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The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

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I just got one more question about the shared custody thing.. What is consitered shared custody in the canadian forces, because my bf and I have no aggrangment  for anything. I don't get child support. and when we weren't living together he took him when he wanted to.
bekkamgov said:
I just got one more question about the shared custody thing.. What is consitered shared custody in the canadian forces, because my bf and I have no aggrangment  for anything.

Topic: "Child Custody & The CF": 

Topic: "Joint Custody and Postings": 

This one is excellent:
Note: Attached document.

I got a question about solder training.. My boyfriend told me that he doesn't have to do solder training because he is supply tech. I always thought that everyone had to do solder training..
bekkamgov said:
I got a question about solder training.. My boyfriend told me that he doesn't have to do solder training because he is supply tech. I always thought that everyone had to do solder training..

You are correct.  Your boyfriend is wrong.
bekkamgov said:
I got a question about solder training.. My boyfriend told me that he doesn't have to do solder training because he is supply tech. I always thought that everyone had to do solder training..

Your boyfriend is correct.

Soldering would be taught to those in the electronic type trades, Possibly even to the IT people.



Maybe we need a better definition about what each of them understand "soldier training" to be.  Are we talking about the "Soldier Qualification (SQ)" course or not?

Since we do not know the context of their discussion, he may be referring to not being trained "as an infantryman" because he is a supply tech.
Just had a quick peak at the recruiting site as I wasn't sure either.  If we're talking SQ, then the bf is right -SQ isn't on the training list for Supply Technicians

I just had a look at the CF recruiting sites and pulled info from some of the  trades that were on the last BMQ Land (the proper name for SQ) that was running here in Wainwright and none of their job sheets mention having to do it, so do not go of off those and they are just a vague intro and don't cover everything.  If you are Army most likely you will have to do BMQ Land, they just don't list it.
I would have though the Navy binrats would do the Naval Enviro and the Airforce would do the hotel and rental car training!!
There we go,

bekkamgov, all of your questions have been merged into one thread.  This will make it easier for you to get answers.  Rather than starting a new thread, just post in this one.  Also note, that is not a friendly suggestion, I am telling.  Next time, I will introduce you to a virtual ladder.  In real life it can be made of wood or aluminum, here it will give you a fancy dancy sign under your name....



milnet.ca staff
why do u have to be such a disrespectful idiot all the f***en time. I thought u had some rule about no personal attacks. well u have been doing them to me since I asked my first question. I thought these forums were to find out things about the military. but soon as someone asks a question ya got to insult them right. cause u think everyone is stupid but yourself. sorry I'm not in the military and don't no nothing about it. so do speak to me like I'm stupid..
bekkamgov said:
I thought u had some rule about no personal attacks.

We also have a rule about using MSN speak. If you want to bring up the rules, you can't cherry pick which ones apply.
I really don't care cause half of your rules make no friggen sense. I really think u get off on being so anal.
bekkamgov said:
I really don't care cause half of your rules make no friggen sense. I really think u get off on being so anal.

Suit yourself.
bekkamgov said:
why do u have to be such a disrespectful idiot all the f***en time. I thought u had some rule about no personal attacks. well u have been doing them to me since I asked my first question. I thought these forums were to find out things about the military. but soon as someone asks a question ya got to insult them right. cause u think everyone is stupid but yourself. sorry I'm not in the military and don't no nothing about it. so do speak to me like I'm stupid..
bekkamgov said:
I really don't care cause half of your rules make no friggen sense. I really think u get off on being so anal.

Welcome to the Warning Ladder.

Milnet.ca Staff
Okay - everybody back into their corners and cool off.

Bekkamgov - Proper English (or French) is a rule here.

PM inbound.
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