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The air cadet thread

Quote from Harding 229,

"people have to earn my respect"

Sorry, your the newcomer here. If anyone needs to earn anything it's you, but.....

Welcome to the Forum. Please read and follow the guidelines. Kyle is the Mod on this Forum and went through a major vetting process to get here. He knows from which he speaks. Your more than welcome to post, in a legible and coherent matter, almost anything you wish. What will not be tolerated is snide little backhanded comments. Kyle is more than capable, and has done an outstanding job, raising the Cadet Forum out of the dregs of kindergarden antics to a reasonably mature forum that has gained some respect and become a proper, informative forum for Cadets. Quit trying to make it difficult for everyone here. You've probably noticed, while we cut a little more slack here due to inexperience, we don't tolerate much more crap than we do out on the regular forum. Sit back, relax, and watch others for guidance on how it's done. Persist in the one upmanship game, and you won't be here long.
Well, the kid earned a full ban after that little stunt (it got taken down, but apparently, I suck).   Shouldn't use such a potty mouth around here, especially when you don't got the stones to back it up.
I agree with aesop. Lets get this thread back on track. So anyone here hear dates and such for camp? I'm leaving on the 25th(16 days!) to get to power. What about the rest of you? Except Yoman cause hes 632....

Ha ha very funny condor   ;)   I got Basic on the 18th of July in Bagotville. Cant wait. Now lets all ignore condor so he can get ready for power.

Oh and incase you guys did not notice. condor`s squadron (51 squadron) and my squadron (632 Wing) are always in competition with each other. They are technically winning right now, but that`s only because the results are fixed.   ;D
Wow......    :o

Never thought I'd see someone commit "Hari Kari" in one fail swoop....at least for a while.

Oh well....good riddance.

....I got to get back to tasting all those rations.....er wait a tick. No......I'm going to Afghanistan in July.......

Can't believe the nerve of that KID


I don't have any dates yet but I got my PIP in the mail today for glider. I only had a chance to glance at it before rushing off to a pre-ex meeting for Cadets. However, I didn't see the usuall "After the answer list the page number, side of the page, column number,  paragraph number, and mother's maiden name" bit that usually accompanies it. Condor, since you the resident pilot expert (You're the only one I know) do you know if they stopped making us do that?
I'd be more than happy to answer, the only problem is that I have no clue as to what you're talking about. What exactley do you mean?

And for the record I'm not the only pilot on here. Possibly one of the more recent, but theres plenty of other.
hehe toum toum..............well up to 50/50 chance of staff at trenton  ::)......
The package I was referring to is a question and answer assignment that they always send out to the glider scholarship people in June to fill out using the FTGU. In the past they made everyone list the page number, the column, the side of the page and where the paragraph was. This year they didn't tell us to do all the extra stuff, just to answer the questions. But if you hasn't heard of it, maybe it's just something that RGS(Pra) does and not central.
That thing. I've heard of it. But Eastern doesn't send it out. Neither does Atlantic for that matter. Central might. Not sure........crazy Ottawa being part of the Quebec region........sorry I can't really help........but to be honest...I'd do the extra bit incase they want it that way and just forgot to put it in. Always better to be overprepared.
I find that pigions and squirrels taste good
(the one army brave enough to wander into foreign territory)
i plan to go airborne(para trooper) so i guess i got to get use to you guys
_Kuefler_ said:
I find that pigions and squirrels taste good
(the one army brave enough to wander into foreign territory)
i plan to go airborne(para trooper) so i guess i got to get use to you guys

You would like Mandal then, or maybe even condor. Mandal cause he loves the bush. And Condor cause he would be your transportation (glider for now, but power after this summer). And me I, I just learn from the wise ones  ::) lol

Good luck with your dreams, I'd like to go pilot in the CF.
Not to shoot you guys down(hey i made a funny) ::) but in the winter the CF pilots screw the para troopers over
they turn the heat on in the plane when all the guys are carrying 60-70 lbs of equip and have no skin showing due to jump conditions in the winter.  you would freeze in no time at all  :o
what is your opinion of this 
_Kuefler_ said:
Not to shoot you guys down(hey i made a funny) ::) but in the winter the CF pilots screw the para troopers over
they turn the heat on in the plane when all the guys are carrying 60-70 lbs of equip and have no skin showing due to jump conditions in the winter.   you would freeze in no time at all   :o
what is your opinion of this  

Maybe YOU should stick to what you know.......  ::)
_Kuefler_ said:
Not to shoot you guys down(hey i made a funny) ::) but in the winter the CF pilots screw the para troopers over
they turn the heat on in the plane when all the guys are carrying 60-70 lbs of equip and have no skin showing due to jump conditions in the winter.   you would freeze in no time at all   :o
what is your opinion of this  
I really second aesop here. If you want to have an honest discussion about anaything related to air cadets, this is the place. If you're just here to spread rumors that I doubt you've experienced first hand, then please resist the urge to post here.
On another note......
_Kuefler_ said:
I find that pigions and squirrels taste good
Squirells might taste alright, but how about a flying squirrel? 8)
_Kuefler_ said:
flying squirrels are a little chewy


I left a massage for you in your C7A1 thread...suggest you read it.

As for the heat in the planes...its too bad that modern airplanes have fuel systems, electronics and hydraulic systems that operate within certain temperature ranges and need heat in winter to keep them from freezing.

But i suppose you knew that right ?
To be fair I baited him into saying that bit about flying squirrels. Don't beat up on the guy for that.
thank you all for beating some sense into my head i needed that :salute:
but you can all realease your death grip on my ego please

By the way this is meant to be funny
not crude
kids these days.......*sigh*........haha....its almost like he's trying to say we fly the paratroopers haha!......ya they go under the glider wings and are strapped on by the lanyards from our uniforms haha......