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TF 3-08 Information... Anyone?

i tell ya hardcore complaining when i was just nearly stating the facts and saying to someone who thinks there doing convoys that you probably won't be when i signed up i was supose to be doing convoy's and look now, and don't talk to me complaining about my job until you've done the job
RedHaze said:
... don't talk to me complaining about my job until you've done the job

Many of the members of Army.ca HAVE "done the job" RedHaze - and some of us more than two or three times.

How Shakespearean - -

"....a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
and then is heard no more: it is a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing."

Complainers rule out happiness, mentioning it only as something lost.

Mason Cooley
RedHaze said:
i tell ya hardcore complaining when i was just nearly stating the facts and saying to someone who thinks there doing convoys that you probably won't be when i signed up i was suppose to be doing convoy's and look now, and don't talk to me complaining about my job until you've done the job

So basically, you are saying you signed up for something fun and exciting, but got moved to D+S. I see that higher found something that was suitable for you. The on-going promise is that every soldier that is deemed deployable will deploy, however not always in his/her first choice of role.

There are many factors that may have relegated you to a life of damnation of D+S, I wont start trying to guess what they could have been.
Put some time in, then b|tch about it.
RedHaze said:
i tell ya hardcore complaining when i was just nearly stating the facts and saying to someone who thinks there doing convoys that you probably won't be when i signed up i was supose to be doing convoy's and look now, and don't talk to me complaining about my job until you've done the job

Suck it up -- a lot of people have walked a lot longer in those shoes than you. 
You go where the CF needs you -- my guess is your not LAV qual'd and thus have been relegated to a spot where you can be better employed...
  Want a sexier job -- tryout for a cooler unit
I hope this is a valid reason to bring up a fairly old thread, although I'm fairly certain if I  create a new thread I'll be told to use the search function  ;D

Anyway I've heard things from people I know in units all over LFCA as to the status of TF 03-08. I've heard from one unit that they have cancelled stream 1 and the rest are good to go, I've heard from my own unit that they've cancelled streams 1 AND 2 and I've heard from people in other units that all streams are still good to go with people getting loaded on and getting dates and going up to Pet.

From my own unit they said that they cancelled streams 1 and 2 so that there wouldn't be a shortage of instructors for the summer training.

Does anyone have confirmation as everytime I try to get confirmation I get a different answer on a unit to unit basis and through each unit's Ops. Even from my own Ops I get a different answer every time.

I can tell you what i know from the infantry side of things.

Stream 1 is limited to 18 Cpl/Pte from each CBG in LFCA who will augment 3RCR as riflemen.

Initaly the start date was 1 Apr 07. It is now a May start date although the pers from 32 CBG who put in for Stream 1 (Cpl/Pte) are now on local class B, the Dep Comd of 32 CBG told me it was due to a issue that arose from Treasury Board the Stream one did not leave in Apr, so I assume that 32 CBG is picking up the tab for the new influx of  Class B.

Stream 2 is Sept as far as i know, I'm on It so i hope its Sept.  :threat:

As for it being cancelled over instructor shortages, I'd say no, not from the sake of the infantry at least, as there are no MCpl (or higher) involved.

Might be different in other trades thou... can't speak to that...

I missed out on TF 1-07 because of HighSchool and I want to know if members from LFAA can get on TF 3-08? If anyone knows that there is even a remote chance, PM me please.
There is almost always a "remote chance" of getting on a TF.

You must realize that there are many factors involved in that happening though.  Your Trade.  Ability of the Tasked Units/Area to fill the Brick.  Special qualifications required.  Do you have any 'Special' qualifications.  There are always openings that will have to be filled by going outside of the tasked Area, so keep your ear to the ground, and your fingers crossed.
I'm not a pro on the TF numbering, but arent the "07" TF's the contingency ones?

Word from 32 CBG COMD / BSM was that at first 1-08 needed only a few people from LFCA (like 5) and as it stands has taken somthing like 200 pers from LFCA.

The possiblity is always there, as George said.

However with LFCA having the greatest number of pers, it might be harder to get onto an "LFCA Tour" then one drawing from the other areas ie, LFAA or LFWA.

Desert Fox said:
I'm not a pro on the TF numbering, but arent the "07" TF's the contingency ones?

No.  The 07 ones are commited for 2007.

The odd numbered ones are being stood up to fill a specific deployment (currently TF Afghanistan), while the even ones are "contingency" TFs, should the government of the day assign additional missions or the odd ones suddenly require additional pers and resources.

Desert Fox said:
Word from 32 CBG COMD / BSM was that at first 1-08 needed only a few people from LFCA (like 5) and as it stands has taken somthing like 200 pers from LFCA.

Some trades are more stressed then others.  It's those trades that will be sourced nationally, including from LFCA.

PMT, thanks for clearing that up... My heart was in the right place on the TF # issue. :D

Sadly my head was up my a$$  ;D

As for national sourcing for some trades goes, I dont dispute that at all. 

However in the context of the question asked by Caleix (031 Res Pte with no 'specialty' trg from LFAA trying to get on 3-08). I am saying it is likely that  LFCA has a surplus of those (Res 031 Pte), thus making it harder for him an "Outsider" to get onto an LFCA sourced TF.  However, that being said, its not impossible to get on to an out of area TF, using the exponental growth of the LFCA contribution to TF 1-08 as an example for what could happen (of course I don't know what trade those 200 or so from LFAC were). But ultimatly based on the size of LFCA Res F (sheer numbers) chances are LFCA is the most able to fill its Res slots when compared to the other areas.
