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TF 3-08 Information... Anyone?

Desert Fox

Jr. Member
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I've heard bits and peices through my chain of command, and some more here and there floating about, none of which I will post here... Does anyone have any solid (probably still preliminary) information regarding TF 3-08, and in particular info regarding Reserve Force pers. I realize I may be asking this is still a tad early, but someone out there knows somthing... right????????

To the other info seekers out there. I've found this website and as it stands now it really offers nothing. However, it might be somthing to check from time to time in the future http://www.jtfc-lfca.forces.gc.ca/lfca/jtfc/TF-3-08.asp

PLans are still evolving; the requiremetns for Reserve augmentation are still being defined and refined.  Timelines, training requiremtns, and all that good stuff are being developed, and will be promulgated through the chain of comand when they are known - and probably be promulgated (unofficially) through Army.CA a week before that  ;)
Wait for it, officially. We're not going to start speculating.....again........every time they announce a Roto.

OK. Things are starting to happen. Post only what is know to be fact. No rumour or speculation, which will be deleted without warning. Be advised, you'll probably have to prove what your saying also, so present your corroboration with your post.
For those who may be part of 32 CBG, you might be interested in the following...

32 CBG will be providing 2 platoons of infantry

one taken from the following units, 48th Highlanders, Lorne Scots, Grey and Simcoe Foresters

and the other drawn from the Toronto Scottish, Queen Own Rifles, and the Royal Regiment.

QYR / GGHG will be providing a troop for convoy escort...

I do not know what else is being drawn from 32 CBG, but im sure there is more then just this, as LFCA is looking for several hundards....
Desert Fox said:
For those who may be part of 32 CBG, you might be interested in the following...

32 CBG will be providing 2 platoons of infantry

one taken from the following units, 48th Highlanders, Lorne Scots, Grey and Simcoe Foresters

and the other drawn from the Toronto Scottish, Queen Own Rifles, and the Royal Regiment.

QYR / GGHG will be providing a troop for convoy escort...

I do not know what else is being drawn from 32 CBG, but im sure there is more then just this, as LFCA is looking for several hundards....

The WngO I've seen specifies one formed platoon from each Bde, plus a formed section, plus individual augmentees. I believe the platoons will be KAF D&S, PRT security, and convoy escort. I don't know what the formed sections will do, though by process of elimination that may mean a full PRes rifle section in ach of the rifle coys; presumably composed of those of us who integrate with the TF no later than Sept, so as to get LAV training.

Other than that, lots of individual augmentees, and they're calling for integration as early as this April for available pers. They're gunning for maximum PRes loading on courses that will give them the same qualifications as the reg force. I suspect the number of PRes outside the wire will be significantly greater than has been seen to date- but with some reservists integrated for between six months to nearly a year before February workup even starts, there's really no difference in experience or training at that point between any PRes members and most RegF Ptes or junior Cpls.
your right on the point of the pte... keep in mind in the regs you get your cpls typically after 4 years... in those four years you've deployled likely twice... but your right thou, the regs have seen huge turn over rates, esp with the creation of new certain unit...

Does anyone know what is planned for "stream one" once they arrive in petawawa in april?
Well I'll tell you, you guys are getting more info than we are (TF 1-08). All I know is that I am to report for Stream2 02 April in Shilo (I think).  Nothing else is coming down the pike. ::)
Ok so heres the deal....
I am an Infantry MCpl in LFCA. I was just told that there are NO positions for MCPL for TF 3-08 on STREAM ONE

I find this out after the army sends me into spin mode over the past week during I started to DAG because some one in NDHQ or LFCAHQ wants Res pers in Petawawa as soon as April for a deployment that is slated for Aug 08....

WTF is going on? 
Anyone have any useful info?
What will stream two be doing?

Sorry if this sounds a bit like a rant, but I am very PO'd right now... Not to mention confused and annoyed... Help... please... thanks!
I hear you buddy, just got told there are no Sgt positions for TF 1-08. All this after we have been told since last Nov (DAG), there will be positions for everyone. I am DAG'd GREEN and ready. Typical army BS again. On top of that, there has been absolutely no info coming into our unit until last week. Or so we've been told. It's not enough, theya re wanting a 16 month commitment. I give that to them, at great expense to myself, beg and plead atwork....for "sorry doesn't look tehre is anything for you..."  That is a rant!
Westie 47:  Look here...

With TF 1-08, my promise is that every soldier who is selected to a CFTPO position and commits to deployment will deploy as long as they pass the training and DAG green. Let me say that again. My promise is that every soldier who is assigned into a TO&E position on CFTPO and who commits to deployment will deploy as long as they pass the training and DAG green.

Pretty clear, no?



These have been up for some time, and you can hardly claim a dearth of information.  Your rant is misplaced and misinformed.
Teddy,  I agree with that. I was referring more to the lower end of the chain, namely  Bde/Unit. Yes we all put our names in for positions in Nov. We had to guive three choices, etc. What I mean is after all that, nothing. A bit frustrating.
Have you both tried contacting your unit's Ops WO or OPs O directly and getting the info straight from the source?

I'm sure that if your names were put through they would have some sort of idea where you sit in CFTPO.

Thats part of the problem, from what I have been told is that the CFTPO has not been created (or somthing to that effect) and that position numbers do not exisit yet. From what I can gather is that they called for volunteers, we answered, some of us putting other things on hold, and are now getting told "oh we dont need you right now, maybe later".

The brigades are trying to make sence of everything still... My units chief clerk called me and told me over the phone as soon as she got the email from brigade which was sent to them just prior from LFCA stating that there are NO Mcpl positions for stream one. Based on this I dont think Ops would have anything different. None the less i've contacted Ops to figure out whats next.... ::) >:( ???

In terms of the utility and accuracy of the information on the TF 1-08 website I must disagree with you to a certain degree. Going off the initial dates passed down the chain to us, and the information on the website I signed up for stream 1, and as a result of being a university student, planned on a 15-May-07 report date (exactly as per the info on the website). Subsequently we have been informed by our chain that as a result of the proposed trg schedule those reservists that are augmenting the battalion need to report in on 02-April-08, no exceptions. After going back and forth with between my chain and Battalion/CMBG/LFWA (?) it has finally come down (still not 100% confirmed) that we can report in sometime between 16-23 April 07. So despite having IBTS 1 complete, having returned recently from TF 1-06, and what the website states, I am still being forced to wrestle with my university to have exams differed. Obviously there is a disconnect in information somewhere.
for the reservists wanting to go on the next roto be weary of your job, if they say force protection or d/s or rcg you will probably have to work the gate for 3 months or more while your there, so the sound of convoys seems great, which  falls under force protection but it will probably mean doing gate duty as well.
RedHaze said:
for the reservists wanting to go on the next roto be weary of your job, if they say force protection or d/s or rcg you will probably have to work the gate for 3 months or more while your there, so the sound of convoys seems great, which  falls under force protection but it will probably mean doing gate duty as well.

And you are saying this based off of what?
on the fact that the job sucks and if you don't like searching 1500+ people a day then it would be a good thing to reconsider the job  :P just providing fair warning
RedHaze said:
on the fact that the job sucks and if you don't like searching 1500+ people a day then it would be a good thing to reconsider the job  :P just providing fair warning

Don't like it? Ask to leave theater. There's an outgoing flight with a seat reserved for you.

I'm sure someone on a 10% list will take your spot in a heart beat.

You have a job to do.....quite yer whining, get over the shyte part and remember that it's important.


Recce, thank you...  *shakes head*

Red Haze, the thread is for info on TF03-08 not bitchin and complaining about TF whatever you were on (not ment as insult to the TF by anymeans). Some jobs have a higher glam factor then others, but guess what, I know that, most people know that, so frankly go bitch about it some where else.


Red Haze was gone before you posted. He joined us on the 8th, posted his little drive by smear at 21:30 yesterday and signed off. Not worth getting upset about. Some people are never satisfied.