to be a certain age by June???

Also, Would there be anyway of contacting the people who make the decision on who goes to SLC and who doesn't? Because I want to be able to convince them to judge me by who I am as a Cadet, not how old I am. Its only like 10-15 days,I'm getting the impression that since your parents didn't do something like 10-15 days earlier, you get...disappointed 15 years later when you can't go to the summer camp you wanted.

If anyone has any advice, It would be appreciated
Apply and see what happens?

Bitching won't solve a thing. However, your birthday may be reasonably close. So you really might as well apply and give it a shot.
They obviously have a age requirement for a reason. Seeing as your birthday is pretty close to the deadline, you might have a case or you may not. I know that if you were at my squadron, you would probably not be going to SLC this year. You still have many more years in cadets, don't worry about it.

Try applying for ITLC or ITIC if you haven't done those course's already.
A quick question from the "noob".... me :blotto: is it possible to go to navy league and then to air cadets?
HuntKenny said:
A quick question from the "noob".... me :blotto: is it possible to go to navy league and then to air cadets?

I`m not sure what you mean.

Are you asking if it is possible to be part of the Navy League and Air Cadets at the same time? Or if you can quit the Navy League and then go to Air Cadets. The answer is yes if you want to go from the Navy League to Air Cadets.
Kyle, in our squadron, you have to apply for all promotions, including Corporal.  LAC is automatic.

We have a pretty intense promotion process.  You attend a briefing session, complete an application form, and submit it and a narrative stating what benefit promoting you will have for the squadron, and at the senior ranks, you also submit a complete plan for an event, including a Warning Order, an Ops Order and including all research.  There is then a test, which you have to pass with at least 75%, then a drill test, then an interview in front of at least two people.  Once that is complete, the staff meet to discuss each application.  The final decision belongs with the CO.

We get some really good packages, some not so good and some people just don't want to do the work, so they don't apply.  Works for us.

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I do not want my email to be available to everyone here.  Can someone tell me how to alter my profile so it is not visible?  I have tried "hide" but it doesn't work.  Thank you.