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TF 206

The Dude

Fallen Comrade
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Hi Long time listener 1st time caller...

Has anyone heard anything if tf 206 is going to do anything or at least anything planned for them?  I ask cuz a bunch of Westies signed up for 207 and they figure that where 206 goes gives them an idea of what will happen to them.  It seems logical to cite precedent but hey this is the army

Any thoughts
TF 2-06 will be deployed to Kandahar with the bulk of the Task Force being located at the Airfield & Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City.  Yes, it would seem very likely that TF 2-07 will also be located there as well.
TF 2-06 will be deployed to Kandahar with the bulk of the Task Force being located at the Airfield & Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City.  Yes, it would seem very likely that TF 2-07 will also be located there as well

Perhaps a glimmer of hope :)
I was under the impression that the even numbered TFs (ie. 2-06, 2-07, 4-06, etc.) were designated as the secondary TFs and would not be deploying to A-Stan, but to a possible 'secondary theatre'.

Am I wrong in this impression?
Are the even numbered TFs also deploying to A-Stan now?
where do you get your info that 0206 is headed for Afghanistan?
Have a Cap'n in my office who is one of the TF's staff weenies and neither he nor his mates know anything more about it being deployed... but they are all on Class C till further notice.

Suggested places for 0206 to go have been Haiti, Ivory Coast or Afghanistan.

I know that LFQA HQ has chosen to employ many of the 0206 reservists in the new positions created since Canada.com has been stood up.
Had it in our O Group today that TF2 06 is still only on standby and that no Op has been assigned. If it has....my Cpl who is tasked to TF2 06...has yet to be informed and neither has her Chain of Command.
The "2 and 4" Task Forces have no mission yet.  Only the first line of operations is a go and we all know it is to Afghanistan.  The second line has a notice to move timeline which is over 30 days and no specified theatre of operations, so that should tell you something.  Speculation is great, but right now we are in an election so don't expect a decision on the second line until our political masters are back into the fray.
Geo - My bad on that one.  I was referring to Op Archer Roto 2 deploying to Kandahar this coming August, got mixed up with the TF numbers - apologize for the error.

I would guess A-Stan and 2-07 to somewhere in Africa.....the Sudan perhaps.
All speculation Blueboy
in the end the TF may not be sent anywhere.
There is some comfort to having a force in the field and one in hand for emergencies... a little like having the ACE force of yore...
There are tons of places that need help but I figure that a new gov't will take a little while to sit & look round to figure out how best to use it's resources.
Anybody heard anything WRT a deployment to Haiti in '07?  I had heard of another "possible" deployment there in '07 but don't understand the ins and outs about it.  Mind you, I've been hearing about the Sudan for the past 3 years so............
The thing about Haiti is that the South Americans are trying to establish a sort of "sphere of influence" and stand up to the US.
Financed by Venezuela, Brazil (and possibly Columbia drug $), Haiti just happens to be where they want to be & a rallying point. All in all - they don't want us (Can) there. After the Haiti mission commander had his retirement from mission, the Canadian Chief of Staff fired off a message home asking for our participation (a la Dallaire) - but that would require the UN & South American to ask for us.... and I don't think that will happen...
A lot of hotspots in the world - many places for us to "visit" if our masters will it.
Ah! Well, at least your answer holds some useful substance rather than the typical "I heard from........."

Thanks for the info
Just as a frame of reference, how long before some of the other 'stand by' TF's stood to did they get the word on what their tasking would be? Or is it just one of those things where 'when it happens, it happens'?
definitively a when it happens, it happens.
The CDS & the CF wanted a force on stand by to deploy... and TF0206 is one of em... till they are replaced by TF0406, TF0207, TF0407, etc........